XGEN 2024 - International Conference of Scientific Communications

Aula (Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)


Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
Adrian Petrovan (Universitas Foundation), Andrei Horvat-Marc (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca), Corina Pop-Sitar (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Cosmin Sabo (Universitas Foundation)


The conference is available live on the Facebook page of the conference:


XGEN is a concept dedicated to the next generation (neXt GENeration) around which works an enthusiastic group of teachers, students, representatives of the economic environment, and local authorities who want to provide opportunities for a better life for the next generation.

This is the seventh edition of the XGEN International Conference on Science Communications.
The format of abstract and paper format it is available below.

From the papers presented at the conference, those that meet the quality standards of the Open Journal of Students Research (https://www.opacj.org) will be selected for publication in a special issue of the XGEN Conference.

Coordinating teaching staff can become referents within the conference, respectively, at the Open Journal of Students Research.

By registering for this event, you agree to make video and audio materials that may include you and to be published online. You also agree that materials submitted for the XGEN Conference may be posted on the conference website, in the OPACJ journal, or distributed online. 

!!! ATTENTION !!! 

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To submit your contribution you must have an account. Please access the following link (https://events.universitas.ro/register/?next=/event/4/). The Registration section below only confirms a follower's participation (onsite or online).

XGEN Sections: 
- Computer Science 
- Economic sciences 
- Biology 
- Chemistry, Food chemistry, and engineering 
- Engineering Sciences 
- Mathematics 
- Medical Informatics
- Teaching and social sciences

Teachers - Multidisciplinary Insights 
- MI - Pedagogical & Multidisciplinary Insights

- Hacks - AI 2024. Register HERE. Please fill the Call for Abstracts by entering in the Content field the message HACKATHON PARTICIPATION and in the Title field your TEAMNAME.

- COSA - Collaborative Framework for Smart Agriculture 
- EcoUrb – Biodiversity and Urban Ecology

XGEN registration
    • 12:00 PM 2:00 PM
      Conference opening Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
      • 12:00 PM
        Cosmin Sabo 10m


      • 12:10 PM
        Pop Mihai Cosmin 10m

        Profesor Pop Mihai Cosmin
        Inspector Școlar General

      • 12:20 PM
        Daniel Mic 10m

        Colonel dr.ing. Daniel Mic, șeful Direcției Județene de Telecomunicații Speciale Maramureș

        Speaker: Mr Daniel Mic (Direcția Județeană de Telecomunicații Speciale Maramureș)
      • 12:30 PM
        Constantin Ilea 5m

        Comisar de poliție Constantin ILEA - Șeful Inspectoratului de Poliție al Județului Maramureș

        Speaker: Mr Constantin Ilea (Șeful Inspectoratului de Poliție al Județului Maramureș)
      • 12:35 PM
        Gabriel Cotețiu 5m

        Inspector de poliție Gabriel Cotețiu - Ofițer de Prevenire a Criminalității

        Speaker: Mr Gabriel Cotețiu (Inspectoratului de Poliție al Județului Maramureș)
      • 12:40 PM
        Ariana-Anamaria Cordoș 10m

        Ariana-Anamaria Cordoș, Vicepreședinte a Societății Române de Informatică Medicală

        Speaker: Ariana Cordos (Romanian Society of Medical Informatics)
      • 12:50 PM
        Monica Marian 5m

        Conf.univ.dr. Monica MARIAN - Decan

        Speaker: Ms Monica Marian (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
      • 12:55 PM
        Dinu Darabă 10m
      • 1:05 PM
        Mircea Fărcaș 10m
        Speaker: Mircea Fărcaș (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
      • 1:15 PM
        Călin Buciuta 10m
      • 1:25 PM
        Walter Übelhar 15m
        Speaker: Walter Übelhar
      • 1:40 PM
        Cristian Foral 10m
    • 2:00 PM 8:00 PM
      Chemistry Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
      • 2:00 PM
        The chemical profile and the importance of lavander essential oil in medicine. 15m

        Se prezinta profilul chimic, utilizari in medicina, metode de autentificare a uleiurilor de lavanda

        Speaker: Ms Alina Demian (Universitatea Tehnica Cluj-Napoca Centrul Universitar Nord)
      • 2:15 PM
        Contribuția femeilor în chimie 15m

        Ce ar fi fost chimia fără femei?
        Marie Curie, Raluca Ripan, Emanuelle Charpentier, Virginia Apgar, Stephanie Kwolek, sunt doar câteva dintre femeile care au marcat istoria chimiei prin cercetările și descoperirile lor.

        Speaker: Mrs Florentina Cîndea (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca - Centru Universitar Nord Baia Mare)
      • 2:30 PM
        Analiza fizico-chimică și activitatea antimicrobiană a dezinfectanților 15m


        Dezinfectanții sunt substanțe antimicrobiene care pot distruge toți agenții patogeni de pe suprafețe, materiale sau materii vii. Eficiența dezinfectării/ sterilizării depinde de modul de aplicare, durata de acțiune și concentrația utilizată. Pentru a evalua eficacitatea acestora, substanțele dezinfectante pot fi analizate din punct de vedere fizico-chimic folosind diferite metode. Cromatografia de lichide de înaltă performanță (HPLC) este una dintre tehnicile des utilizate în acest domeniu.

        Scopul acestui studiu este de a pregăti și ulterior de a determina proprietățile fizico-chimice și antimicrobiene ale dezinfectanților. Au fost preparate două soluții dezinfectante cu concentrații diferite ale principiului activ, clorhexidina digluconat, și a unui agent calmant numit lidocaină.

        Pentru evaluarea parametrilor de dozare și a substanțelor chimice conexe, au fost utilizate patru metode HPLC. Analizele au demonstrat că parametrii de dozare și substanțele chimice conexe se încadrează între valorile minime și maxime în momentul preparării.

        De asemenea, au fost efectuate studii de stabilitate asupra soluțiilor dezinfectante, dovedindu-se că acestea sunt stabile timp de un an în condiții normale și 6 luni în condiții accelerate.

        Pe toată perioada stabilității activitatea bactericidă corespunde la maxim 5 minute de contact iar activitatea fungicidă corespunde la maxim 15 minute de contact.
        Concentrația propusă a soluțiilor s-a dovedit eficientă în ambele cazuri.

        Speaker: Szmical (cas. Pop) Andrada Daniela (CUNBM Facultatea de Științe, Chimie Medicală III)
      • 2:45 PM
        Kinetics of Absorption in Copper-Crosslinked Hydrogels Based on Raw Whey and Gelatin 15m

        In the course of this research for the development of the paper, hydrogel samples based on raw whey and gelatin were obtained. Plasticization was achieved by adding glycerin, and crosslinking was achieved using copper. To confer antimicrobial properties, metallic copper was generated in situ through a reaction between copper sulfate and ascorbic acid, the latter being used as a reducing agent. The gel samples were created under conditions of excess copper sulfate, necessary for the crosslinking process, with varying concentrations of the reducer. These were poured into silicone molds and dried for 48 hours, then stored in the refrigerator. Absorption tests were conducted using the tea bag method. For this purpose, pieces of hydrogel with surfaces of approximately 5 cm² were inserted into envelopes made from non-woven synthetic material. Before the absorption process, the envelopes were moistened in distilled water, blotted with dry paper, and weighed. The degree of absorption was calculated based on the increase in mass of the hydrogels over a period of 96 hours. Measurements were initially made every 5 minutes, then every 15 minutes, and towards the end of the process, once every 24 hours. Fick's and Schott's equations were applied to analyze the kinetics of absorption. The results show that initially, water absorption followed Fick's model, but over the entire duration of the process, the absorption adhered to Schott's model. The stability of the hydrogels was investigated by repeating the absorption process four times, with the samples being air-dried for three days between cycles. Repeated tests have shown that the hydrogels are stable for at least four successive cycles of absorption.

        Speaker: Felicia Minteuan (Technical Univesrity of Cluj-Napoca)
      • 3:00 PM
        Compoziție chimică a compușilor volatili și profilul de aromă a scorțișoarei 15m

        Lucrarea va prezenta in mare parte date despre starea naturala a scortisoarei, utilizarea in industria alimentara, metode de obtinere si caracterizare. Partea experimentala s-au identificat prin cromatografia de gaze cuplat cu MS, compusii volatili din componenta scortisoarei, iar in urma documentarii din literatura s-au alocat clasele de compusi si aromele pentru fiecare compus volatil si se realizeaza prelucrarea statistica a datelor.

        Speaker: Ms Andreea Hotea (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare, Facultatea de Stiinte, Chimie Medicala II)
      • 3:15 PM
        Sinteza, caracterizarea, proprietățile și utililizările limonenului 15m

        Lucrarea urmărește metodele de obținere și sinteză a limonenului, starea naturală a limonenului,sintezele de obținere a limonenului, reacții de obținere a altor compuși pornind de la limonen și utilizările limonenului ca substanță volatilă, ulei esențial, cu aplicații în industria alimentară și medicină.

        Speaker: Tibil Carmen Maria (0771384873)
      • 3:30 PM

        Termenul de “cancer” a ajuns să fie din ce în ce mai cunoscut în rândul oamenilor și ajunge să stârnească frică în majoritatea cazurilor. Leucemia reprezintă forma de cancer al sângelui-fundamentul organismului. Oamenii tind să creadă că în momentul în care aceștia suferă de leucemie, pentru ei nu mai există nicio șansă de salvare, ci doar metode care să amelioreze simptomele și efectele adverse, dar oare să fie așa? Cercetări recente au demonstrat că nanoparticulele de aur și argint pot fi folosite pentru prevenirea și chiar tratarea formelor de leucemie. Dar ce sunt aceste nanoparticule, unde se găsesc și mai important , cum pot ajuta la prevenirea și tratarea acestei "tulpini" aparținătoare "bolii secolului"?

        The term “cancer” has become very known among the people and it brings fear in people’s hearts in most of the cases. Leukemia is the form of blood cancer, blood being the fundament of the organism. People tend to believe that as soon as they have been diagnosticated with leukemia, they have no chance to be saved and that there are only methods that can ameliorate the symptoms and the adverse effects, but is it that way? Recent researches have shown that gold and silver nanoparticles can be used as anticancer agents and even to treat some forms of leukemia. But what are these nanoparticles, where can they be found and the most important, how can they help to prevent and treat this form of “disease of the century”?

        Speaker: Ms Melisa Claudia Boje (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare, Fcultatea de Stiinte, Chimie medicala II)
      • 3:45 PM
        Obținerea, caracterizarea și utilizările aspirinei 15m

        Lucrarea va prezenta în prima parte metodele de obținere și caracterizarea aspirinei. De asemenea se vor caracteriza și precursorii aspirinei. În ultima parte se vor prezenta utilizările aspirinei.

        Speaker: Ms Anamaria-Magdalena Savolszki-Madaras (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj Napoca- Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare, Facultatea de Științe, Chimie medicala II)
      • 4:00 PM
        Efectul metamfetaminei asupra corpului uman. 15m

        În zilele noastre, drogurile au ajuns să fie din ce în ce mai cunoscute și mai accesibile. Astfel, am hotărât să vorbesc despre metamfetamină, despre cum se produce aceasta și cum afectează ea corpul,atât în cazul consumatorilor cat și în cazul fătului sau nou-născutului.

        Speaker: Sima Valentina (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare)
      • 4:15 PM

        Following the study carried out in the town of Zlatna, Alba county, regarding the sources of pollution and environmental polluting agents, during the research and determinations in the laboratory regarding the quality of water and soil, and from the field for the quality of air and noise, we learned the following conclusions :
        The water quality investigation following the analyzes carried out in the 5 areas: upstream Ampoi River, Valea Mare tributary, Valea Morilor tributary, downstream Ampoi River, Fenesel tributary, from where I took samples, I can conclude the following: the pH was within normal limits at 4 of the 5 analyzed waters, falling between the values ​​of 7.1-7.4, but the sample from the upstream of the Ampoi river had a pH of 7.7. Conductivity was according to STAS with values ​​between 490-709 µS/cm. Turbidity was within normal limits, NO3 and NO2 were also within water quality standards, as was dissolved O2. Regarding the hardness it can be said that all the analyzed water samples are within the parameters.
        The air quality investigation was carried out by measuring CO2 and SO2 using the Spark Lx Datalogger, and the values ​​obtained are normal and within the air quality standards.
        The investigation of the noise sources were determined with the PeakTech 5035 digital sound level meter in three areas within the radius of the town, the highest value is due to the car traffic on the national road that crosses the town, but the values ​​obtained fall within the noise quality parameters in the towns .
        Following the analyzes in the laboratory (water, soil) and in the field (air, noise), after processing the data it can be said that all the parameters analyzed regarding the possible sources of pollution in the city of Zlatna are within the parameters and the study area does not fall within the category of areas subject to different environmental pollution factors.

        Speaker: Ms Rusu Roxana
      • 4:30 PM
        Study on the quality of water sources in the town of Sugag, Alba county 15m

        Presentation of the results of physico-chemical analyses, including pH, dissolved oxygen levels, nutrient concentrations (such as nitrogen and phosphorus) and the presence of hazardous chemicals in the town of Sugag, Alba County. Comparing the results of the analyzes with the water quality standards established by the sanitary or environmental authorities to assess the degree of potability of the water. Proposing measures or strategies to improve water quality in the locality, including continuous monitoring, water treatment and community involvement in protecting and conserving water sources.

        Speaker: Mr Claudia Căta
      • 4:45 PM
        Contribuția terpenelor în profilul de aromă ale sortimentelor de piper 15m

        Lucrarea urmărește prezentarea a cinci sortimente de piper (roz,roșu,negru,alb,verde).Clasele de piper conțin ca substante volatile aromatizante terpene(monoterpene și sesquiterpene).În lucrare sunt prezentate cei mai importanți compuși terpenici.Din punct de vedere ale metodelor de obținere,proprietăți fizico -chimice și utilizări aromatice.În lucrare se încearcă găsirea unor corelări între compuși terpenici și culoarea piperului.În finalul lucrări se trag concuzii și potențiale aplicați.

        Speaker: Ms Iulia-Alexandra Codreanu
      • 5:00 PM
        Matrici pe bază de alcool polivinilic modificat cu gelatină cu potențiale aplicații în domeniul medical 15m

        Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a evalua influența conținutului de gelatină asupra carcateristicelor filmelor pe bază de alcool polivinilic (PVA), și anume în stabilirea morfologiei acestora prin microscopie optică, structura prin spectroscopie în infraroșu (FTIR), capacitatea de reținere a apei, porozitatea, degradabilitatea în vitro în prezența pepsinei și pancreatinei și absorbția materiei organice.
        Obiectivele studiului sunt: dezvoltarea materialelor pe bază de PVA-gelatină, testarea caracteristilor acestora, stabilirea influenței conținutului de gelatină asupra caracteristicilor testate.
        Partea aplicativă conține informații despre matricile de PVA-gelatină cu aplicații în domeniul medical, rezultatele obținute și discuții.
        Polimerii biodegradabili au fost utilizați pe scară largă în medicină de mult timp. Polimerii biodegradabili sunt biocompatibili și pot fi utilizați cas materiale medicale, de exemplu, în suturi, materiale de fixare a fracturilor și alte aplicații. PVA este un exemplu de mterial biodegradabil care a fost utilizat în domeniul medical.
        Rezultatele fizico-chimice și biochimice au demonstrat că degradabilitatea în vitro în condiții enzimatice, capacitatea de reținere a apei și capacitatea de absorbție a albuminei cresc odată cu conținutul de gelatină, în timp ce porozitatea variază invers proporțional cu cantitatea de gelatină din matricea PVA.
        În concluzie, comportamentul biochimic al matricelor pe bază de PVA în timpul testelor enzimatice a demonstrat că aceste materiale pot fi ușor degradate de sucul gastric, astfel că sunt potențial candidate pentru încapsularea suplimentelor nutritive.

        Speaker: Butuza Mirela Lavinia
      • 5:15 PM
        Studiul influenței thiocianatului de guanidină asupra conservării parametrilor urinari 15m

        Scopul acestei lucrări este de a monitoriza efectul conservării thiocianatului de guanidină asupra parametrilor urinari.
        Probele de urină au fost colectate și plasate în eprubete, unele conținând agent de conservare, iar altele nu, fiind stocate la temperaturi de 25°C și 4°C pentru a simula diferite condiții de depozitare. Analizele includ examinarea fizică și testarea cu benzi pentru parametri precum leucocite, nitriți, urobilinogen, proteine, pH, eritrocite, densitate, corpi cetonici, bilirubină și glucoză, alături de examinarea microscopică a urinei pentru leucocite și eritrocite. În plus, s-au efectuat analize ale creatininei și proteinelor urinare.
        Rezultatele indică o menținere a nivelurilor parametrilor urinari în eprubetele cu conservant, în comparație cu cele fără conservant, sugerând eficacitatea thiocianatului de guanidină în păstrarea integrității și stabilității probelor. Parametrii urinari, cum ar fi creatinina și proteinele, au prezentat scăderi mai rapide în eprubetele fără conservant, în timp ce concentrația de glucoză a variat în funcție de condițiile de stocare, fiind influențată de prezența conservantului și de temperatură. Temperaturile de depozitare influențează rata de modificare a parametrilor, cu modificări mai rapide la temperaturi ridicate și mai lente la temperaturi scăzute.
        Comparativ, probele cu thiocianat de guanidină au demonstrat o stabilitate mai mare a parametrilor urinari în ambele condiții de temperatură, în timp ce probele fără conservant au arătat variații semnificative, accentuate la 25°C. Aceste observații contribuie la o înțelegere mai bună a efectului de conservare al thiocianatului de guanidină asupra parametrilor urinari și la evaluarea eficacității sale în diverse condiții de depozitare.

      • 5:30 PM
        Matrici de fosfat modificate cu alcool polivinilic, chitosan și diferiți ioni metalici cu aplicații în domeniul medical 15m

        Studiul a avut ca scop dezvoltarea unor filme de chitosan- alcool polivinilic modificate cu azotat de calciu, zinc și magneziu și evaluarea caracteristicilor acestora, respectiv morfologia prin microscopie optică, structura prin spectroscopie FTIR, capacitatea de reținere a apei, a glucozei și albuminei, porozitatea, biodegradabilitatea indusă în vitro de enzime, precum și capacitatea de reținere a celulelor roșii din sânge.
        Obiectivele studiului sunt: dezvoltarea matricilor; caracterizarea lor din punct de vedere morfologic, structural, al determinării capacității de reținere a apei, porozității, biodegradabilității și absorbției de materie organică; evaluarea potențialului acestuia de a fi utilizate în domeniul medical.
        Partea practică conține informații despre matrici de fosfat modificate cu alcool polivinilic, chitosan și diferiți ioni metalici cu aplicații în domeniul medical, precum și rezultatele și discuțiile studiului.
        Diverse tipuri de polimeri derivați natural (de exemplu, alginat, chitină, chitosan, celuloză, gelatină, mătase, amidon) au fost utilizați în schele concepute pentru aplicații de inginerie a țesutului osos pentru a imita colagenul de tip I. Unul dintre cei mai larg studiați biopolimeri este chitosanul. Chitosanul singur nu este osteoinductiv și necesită combinație cu o fază anorganică bioactivă pentru a modula diferențierea celulelor stem către un fenotip osteoblast.
        Rezultatele au arătat că pelicula care conține Zn 2+ are cea mai mare capacitate de reținere a apei (cu 50% mai mare decât cea a chitosan-alcool polivinilic), că prezența ionilor metalici reduce porozitatea materialului (cu ~ 19% decât cea a chitosanului- alcool polivinilic) și nu influențează semnificativ gradul de degradare enzimatică. Filmul care conține toți cei trei ioni metalici a prezentat cea mai mare capacitate de absorbție a glucozei (46% decât cea a chitosan-polialcoolului vinilic), dar a dat rezultate mai puțin satisfăcătoare în ceea ce privește capacitatea de absorbție a albuminei în comparație cu filmul de chitosan-polivinil alcool nemodificat.
        Concluzia este că pelicula de chitosan-polivinil alcool modificat cu Zn 2+ este cea mai bună în ceea ce privește retenția de apă, globulele roșii și adsorbția glucozei, astfel că poate fi un posibil candidat pentru aplicații medicale.

        Speaker: Danciu Mihaela
      • 5:45 PM
        Influența conținutului de amidon asupra morfo-structurii și proprietăților peliculelor pe bază de alcool polivinilic modificat 15m

        Scopul acestui studiu a fost să obțină și să caracterizeze pelicule realizate din alcool polivinilic și amidon, explorând influența conținutului de amidon asupra proprietăților fizico-chimice și morfostructurale ale acestor pelicule. Obiectivele au inclus obținerea peliculelor, caracterizarea morfologiei acestora prin microscopie optică, analiza structurii prin spectroscopie în infraroșu și evaluarea proprietăților cum ar fi capacitatea de reținere a apei, porozitatea, biodegradabilitatea în mediul enzimatic, absorbția de glucoză, absorbția de albumină și fixarea hematiilor.
        Partea aplicativă a studiului a fost dedicată procesului de pregătire și caracterizare a peliculelor, folosind amidon și alcool polivinilic modificat ca materiale de bază. Această secțiune abordează în detaliu etapele de preparare a peliculelor și a investigat caracteristicile lor fizico-chimice și morfostructurale. Astfel am examinat metodele de obținere a peliculelor, inclusiv procesele de amestecare și formare a acestora.
        Testele realizate au evidențiat că peliculele pe bază de amidon și alcool polivinilic modificat au o morfologie și structură adecvată, pot reține apă și prezintă o porozitate controlată. De asemenea, au demonstrat o biodegradabilitate promițătoare în medii enzimatice și capacitatea de a absorbi glucoză și albumină, precum și de a fixa hematiile. Aceste caracteristici sugerează un potențial considerabil pentru utilizarea lor în ambalarea alimentelor, în medicină și în industria farmaceutică.

      • 6:00 PM
        Analiza fizico-chimică a paracetamolului, substanță activă din produsele farmaceutice prin metoda HPLC 15m

        Paracetamolul, cunoscut și sub numele de acetaminofen, este un medicament utilizat frecvent pentru ameliorarea durerii și reducerea febrei. Este unul dintre cele mai comune analgezice și antipiretice, fiind adesea preferat datorită eficacității sale și a profilului de siguranță favorabil atunci când este utilizat corect. Acesta face parte din grupa terapeutică a anilidelor și este disponibil în diverse forme farmaceutice, inclusiv: comprimate, capsule, soluții orale, supozitoare și forme injectabile.
        Pentru a facilita administrarea acestor principii active, ele au fost formulate sub formă de soluții orale, această prezentare asigură o absorbție rapidă și este mai ușor de utilizat, în special pentru copii și persoanele care au dificultăți în a înghiți comprimate. Unele principii active se dizolvă ca atare și altele cum este paracetamolul se dizolvă la temperaturi mai ridicate.
        Ordinea de adăugare a substanțelor active și a excipienților este foarte important pentru a reduce reacțiile adverse cum ar fi precipitarea sau tulburarea unei soluții.
        Scopul acestei lucrări este de preparare a unei soluții ce are în compoziția sa paracetamol ca substață activă și testarea proprietăților fizico-chimice prin noile metode HPLC.
        Pentru a realiza acest lucru se prepare o soluție de paracetamol și excipienți (conservanți: metil paraben și propil paraben). Pentru determinarea dozării paracetamolului și impuritățiilor s-au folosit metode HPLC. După efectuarea testărilor s-a demonstrat că soluția preparată este în parametrii propuși. În soluția propusă substanța activă paracetamol se dizolvă la aproximativ 80 °C.

        Speaker: Găvră Andreea Iuliana (UTCN,faclutatea de științe,Chimie medicală 3)
      • 6:15 PM
        Metode de preparare, proprietati fizico-chimice și aplicatiile medicale al vitaminei A 15m

        Vitamina A este esențială pentru vedere, creșterea celulelor și sănătatea sistemului imunitar. Este solubilă în grăsimi și se găsește în alimente ca morcovi și ficat.Retinolul ajută la menținerea unei vederi sănătoase, iar beta-carotenul, un antioxidant, se transformă în vitamina A în corp.

        Speaker: Florina Nagy (Universitatea Tehnica Din Cluj Napoca Centrul Universitar de Nord Baia Mare Chimie medicala II)
      • 6:30 PM
        Resveratrol and genistein and their anticancer properties on colon cancer 15m

        Colon cancer remains a leading cause of cancer-related mortality globally, necessitating novel therapeutic strategies. Phytochemicals such as resveratrol and genistein have garnered attention due to their potential anticancer properties, which include modulating cell growth and inducing apoptosis in various cancer models. This study aims to explore the effects of resveratrol and genistein on colon cancer cell lines, specifically focusing on the induced mutational changes and their implications for cancer therapy, using advanced next-generation sequencing (NGS) techniques.
        We selected two colon cancer cell lines (HCT116 and RKO) that differ in their genetic backgrounds and mutational profiles. These cell lines were treated with resveratrol and genistein at various concentrations, individually and in combination, at 24,48 and over a 72-hour. We choose the best IC50 obtained at 24h for both cell lines and both natural compounds.
        Following treatment, comprehensive genomic profiling was conducted using NGS to assess changes in the mutational status of these cell lines. We used the 50 cancer genes panel from Thermo Scientific and the experiments run into the Ion Torrent platform after nucleic acids extraction and quantification and library preparation. Our results showed that each cell line responded uniquely to the treatments, strongly influenced by their initial genetic characteristics. For instance, HCT116 cells, known for their high microsatellite instability (MSI-H), exhibited more significant apoptotic rates and extensive mutational changes, especially when exposed to both phytochemicals simultaneously. This suggests a synergistic interaction that may be pivotal in optimizing therapeutic outcomes.
        The study highlights the critical role of genetic context in determining the responsiveness of colon cancer cells to treatment with natural compounds. Our findings support the potential of resveratrol and genistein as part of a targeted therapy approach, which could be tailored based on the genetic makeup of individual tumors. This personalised approach could enhance the efficacy of treatment modalities and lead to better management of colon cancer, emphasising the need for further clinical studies to validate these findings. The integration of phytochemicals with conventional therapies could potentially shift the paradigm of cancer treatment towards more specific, less toxic, and genetically informed strategies.

        Speaker: Roman Radu
      • 6:45 PM
        Extragerea prin antrenare cu vapori de apa a uleiului de salvie si analiza lui prin metoda FTIR 15m

        Studiul urmareste extractia si analiza FTIR a uleiului si a apei de salvie. Extractia s-a facut prin antrenare cu vapori de apa. Spectrele FTIR obtinute au fost comparate cu date obtinute din literatura de specialitate.

        Speaker: Ms Pacurar Mara (Chimie Medicala)
      • 7:00 PM
        Fluoride Metal Complexes. Synthesis and Structural Analysis. 15m

        Fluoride transitional metal ion complexes have several applications in catalysis, material science, due to their unique properties and reactivity. In this work we present the synthesis and structural analysis of two fluoro-manganese (III) complexes obtained with hydrogen difluoride ion, a special fluorinating agent. The compounds show a combination of strong hydrogen bonds (as provided by hydrogen difluoride ion) and coordinative covalent bonds. Understanding the coordination chemistry of fluoride transition metal complexes helps in elucidating fundamental principles of coordination chemistry and metal-ligand interactions, contributing to the development of new coordination compounds with tailored properties.

        Speaker: Strugurel Stanescu (University of Bucharest, Faculty of Chemistry)
    • 2:00 PM 5:30 PM
      Mathematics A2


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      • 2:00 PM
        Making Stepping Stones from Stumbling Blocks in Automatic Adaptive Quadrature 15m

        The sound numerical solution of a research, high tech engineering, or economics problem involves a four step process: (i) formulation of the underlying mathematical model; (ii) design of an algorithm for solving the mathematical model in a finite number of steps; (iii) a computer code algorithm implementation, enabling floating point computations; (iv) (for expert implementation) optimization of the information flow on the different available hardware architectures (e.g., cache-based
        memory hierarchy, distributed memory access, GPU accelerators).
        The present lecture illustrates this four step process for the numerical solution of the Riemann integrals by automatic adaptive quadrature (AAQ), which was promoted by the rich, half century, accumulated empirical evidence as the most performant numerical method devoted to this aim.

        Speakers: Gheorghe Adam (Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering), Sanda Adam (Horia Hulubei National Institute for R&D in Physics and Nuclear Engineering)
      • 2:15 PM
        Weak snd Strong Convergence Theorems for Krasnoselskii Iterative algorithm in the class of enriched strictly pseudocontractive and enriched nonexpansive operators in Hilbert Spaces 15m

        In this paper, we present some results about
        the aproximation of fixed points of enriched strictly
        pseudocontractive and enriched nonexpansive op-
        erators. There are numerous works in this regard
        (for example [9], [10], [11] [14], [16], [35] and ref-
        erences to them). Of course, the bibliografical ref-
        erences are extensive and they are mentioned at
        the end of this paper. In order to approximate
        the fixed points of enriched strictly pseudocontrac-
        tive and enriched nonexpansive mappings, we use
        the Krasnoselskii iterative algorithm for which we
        prove weak and strong convergence theorems.
        Also, in this paper, we make a comparative study
        about some classical convergence theorems from
        the literature in the class of enriched strictly pseu-
        docontractive and enriched nonexpansive mappings.

        Speaker: Liviu Ignat Socaciu (UTCN)
      • 2:30 PM
        Fixed Point Theorems in Rectangular b-Metric Space Endowed with a Partial Order 15m

        In this article, we establish a fixed-point theorem in the setting
        of complete rectangular b-metric spaces endowed with a
        partial order. We note that several consequences can be
        obtained from the main result.

        Speaker: Mariana Cufoian (UTCN)
      • 2:45 PM
        Wind turbine power variations can be compensated 15m

        Abstract: - In this paper it is demonstrated that a wind turbine, WT, which is operating at maximum power point, MPP, at significantly varying wind speeds large variations in the power injected into the grid occur. These power variations can be compensated if the wind system has storage facilities for captured wind energy. This experimental data from a 2.5 [MW] WT in operation in the Dobrogea area are processed.

        Speaker: Mr Emil-Radu Edu (Polytechnics University of Timisoara)
      • 3:00 PM
        Nonuniform h-dichotomy with strong invariant projections for discrete time systems in Banach spaces 15m

        Abstract: The paper presents some characterizations for two concepts of nonuniform dichotomy with growth rates of discrete-time systems in Banach spaces.

        Speaker: Ms Carmen Florinela Popa (Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara)
      • 3:15 PM
        On uniform strong h-dichotomy with strongly invariant family of projectors for skew-evolution cocycles 15m

        The aim of this paper is to give integral characterizations for uniform dichotomy with differentiable growth rates of skew-evolution cocycles in Banach spaces.

        Speaker: Ms Ariana Gaina (West University of Timisoara, Faculty of Mathematics and Computer Science)
      • 3:30 PM
        Numbers in the sky 15m

        Pythagoras said "The world is run by numbers.". How right he was! In the present work, I intend to present you a branch of mathematics that is a little more abstract: astronomy. I will try to capture some classical problems of astronomy in which some relatively simple notions are used. We will walk through "time", discovering sidereal times, apparent solar times and average solar times. We don't discuss astronomical events every day, but it's such a fascinating and so "mathematical" field that it wouldn't take us light years to finish the subject.

        Speaker: Mr Antonio Mihalca (Colegiul Tehnic „Aurel Vlaicu” Baia Mare)
      • 3:45 PM
        New derivation operators in dual Finsler geometry 15m

        In this paper work I will introduce the dynamical covariant derivative operator on the dual space of a given Finsler space using the idea of Legendre duality between the lagrangian formalism and the hamiltonian formalism. Making use of this new operator introduced I will proof that the solution curve equations and their deviations have an elegant geometrical expression.
        Keywords: Tangent Bundle, Cotangent Bundle, Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, Legendre Duality, Geodesic Spray, Ehresmann Connection, Berwald connection, geodesic, natural lift.

        Speaker: Cosmin Bucataru (Transilvania University of Brasov)
      • 4:00 PM

        The main purpose of this paper is to extend some fixed point results for single valued $b$-enriched nonexpansive mappings to the case of multivalued mappings.

        Speaker: Mr Ioan Trifoi (CUNBM)
      • 4:15 PM
        Study of the eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems under perturbations 15m

        This research paper aims to investigate how the eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems behave when the differential equation or coefficients are subjected to perturbations. Specifically, the study seeks to examine the continuity of eigenvalues concerning these perturbations.

        The research involves theoretical analysis, numerical simulations using Python and MATLAB programming languages, and potential development of new mathematical techniques to characterize the behavior of eigenvalues.

        Speaker: Octavia-Maria Hapenciuc (Transilvania University of Brașov)
      • 4:30 PM
        Integral characterizations for uniform dichotomy in mean with growth rates for reversible stochastic skew-evolution semiflows in Banach spaces 15m

        The main aim of this paper is to give characterizations of Datko type for uniform dichotomy in mean with growth rates concept for reversible stochastic skew-evolution semiflows in Banach spaces. As particular case, we obtain integral characterizations for uniform exponential dichotomy in mean and uniform polynomial dichotomy in mean.
        The obtained results are generalizations of well-known theorems about uniform h-dichotomy of variational systems in deterministic case.

        Speaker: Timea Melinda Szemely Fulop (West University of Timisoara)
      • 4:45 PM
        On some inequalities related to linear and bounded operators 15m

        The starting point of this paper is the central results of the article by Al-Dolat and Jaradat, “A refinement of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality accompanied by new numerical radius upper bounds”. The purpose of this paper was to generalize the results obtained by them and to obtain an improvement of those inequalities. This aspect is concretely presented based on an example. An improvement of the inequality of means was used in the proofs, which led to some better results for inequalities on certain powers of numerical radius of some operators.
        Keywords: linear operator, bounded operator, numerical radius, inner product, norm, inequality

        Speaker: Miruna-Daniela Rosu (Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov)
    • 2:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Medical Informatics: Medical Informatics & Industry A3


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      • 2:00 PM
        DrQuizz Medical Webapp 15m

        I have chosen to develop a web application that allows users to take three health tests - a vision test, a color blindness test, and a hearing test - from the comfort of their own homes in order to simplify access to crucial information about their health.

        The purpose of this project is to provide a convenient and accessible way for people to assess these essential aspects of their health in a non-invasive manner. With the help of this application, users can check their visual acuity, color discrimination ability, and hearing acuity, thereby contributing to awareness and monitoring of their health in an efficient and convenient way. In this way, we hope to improve the quality of life and the overall health of our users by offering them a useful tool for self-assessment and identifying potential health issues.

        The project involves the development of an interactive and user-friendly web application that offers users three types of health tests, each addressing a specific aspect of human health.
        The vision test evaluates users' visual acuity by displaying numbers on the screen, which they must resolve in a dynamic and intuitive interface. This provides them with insight into the quality of their vision.

        The color blindness test identifies possible color discrimination deficiencies by displaying images specially designed for this purpose. Each image contains a number from one to nine, and the user must select the number they see in the interface.
        The hearing test assesses auditory acuity. Users need to listen to sounds of different frequencies with headphones and then mark "yes" if they heard the sound or "no" if they did not.
        The test results are saved in a database and presented in an easily understandable format through a table and a graph.
        This application represents an innovative solution for self-assessment and health awareness and is aimed at individuals interested in their health status and those who want to continuously monitor their basic health parameters.

        Therefore, the project focuses on promoting health and well-being through a modern and user-friendly application, offering users the opportunity to check and monitor their health in a convenient and informative way.

        Speaker: Nagy Lenard (Computer Science)
      • 2:15 PM
        Sculptify – A Comprehensive Meal and Exercise Planning Application for Personalized Health Management 15m

        Sculptify is a web application that simplifies the integration of healthy habits into everyday life. Tailored to a broad spectrum of users, from novices to experienced individuals, it provides customized training programs and meal plans. Whether opting for predefined modules, seeking expert guidance, or crafting a personalized regimen, Sculptify offers a versatile solution to personal wellness.

        The motivation behind Sculptify is to clarify the often confusing health and fitness landscape, which is riddled with contradictory advice. By creating a user-friendly platform that makes diet and exercise accessible, Sculptify helps users navigate their health journeys with clarity and confidence. It aims to eliminate the intimidation and misinformation that often accompany the first steps towards a healthier lifestyle.

        Functionally, Sculptify not only aids individual users in adopting and maintaining healthy habits but also acts as a robust client management system for nutritionists and trainers. This dual functionality facilitates a dynamic interaction between professionals and their clients, enhancing the delivery of personalized health strategies. With Sculptify, users gain the necessary knowledge and tools for a sustainable and informed approach to health and wellness.

        Speaker: Miriam Romaniuc
      • 2:30 PM
        GymEnhancerQR 15m


        "GymEnhancerQR" transforms non-smart fitness equipment into intelligent solutions by employing advanced sensors to monitor athletic performance. This technology enables users to track repetitions, the duration of each repetition, and provides personalized exercise suggestions through the scanning of QR codes associated with each piece of equipment. The user-friendly interface, built on React, enhances user interaction with the equipment, offering immediate access to performance data and customized recommendations tailored to individual needs. The robust backend, developed using Python and Django, ensures efficient processing and data security. "SmartGymQR" not only facilitates more efficient and personalized training but also strengthens the management of personal and financial data through advanced security technologies.

        Keywords: fitness monitoring, smart equipment, personalized training, React, Python, Django, QR codes, Evelink technology, performance sensors.

        Speaker: Flaviu Trif (Facultatea de Stiinte - Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare)
      • 2:45 PM
        Digital literacy among doctors in Chișinau, Moldova. A pathway to tailored educational programs 15m

        Background: As healthcare increasingly integrates digital technologies, it is crucial to ensure that medical professionals possess robust digital competencies to maximize the benefits of these technologies. Mastering fundamental digital skills is essential before engaging with more complex digital health technologies.

        Aim: This study aims to assess the general digital competencies of doctors in Chișinău, Moldova, and to identify specific areas needing improvement, thereby providing a foundation for tailored educational programs.

        Materials and Methods: In April 2024, data were collected using the My DigiSkills tool, a self-assessment online questionnaire developed under the European Commission's DigCompSAT project by ALL DIGITAL. This cross-sectional study involved 91 doctors from various medical institutions in Chișinău, who self-assessed their digital competence levels across five areas: Information and Data Literacy, Communication and Collaboration, Digital Content Creation, Safety, and Problem Solving.

        Results: Results indicate that while doctors in Chișinău generally possess a medium level of digital competencies, significant gaps are evident in some of the 21 individual digital competences. Notable demographic differences in age and gender suggest varying levels of digital literacy.

        Conclusions: The findings underscore the need for targeted digital skills training. Training programs should be designed to meet the diverse needs identified through self-assessment, ensuring equitable access to professional development opportunities that enhance digital proficiency and improve overall healthcare quality.

        Keywords: Digital Literacy;

        Speaker: Ms Ecaterina Pitel (Transilvania University of Brasov)
      • 3:00 PM
        Convolutional Neural Network for Skin Cancer Risk Assessment through Skin Lesion Analysis 15m

        Mobile technology and artificial intelligence are opening new avenues for improving public health, particularly in the field of dermatology. This work presents the concept of a mobile application designed to assist in detecting potentially cancerous moles, with the aim of promoting early detection of skin cancer and reducing the burden on healthcare systems.
        Skin cancer is a growing public health issue worldwide, and in Romania, despite a relatively low incidence of melanoma, there are some of the highest mortality rates associated with this disease. This paradox highlights the need for effective methods for early diagnosis and rapid intervention.
        The proposed research investigation uses a Convolutional Neural Network (CNN) to classify images of moles based on their risk for skin cancer. Users can capture a photograph of the suspect mole, which the application then processes using a specialized CNN model. The model is trained with labeled datasets by expert dermatologists, using the HAM10000 dataset, which contains over 10,000 dermoscopic images of pigmented lesions.
        The application provides a preliminary classification into seven categories, indicating whether the mole is benign or malignant, with a target accuracy of at least 93%, aligning with other similar studies. This initiative can promote awareness and early detection of skin cancer, offering a preliminary screening tool that is easy for the use of general public.

        Keywords: Convolutional Neural Network; public health; Skin cancer;

        Speaker: Mr Andrei-Marius Stoica (West University of Timișoara)
      • 3:15 PM
        LabTracker: Navigating laboratory test results with ease and understanding 15m

        Laboratory test results can be challenging to interpret, which is a big problem for the great majority of the population. In the usual laboratory tests, the patient can find abbreviations of tests performed and a lot of medical terms that are hard to understand. The proposed system's objective is to help patients understand laboratory test results and keep track of their health. To achieve this, we developed an application that can scan a laboratory test result using a pre-trained Convolutional Neural Network-based Optical Character Recognition tool (OCR) in order to extract the data. The application translates the abbreviations of each test performed and stores the processed data locally. The application also provides explanations for each test's normal range, making it easier for patients to understand their results. Additionally, the application's data visualization feature enables patients to track their progress over time and make informed decisions regarding their health. With the ability to share results with healthcare providers, patients can receive professional medical advice and treatment based on their test results. The application's adaptability is a key strength. It can effectively handle different types of laboratory tests from various medical institutions, regardless of the analysis methods used. This ensures a comprehensive and reliable health-tracking experience for the user.

        Keywords: laboratory test results, abbreviations and medical terms, data visualization, Optical Character Recognition (OCR)

        Speaker: Mr Alexandru Anghelescu (West University of Timișoara)
      • 3:30 PM
        Generating Parkinson’s Disease Gait Patterns using Deep Neural Networks 15m

        Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by both motor and non-motor features. The primary objective for us is the early diagnosis of patients using Artificial Intelligence (AI). To accomplish that we developed an Artificial Intelligence Model (model) that diagnoses PD using data collected from the patient’s gait. The data is represented by multiple images that are generated from raw data collected using a physiograph created by our team. For the research scope, we designed a Generative Adversarial Network that is capable of learning and reproducing real biomechanical data representing Parkinsonian patterns of gait, which is able to generate augmented data that will be used further for training our classification models.

        Keywords: Neural Networks, Generative Adversarial Network, Convolutional Neural Network, Parkinson’s Disease

        Speaker: Mr Radu-Constantin Fleșar (West University of Timişoara)
      • 3:45 PM
        Creating medical datasets using Robot Process Automation 15m

        A dataset is a collection of information, usually structured in a format that can be used in research or training various applications such as machine learning. Datasets are fundamental to many analytical processes because they provide raw data that can be used in different applications. While some datasets are readily available, others must be specially curated. Creating a dataset often involves automated data collection methods, with web scraping being a popular technique. Web scraping employs scripts to extract data from online sources, demanding robust programming skills and considerable maintenance effort. It is important to note that the method can break site policies because it may violate terms of service agreements. A proposed solution for gathering the required information is to create a Robot Process Automation (RPA) flow, which collects information from various sources as a normal user would do manually. A use case of RPA flow involves using it to compile a medical dataset that contains information about clinical trials for various drugs. The dataset will be utilized in researching the effects of placebo drugs on people. The information is available on the clinicaltrails.gov site and the results of different trials can be downloaded manually as files. Automating this process can be done by creating a flow in UiPath by linking predefined activity blocks, which simplifies the creation and maintenance of the workflow. Running the flow will follow the steps that a normal user would do for downloading the results of different trials from the site. This approach eases data collection, allowing medical staff to generate datasets, without the need for deep technical skills, that can be used in different investigations. In conclusion, an RPA flow is a straightforward way to gather information for a dataset, circumventing the complexities of traditional programming-based approaches like web scraping.

        Keywords: Datasets; Robot Process Automation; UiPath; Data Collection; Data Extraction

        Speaker: Mr Iulian Roman (West University of Timisoara)
      • 4:00 PM
        Fast Retinopathy Detection and Classification of Retinas Into Healthy and Pathological Using the Technique of Spatial Transformation 15m

        Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a diabetic complication that affects the retina of the eye. Due to the accumulation of sugar in the blood, the blood vessels in the retina can bleed. This condition requires proper monitoring and treatment to prevent vision loss. Using the Spatial Transformer Network (STN) method connected to a convolutional neural network (CNN), retinal images are correctly aligned to accurately identify and diagnose lesions associated with this condition. The STN can learn to refocus the images to find the relevant areas that indicate the occurrence of microaneurysms, hemorrhages or exudates. This refocusing is achieved through spatial transformations, and the STN contributes to improved accuracy and efficiency in finding lesions. We used a public dataset which contains samples of fundus images of both the healthy eye and the eye with DR. In this study, we verify which neural architecture is the most performing and efficient, using performance evaluation metrics and execution times. The proposed technique, Trans-NeuroVision Area (TNVA), helps in the prompt detection and categorization of retinas into healthy and problem ones.

        Keywords: Diabetic retinopathy, Image processing, Spatial Transformer Network, Interest zones, Convolutional neural network.

        Speaker: Mr Alexandru Farcas (West University of Timișoara)
      • 4:15 PM
        Polygraph test using facial recognition algorithms 15m

        The proposed application uses facial and facial expression analysis techniques to identify and interpret micro-expressions that indicate sincerity or insincerity. By integrating these advanced technologies, the app can provide or objective assessment of a person's level of honesty in a specific time frame. This innovative approach could be used in various fields, such as security, recruitment, interrogation and in justice, to support decision-making processes and to ensure a more accurate assessment of the veracity of statements.

        Speaker: Eduard-Constantin Georgescu (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest, Faculty of Electrical Engineering)
      • 4:45 PM
        GestureUnity: Webcam-Powered Control for Games 15m

        This paper presents a Unity game where hand gestures, detected via webcam and proccesed by Python, control the main character. Designed for players with motor difficulties, it eliminates the need for complex keyboard inputs, enhancing accessibility. By simplifying gameplay mechanics and making the characher move by only pointing like to the camera and letting the AI to do the rest, it offers an inclusive gaming experience without requiring game modifications. This innovative design opens up gaming experiences to a broader audience, particularly those with motor impairments, by eliminating barriers to gameplay.

        Speaker: Petrea Ana-Maria (Universitatea "Dunărea de Jos" Galati, Facultatea de Automatică, Calculatoare, Inginerie Electrică și Electronică, Profilul Calculatoare si Tehnologia Informatiei)
      • 5:00 PM
        Eat It! - Online Food Ordering WebApp 15m

        The project's theme selection, focusing on developing a web application dedicated to streamlining food orders for a specific restaurant, arises from the growing demand for digital efficiency in the food industry. Users seek a faster and simplified ordering experience due to their busy lifestyles, while restaurants aim to expand their customer base and improve services, prompting the need for an optimal digital solution.

        The aim of the chosen theme is to enhance user experience and boost the operational efficiency of the specific restaurant. By creating an intuitive and functional digital platform, the project seeks to simplify the ordering process, reduce wait times, and increase customer satisfaction. Additionally, the project aims to offer a modern solution tailored to current market demands, meeting both consumer and business requirements.

        The project's web application will provide essential functionalities tailored for different user types, ensuring a comprehensive and seamless experience. These functionalities are vital for understanding how each component of the application contributes to enhancing user experience and optimizing operational processes. The project's focus is to foster a strong bond between the restaurant and its customers, providing a user-friendly interface that enables quick and efficient access to the restaurant's menu, easy item selection, and seamless order placement. Furthermore, the application will facilitate order tracking, feedback submission, and reviews, fostering a lasting and trustworthy relationship between the two parties. It will also enhance the restaurant's operational efficiency by streamlining order management, menu and inventory control, and customer feedback monitoring, thereby optimizing daily restaurant activities.

        Speaker: Erwin Várdai (Computer Science)
    • 5:30 PM 8:00 PM
      MI - Pedagogical & Multidisciplinary Insights A2


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Conveners: Barkoczi Nadia, Maier Monica (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Teacher Training)
      • 5:45 PM
        O fotografie face cât o mie de cuvinte 15m

        O lucrare în care am prezentat o abordare prin care sa stârnesc curiozitatea elevlui, o metodă care ajută elevul să înțeleagă ce este de fapt în spatele unei rezolvari.

        Speaker: Madalina Samoila
      • 6:00 PM
        ETICA IN AFACERI 15m


        Speaker: Mrs Niculescu Oana (UPB București)
      • 6:15 PM
        How Does Technological Progress Shape Social Stratification? A Sociological Perspective on the Digital Divide. 15m

        The persistent digital divide in higher education is prominently shaped by socioeconomic status, significantly impacting access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This study examines the multi-layered nature of digital inequalities—ranging from basic access and digital literacy to differential benefits derived from technology usage—highlighting how these disparities are intricately linked with social stratification. Insights from various studies underline the critical need for educational institutions to adopt strategies that not only enhance digital access and literacy but also ensure equitable digital empowerment across diverse student demographics, thereby minimizing social and digital disparities. The integration of ICT in social work services is becoming indispensable rather than optional, driven by the necessity for strategic and flexible applications of emerging technologies. These advancements offer significant opportunities for innovation in service delivery, enhancing accessibility to essential resources for effective social work practice. This study explores how the evolution of technology affects not only the training of social workers but also their practice, particularly in light of the varying digital competencies among students which subsequently affect their educational outcomes and integration into the labor market. Given the dynamic and often unequal nature of the online environment, this digital disparity poses substantial challenges in ensuring equitable access to opportunities within the knowledge society.

        Speaker: Bărbuță Alina (Babeș - Bolyai University)
    • 9:30 AM 1:00 PM
      Food chemistry and engineering: Food Chemistry and Engineering Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
      • 9:30 AM
        Evaluation of the impact of whey and gelatin-based hydrogels cross-linked with copper sulphate as absorbent material used in fresh meat packaging 15m

        The materials commonly used to package fresh meat are of petroleum origin and contribute significantly to environmental pollution. On the other hand, obtaining biodegradable materials faces many challenges, mainly inferior mechanical properties, but also reduced stability in the presence of meat, as shown in this research study. In the direct interaction between the whey and gelatin-based hydrogel and meat, inside the packaging and at refrigeration temperatures, substance exchange processes prevailed, although the original purpose of the hydrogels, to absorb excess moisture from the meat and to ensure optimal preservation conditions of fresh meat qualities, was achieved. These results encourage at least two directions of development of the formulation used in the study: towards the improvement of the dye-free formulation and, towards the development of an innovative meat marinating solution formulation with a dual role – as a biocompatible absorbent and as a tenderizing and flavoring agent.

        Speaker: Dr Pompilia Mioara Lopes (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, SAMUS Special Vocational School of Cluj-Napoca)
      • 9:45 AM
        Utilizarea pesmetului la obținerea pâinii în scopul reducerii risipei alimentare. 15m

        Scopul activității experimentale a fost bazat pe studiul influenței adaosului de pesmet asupra caracteristicilor fizico-chimice și senzoriale ale pâinii albe, realizându-se analize la 1 zi și 3 zile pe 4 tipuri de pâine cu conținuturi diferite de pesmet.
        În urma analizelor de laborator efectuate pe pâini, s-a constat că adaosul de pesmet îmbunătățește volumul și timpul de dospire, scade duritatea cojii, crește umiditatea pâinii și a prezentat caracteristici mai atenuate ale procesului de învechire și valori mai ridicate ale conținutului de polifenoli și a activității antioxidante.
        Utilizând pesmetul se obține o pâine cu caracteristici fizico-chimice apropiate sau chiar mai ridicate cu cele ale pâinii albe fără pesmet și totodată, valorificând pâinea uscată, putem reduce risipa alimentară.

        Speaker: Andreea-Ancuta Andor
      • 10:00 AM
        Parizer cu alge 15m

        Parizer cu alge Alaria

        Speaker: Tarta Roxana
      • 10:15 AM

        În prezentarea propusă, intitulată “CERCETĂRI PRIVIND COMPOZIȚIA FIZICO-CHIMICĂ A DISTILATELOR DE CAISE OBȚINUTE ÎN REGIUNEA SATU MARE (SĂUCA)” sunt prezentate analizele efectuate pe 4 tipuri de pălincă de caise din același an, dar de la producători diferiți, incluzând și o mică parte teoretică despre modul de producere a distilatelor de caise.

        Speaker: Aneta Sarkozi
      • 10:30 AM
        Studiul influenței adaosului de gumă xantan asupra pâinii pe bază de făină de orez 15m

        Activitatea experimentală a avut ca scop studiul influenței adaosului de gumă xantan asupra caracteristicilor pâinii pe bază de faină de orez.
        Au fost pregătite 4 tipuri de pâini, pâinea de control fără gumă xantan și pâinile cu conținuturi variabile de gumă xantan. Pâinile obținute au fost lăsate să se răcească la temperatura camerei și trimise la analiză. Analizele s-au făcut la o zi și la 3 zile de depozitare.
        Folosirea gumei xantan la obținerea pâinii pe bază de făină de orez poate avea câteva beneficii în ceea ce privește îmbunătățirea unor caracteristici tehnologice și senzoriale ale pâinilor, dar nu conduce la creșterea valorilor nutritive ale acesteia.

        Speaker: Pașca Bianca Nicoleta
      • 10:45 AM
        The development of a gluten-free product enriched with bioactive compounds derived from vegetable by-products 15m


        Speaker: Miriam Zapirtan (USAMV Cluj-Napoca, Facultatea de Știință și Tehnologia Alimentelor)
      • 11:00 AM
        Creșterea stabilității oxidative a uleiului vegetal prin utilizarea antioxidanților naturali 15m

        Antioxidanții de origine naturală sunt compuși chimici vegetali care au capacitatea de a inhiba oxidarea altor substanțe. În acest studiu s-a urmărit îmbunătățirea stabilității oxidative a uleiului de floarea soarelui prin adaosul de plante aromatice cu acțiune antioxidantă. În uleiul de floarea-soarelui au fost adăugate frunze uscate și măcinate de pătrunjel și mărar în proporție de 0,5 și 1%, probele au fost lăsate timp de 3 zile la macerat, apoi s-au filtrat și s-a testat eficacitatea antioxidantă a celor două plante. Următorii parametrii au fost analizați: aciditate, substanțe insolubile în eter, indice de peroxid, indice de iod, indice de p-anisidină, conținut de polifenoli.

        Speaker: Petrovan Andrei (UTCN-CUNBM)
      • 11:15 AM
        Extraction and characterization of bioactive compounds from Prunus Spinosa L. fruits with potential in the development of edible films 15m

        Prunus spinosa L., commonly known as blackthorn, is rich in bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, anthocy-anins, phenolic acids, vitamins, minerals, and organic acids, displaying strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties. This investigation aims to assess bioactive compounds in fresh and lyophilized blackthorn fruits and analyze ethanolic extracts for phenolic content, antioxidant activity, and antimicrobial effects. The primary objective was to develop a chitosan-based film with antimicrobial and antioxidant properties, targeting the enhancement of food packaging solutions, along with inhibition of S. aureus bacteria. Results showed that ethanolic extracts of blackthorn possess significant antimicrobial efficacy, demonstrating notable effectiveness against S. aureus. Notably, the film incorporating an 80% ethanolic extract demonstrated greater effectiveness against S. aureus-inoculated cheese. This outcome underscores the inhibitory potential of blackthorn extracts on S. aureus growth within a food matrix.

        Speaker: Ms Oana Negrean (University of Agricultural Science and Veterinary Medicine Cluj-Napoca)
      • 11:30 AM
        Influenta colorantului natural din coji de ceapa asupra calitatii pateului functional 15m

        Acest studiu urmareste influenta pe care o are adaugarea unor coloranti naturali obtinuti din coji de ceapa rosie, galbena si bicarbonat de sodiu asupra calitatii pateului functional.
        Pateurile mixte (obtinute din carne de pui si porc) au fost analizate din punct de vedere organoleptic si fizico-chimic in prima zi de obtinere, precum si la 3 si la 5 zile de la deschidere.
        In urma analizelor, s-a constatat ca adaosul de colorant natural a ajutat la imbunatatirea culorii pateului , dar si la cresterea activitatii antioxidante.
        Asadar adaosul de colorant natural in compozitia pateului s-a dovedit a fi o alternativa buna de a pastra alimentul in conditii optime de consum un timp mai indelungat.

        Speaker: Brumar Denis Ionut (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj Napoca CNUBM)
      • 11:45 AM
        Studiu privind limpezirea vinurilor rosii cu gelatina si bentonita 15m

        Bentonita asigura eliminarea impuritatilor din vinurile rosii. Vinurile tratate cu bentonita raman limpezi la frig si nu formeaza precipitate in butelii. Pentru un tratament eficace bentonita se asocieaza cu gelatina.

        Speaker: Danciu Catalin
      • 12:00 PM
        Detection of Adulterants in Milk Products of a Well-Known Brand: An Investigation into Quality Assurance and Consumer Safety 15m

        The main objective of this investigative endeavor is to thoroughly identify and analyze potential additives or contaminants within milk products originating from a widely recognized brands. Through meticulous scrutiny and rigorous testing methodologies, the goal is to ensure the milk products uphold stringent quality standards and comply with regulatory mandates. By pinpointing any adulterants, whether deliberate or inadvertent, this inquiry aims to uphold consumer well-being and confidence by advocating for transparency, accountability, and adherence to industry standards.
        Objective/World link
        Food adulteration is a global concern and developing countries are at higher risk associated with it due to lack of monitoring and policies. However, this is one of the most common phenomena that has been overlooked in many countries. Unfortunately, in contrast to common belief, milk adulterants can pose serious health hazards leading to fatal diseases. Qualitative detection of adulterants in milk are simple color based chemical reactions.
        Research Question
        How can we effectively identify and quantify adulterants in milk products from reputable brands, and what are the implications for consumer safety and regulatory compliance in the dairy industry?

        Speaker: Mr Artin Ghaemi (Maarif International School of Bucharest)
    • 9:30 AM 4:00 PM
      Teaching and social sciences A2


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A Baia-Mare
      • 9:30 AM
        Exploring the Impact of Technology-Related Anxiety on the Relationship Between Video Gaming and Watching Films Featuring Humanoid Robot 15m

        Background: With the rapid proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in daily
        life, understanding the psychological and demographic determinants of technology acceptance is crucial. Objectives: This research aimed to investigate the mediating role of technology-related anxiety in the relationship between video gaming frequency and the consumption of films featuring humanoid robots, and to
        explore how age moderates this mediated relationship. Methods: The study employed a cross-sectional design with quantitative analysis to test the proposed
        moderated mediation in a sample of 327 participants. Results: Findings reveal
        that a higher frequency of video gaming predicts an increased likelihood of
        watching films with humanoid robots, mediated by reduced technology-related
        anxiety. This mediation effect was notably pronounced among participants aged
        22. Despite the significant mediation effect at age 22, the moderated mediation
        index suggested that the strength of this mediation does not significantly vary
        across different age groups. Conclusions: These insights contribute to a nuanced
        understanding of technology acceptance, emphasizing the role of emotional and
        demographic factors in shaping our interactions with AI

        Speaker: Stefania Stefanache (University of Bucharest)
      • 9:45 AM
        Mental illness as alterations of consciousness. Philosophy and psychopathology 15m

        In this paper I propose to argue the following: 1. In the history of philosophy there are several landmarks relevant to the approach and understanding of mental illness. In particular, philosophical orientations dealing with the meaning and role of human consciousness are important in this respect. I have in mind both the specific approaches of phenomenology and philosophy of mind, both of which provide significant analyses of phenomena specific to psychiatry. 2. At the intersection of philosophy and psychopathology, already explored with Jaspers, but having undergone an impressive development in recent decades, mental illnesses are described as disorders of consciousness, of the self, of language or as alterations occurring at the level of intersubjectivity.

        Of these, I will consider alterations of consciousness and self. Becoming aware of oneself represents a leap for the self, which is characterised by the fact that it begins to distinguish itself from other people and the world, conceives of itself as autonomous, a leap that is closely linked to the development of a type of logical, clear, stringent, universally valid thinking, capable of discovering determined, enduring, recognisable objects in the world, revealing uniformities. Alterations in the experience of the self are part of the psychiatric sphere. Schizophrenia is considered a disease of consciousness, which interferes with and interrupts the human being's search for the meaning of life and the maintenance of emotional security. The illness manifests itself in the degradation of self-experience and loss of identity, which gradually becomes a pathological issue. The roots of psychiatry are to be found in classical philosophical writings, with Plato equating virtue with mental health.

        Speaker: Ms Andra Drăgan (Științe Sociale)
      • 10:00 AM
        Rolul Tratatului de la Lisabona în consolidarea construcției europene 15m

        În zorii secolului XXI, Uniunea Europeană a căutat să-și redefinească și să-și consolideze structura, aspirând la o integrare mai profundă și mai eficientă a statelor membre. Acest vis a prins contur prin Tratatul de la Lisabona, un document esențial care a remodelat peisajul politic european și a fortificat temelia pe care se construiește Europa de astăzi.
        Tratatul de la Lisabona, semnat în orașul cu același nume, a fost o inovație pentru instituțiile europene, aducând cu sine un aer nou de democrație și eficiență. Prin acest tratat, UE nu doar că și-a reafirmat valorile și obiectivele, dar a și creat mecanisme prin care vocea fiecărui cetățean să poată fi auzită mai clar și mai puternic în corul decizional european.
        Rolul Tratatului de la Lisabona în consolidarea construcției europene este unul plurivalent, contribuind la o Uniune mai coezivă, mai transparentă și mai adaptată provocărilor secolului nostru.
        Noul Tratat de la Lisabona, cunoscut și sub numele de „Tratatul de Reformă”, oferă doar o amendare a tratatelor considerate a fi fundamentale (Tratatul privind Uniunea Europeană și Tratatul privind funcționarea Uniunii Europene), așa cum au făcut, la vremea lor și Tratatele de la Amsterdam și Nisa.
        Trebuie spus că Tratatul de la Lisabona a dat naștere unei serii de dezbaterii în lumea științifică. Astfel în lucrarea „From Dual to Cooperative Federalism. The Changing Structure of European Law”, Robert Schütze face mai multe considerații cu privire la evoluțiile înregistrate în structura dreptului european. El afirmă că epoca pe care o traversează dreptul european se caracterizează printr-o structură în schimbare „de la federalismul dual la cel de cooperare”. Este de remarcat că – în argumentarea tezelor privind federalismul – Robert Schütze a stăruit asupra locului și rolului afacerilor externe într-o Federație.
        Alți autori precum Finn Laurese consideră că Tratatul va aduce eficiență instituțiilor, o mai mare legitimitate Parlamentului European precum și coerență acțiunii externe. În același sens al aspectelor instituționale și de politici europene se exprimă și Christian Kaunert. Acesta consideră că Tratatul de la Lisabona conferă Comisiei Europene statutul de autoritate supranațională în ceea ce privește spațiul european al libertății, justiției și securității. Prin intermediul acestui tratat Uniunea Europeană beneficiază de unul dintre cele mai importante rezultate ale procesului de integrare.
        Astfel, Tratatul de la Lisabona nu este doar un document juridic, ci un reper semnificativ în evoluția comunității europene, reflectând voința statelor membre de a-și uni forțele într-un proiect comun, de a-și consolida valorile și de a-și întări capacitatea de a face față provocărilor și oportunităților unei lumi în continuă schimbare.

        Speaker: Jessica Banea
      • 10:15 AM
        Portals, Fairies, and Dragons: An Analysis of Didactic Approaches to Fantasy Literature in Fourth Grade/ Portaluri, zâne și dragoni: o analiză a abordărilor didactice ale literaturii fantasy la clasa a IV-a 15m

        The present communication aims to analyze how children's fantasy literature is utilized didactically in fourth-grade textbooks. We will be focusing, on one hand, on examining the selection of fantasy texts by textbook authors, and on the other hand, we will pay attention to the types of methods and didactic techniques associated with a good understanding and practice of fantasy literary texts, relating to the needs and curiosities of contemporary students. Moreover, the selection of texts will also reveal something about the concern of textbook authors to connect students with the challenges of contemporary literature, as well as the level of openness towards tasks involving dual referencing to content - theoretical and pragmatic (the interactive/playful dimension of workloads, the appeal to Multiple Intelligences Theory).

        Speaker: Smărăndița-Elena Costin (Universitatea „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” din Iași)
      • 10:30 AM
        Determinants of academic resilience among students at the "1 December 1918" University of Alba Iulia. Insights from the student perspectives 15m

        The purpose of this research is to identify the students' perspective on the factors influencing academic resilience, in a context where Romania has the highest dropout rate in the European Union among young people aged 18-24. This study seeks to identify both protective and inhibitory elements of academic resilience by exploring personal, social, and institutional factors. Data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The analysis revealed a variety of protective elements and inhibitors. Findings from this study may provide insight into what students consider important in building academic resilience.
        Autor: Popescu Georgiana Andreea –"1 December 1918" University of Alba Iulia
        Facultatea de Drept și Stiinte Sociale, specializarea Asistență Socială

        Speaker: Georgiana Andreea Popescu (Universitatea ”1 Decembrie 1918” din Alba Iulia)
      • 10:45 AM
        Personalitatea juridică a Uniunii Europene 15m

        Uniunea Europeană este o organizație internațională supranațională compusă din 27 de state membre. Înființarea și funcționarea Uniunii se întemeiază pe transferul de suveranitate operat de state, ce conferă organizației competențele necesare pentru realizarea obiectivelor stabilite prin tratat și, implicit, personalitate juridică proprie.
        Atribuirea personalității juridice este atestată prin tratatele care au stat la baza constituirii Uniunii Europene. Până la intrarea în vigoare a Tratatului de la Lisabona, la 1 decembrie 2009, Uniunea nu a dispus de personalitate juridică, interesele sale fiind reprezentate de instituțiile Comunităților Europene. Ca urmare a evoluției tratatelor, personalitatea juridică a organizației a fost recunoscută expres în art. 47 TUE: ,,Uniunea are personalitate juridică.’’
        Personalitatea juridică a Uniunii este confirmată și de competența acesteia de a edicta reguli și de a lua măsuri pentru impunerea respectării lor. Potrivit art. 228 din TFUE, instituțiile UE adoptă regulamente, directive, decizii, recomandări și avize, pentru exercitarea competențelor Uniunii. Problematizare privind actele normative, forța lor juridică, adoptare, recepția normativă sau aplicarea directă, după caz, în legislația națională a statelor.
        Personalitatea juridică a Uniunii poate fi analizată sub două aspecte i.e. personalitatea juridică internă și personalitatea juridică externă. Prin intermediul personalității juridice interne, Uniunea are cea mai largă capacitate juridică recunoscută în fiecare stat membru. Cu titlu exemplificativ, prin prisma acestei forme a personalității, Uniunea poate sta în justiție împotriva unui stat membru căruia îi poate fi imputată încălcarea obligațiilor rezultate din tratate, fiind reprezentată de Comisie, potrivit art. 258 TFUE. Problematizare, exemple practice
        Datorită personalității juridice internaționale, UE poate încheia acorduri cu una sau mai multe țări terțe sau organizații internaționale, dacă se prevede astfel în tratate ori dacă este necesar pentru realizarea obiectivelor. e.g. Acordul dintre UE și NATO privind securitatea informațiilor, intrat în vigoare în 14 martie 2003.
        În virtutea personalității juridice internaționale, Uniunea Europeană, potrivit art. 6 alin. (2) din TUE, a devenit parte la CEDO. În consecință, Curtea de la Strasbourg va avea jurisdicție asupra protecției drepturilor omului la nivelul UE, fiind o modalitate diplomatică de a stabili o relație între cele două organizații internaționale. Problematizare
        Uniunea Europeană, în temeiul personalității juridice, își poate reprezenta interesele în fața instanțelor, având calitate procesuală activă sau pasivă, după caz. e.g. Cauza C 552/09 Comisia Europeană v. România, reclamanta a invocat neîndeplinirea de către România a obligației ce îi revenea potrivit Directivei nr. 79/409/CEE privind conservarea păsărilor sălbatice. Problematizare
        Recunoașterea personalității juridice a UE influențează în mod substanțial statele membre, dar și situația cetățenilor acestora. Oamenii nu mai sunt doar cetățenii unui stat, ci sunt cetățeni ai Uniunii, dobândind drepturile și obligațiile ce derivă din acest statut. În conformitate cu art. 9 din TUE și art. 20 din TFUE este cetățean al Uniunii orice persoană care are cetățenia unui stat membru. Cetățenia europeană presupune o legătură juridică între resortisanții unui stat membru și Uniunea Europeană, caracterizată prin drepturi (e.g. dreptul de a alege și de a fi ales în Parlamentul European, dreptul de a adresa petiții Ombudsmanului european, dreptul de inițiativă cetățenească europeană etc.) și, în sens formal, îndatoriri. În prezent, tratatele nu prevăd în mod expres obligații care incumbă cetățenilor europeni.
        Referitor la pierderea cetățeniei unionale, pe cale jurisprudențială s-a stabilit că este de competența fiecărui stat membru să prevadă condițiile de dobândire și de pierdere a cetățeniei sale. (Problematizare Cauza 689/21). În urma Brexitului, Curtea a decis că pierderea statutului de cetățean al Uniunii este o consecință a decizie Regatului Unit de a se retrage din Uniune, iar nu a acordului de retragere. Problematizare Comunicat de presă nr. 101/23 Luxemburg, 15 iunie 2023.

        Speaker: Adriana - Ileana Avram (Universitatea Lucian Blaga Sibiu - Facultatea de Drept)
      • 11:00 AM
        PARENT - Parental Attitudes Regarding Exercise and Neuromuscular Therapy: The Adapted Version of the MedRisk Instrument for Measuring Parental Satisfaction with Physical Therapy Services 15m

        Despite the recognized importance of parental satisfaction in pediatric physical therapy services, Romania currently lacks a standardized measure tailored to this context. This gap in the healthcare assessment framework complicates the ability of healthcare providers to gauge and improve service quality effectively. Understanding parents' satisfaction is crucial as it directly influences treatment compliance and outcomes. Parents play a pivotal role in the continuation and the effectiveness of the therapies prescribed for their children, making their perceptions a valuable indicator of the quality and success of physical therapy care.

        This study aims to explore the current landscape of Pediatric Physical Therapy in Romania by assessing the perceptions and satisfaction levels of parents whose children are or have been recipients of physical therapy services. This assessment seeks to fill the void in standardized tools and provide foundational data that could influence future healthcare practices and policy formulation.

        To achieve the objective, this research utilizes an adapted version of the MedRisk Instrument for Measuring Patient Satisfaction with Physical Therapy Care (MRPS). The original 13-item MRPS was meticulously translated, back-translated, and then tailored to reflect the cultural and contextual nuances of the Romanian healthcare environment. This adaptation involved the creation of a parent-proxy version in the Romanian language to ensure relevance and comprehensibility. Recruitment for the study was conducted through convenience sampling, drawing participants from various regions to participate in an online survey.

        The survey was launched on March 2, 2024, and involved a convenience sample of parents. It is anticipated that by the time of the conference, statistical analysis of the data, performed using JASP software, will be complete. This analysis will provide insights into the validity and reliability of the adapted instrument as well as initial perceptions of satisfaction among the participants.

        Implications and Conclusions:
        The adaptation of the MedRisk instrument and the preliminary findings from this study contribute to the literature on parental satisfaction in pediatric physical therapy in Romania. The results are expected to validate the adapted instrument’s potential to capture parental perceptions accurately, offering a promising pathway for ongoing research. Future studies could expand upon this work by refining the instrument and implementing it in broader surveys to enhance the comprehensiveness of data on rehabilitative pediatric care. This endeavor not only addresses a critical gap in the current research landscape but also sets the stage for enhanced therapeutic practices that are responsive to the needs and perceptions of families engaged in pediatric physical therapy.

        Speaker: Ștefania Cherecheș (Facultatea de Educație Fizică și Sport, UBB, Cluj-Napoca)
      • 11:15 AM


        This paper aims to talk about unconditional love. We aim to explain what it means, what impact it has on the development and growth of the child. In what ways can we show children this kind of love? For the harmonious development of a child it is crucial to receive the unconditional love of parents, so that self-concept will not be affected. The lack of unconditional love has negative effects on both child and adult development. The article is based on an extensive bibliographic study, following various sources that you will find at the end, in the section dedicated to bibliography.

        Keywords: Unconditional love, Parenting, Teens, Mistakes, Attentiveness, Loving presence.

      • 11:30 AM
        Anne Boleyn-The Temptation 15m

        This is the story of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII, a woman who would rise to become the Queen of England taking the throne from Catherine of Aragon, and England down the path of the Protestant Reformation. Before going on to fall from her height of power and meet her untimely end.

        Speaker: Ms Andreea Bodnar (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca, Centrul Universitare Nord din Baia Mare)
      • 11:45 AM
        Private/Public self-esteem. Building strong Human Beings. 15m

        We live in an era where the educational pressure is felt more and more, due to the progress in all areas of society. The students are asked a lot and the teachers have the impression that they do not offer enough knowledge! I want to believe that we did not set out to create robots and that we did not forget the emotions and lives of the students. Therefore, the purpose of our work is to bring to your attention the importance of self-esteem that must be raised at home and then passed through the educationalenter code here filter of kindergarten and school.

        Speakers: Alina Șandor (Utcn-cunbm), Ms Raluca Irina Hălăștăuan (Pascaniuc) (UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICĂ DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA CENTRUL UNIVERSITAR NORD - Facultatea de litere)
      • 12:00 PM
        Parental abuse and its effects on children 15m

        I’ll talk about parental figures that take advantage of their kids in a way that should never be accepted. The four main forms of abuse are: physical, verbal, sexual and emotional. You’ll observe that I’ll point out one of the most common categories. Unfortunately, not everyone pays enough attention of the signs that can be considered serious mistreat, which later can lead to major problems affecting the welfare of the children. Through this article I want to raise awareness so the rest of the world knows how to identify the signs and how to help the little people.
        Keywords: parents, abuse, sexual, physical, verbal, emotional, parentification, harm

        Speaker: Elena Antonia Căușanu (UTCN-CUNBM)
      • 12:15 PM

        The present paper aims to make a foray into the concept of rumination. When you repetitively and passively focus on the meaning, causes and consequences of negative emotions or on an unfinished problem you ruminate. Each of us has such repetitive thoughts, but rumination is excessive and has negative implications for mental and physical health. Rumination is a well-established risk factor for the onset of major depression and anxiety symptomatology in both adolescents and adults. We examined the rumination of anger and sadness in adolescents aged 14-18 years and students aged 18-45 years. We expect that female persons reported higher levels of both forms of rumination compared to male persons. Rumination prolongs and exacerbates negative feelings, reduces effective problem solving, and diminishes the willingness to engage in activities that induce positive affect.

      • 12:30 PM
        Educational Leadership and Self Determination Theory 15m

        The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between Educational Leadership and Self Determination Theory. Self-determination theory (SDT) is an comprehensive theory of human personality and motivation that focuses on how individuals interact with and rely on the social environment. SDT underscores the idea that people’s relationships and social contexts must involve and support their fundamental human needs for autonomy, competence, and relatedness. Additionally, this article includes a comparative analysis of the levels of personal and educational autonomy among leaders and followers, aiming to highlight the differences and motivate readers to aspire to leadership role.2

        Speaker: Florina Cauni (Universitatea Tehnică Cluj Napoca-Centrul Universitar Baia Mare)
      • 1:15 PM

        În acest studiu am introdus modelul sistemelor ecologice elaborat de Urie Bronfenbrenner pentru a analiza contextele de integrare actuale și necesitatea unei echipe integrate.
        Principalul obiectiv al acestui studiu a fost analiza statutului de Shadow și necesitatea acestuia în programul de integrare socială a copiilor cu Cerințe Educaționale Speciale. În prezent, în România, această meserie nu este inclusă în nomenclator ca în alte țări; cea mai apropiată formă este cea a Profesorului de Sprijin. Deși aceste două meserii pot fi ușor confundate, în urma studiului vom vedea cum în unele cazuri se suprapun în atribuții, dar sunt totuși distincte.
        Key words: Shadow, Cerințe Educaționale Speciale, Profesor de Sprijin, Modelul Sistemelor Ecologice.

        Speaker: Pasca Diana-Denisa (Predare și științe sociale)
      • 1:30 PM
        The Learning Sphere platform 15m

        This paper explores the "Learning Sphere" platform, a Moodle-based educational platform designed for the Baccalaureate in Computer Science. It details the platform's use of modular structures and interactive methodologies to enhance learning outcomes and accommodate diverse educational needs. The study emphasizes the platform's adaptability and scalability, highlighting its effectiveness in integrating multimedia resources and adaptive learning technologies to meet contemporary educational demands.
        Keywords: Digital Education, Interactive Learning, Computer Science Education, Educational Technology, Adaptive Learning

        Speaker: Beatrice Tifrac (Pedagogy of Primary and Pre-school Education (PIPP))
      • 1:45 PM
        Collaborative Computer-Based Learning in an Interdisciplinary Approach in Primary School 15m

        The paper addresses modern and interactive didactic methods, specific to the strategic design of the teaching-learning process, by integrating technology, open educational resources and artificial intelligence in the instructive-educational act. The aim of the research is the impact of collaborative learning with the help of technology-based ways and strategies of working for students in the second grade. The paper aims to streamline the educational process with the help of technology, to identify effective and constructive practices in education, which stimulate the holistic development of educables, by systematically observing the activity and behaviours of the educated, in relation to the applied methods and procedures.

        Speaker: Cădar Daiana Mariana (PIPP)
      • 2:00 PM
        Analysis of the scientific empathy level in students and its impact on the future career: an empirical approach using the TEQ (Toronto Empathy Questionnaire) 15m

        This research provides a comprehensive view of scientific empathy among students at UTCN, utilizing the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire, a self-assessment tool with robust psychometric properties, administered to 98 respondents. The initial 8 questions gathered relevant socio-demographic data, while questions 9 to 24 included the TEQ scale.
        The study revealed a significant relationship between empathy levels and certain career preferences. Careers in social, health, and education sectors tend to demand high empathy, whereas other fields may prioritize digital or technical skills.

        Keywords: Toronto Empathy Questionnaire (TEQ), student empathy, career choice, education

        Speakers: Elena Ciocan, Natalia Grec, Mrs Bochiș Elena Maria
      • 2:15 PM
        Avatarurile comunismului: mituri politice și memorie colectivă în România post-comunistă 15m

        Miturile politice postmoderne dependente de imagini mai mult decât de naraţiune joacă totuşi acelaşi rol simplificator şi unificator ca şi cele arhaice încercând să ofere o interpretare consensuală complexităţii lumii. Construcţiile mitologice postcomuniste ne vorbesc mai mult despre imaginarul societăţii româneşti ieşite din comunism decât despre realitatea comunismului. Deşi pleacă de la nişte realităţi de netăgăduit, naraţiunile privitoare la acest regim sunt de cele mai multe ori nişte ficţiuni menite a oferi un sistem explicativ şi un mesaj mobilizator.
        Această prezentare îşi propune să interpreteze structurile imaginarului postcomunist românesc prin analiza miturilor privitoare la epoca comunistă vehiculate în spaţiul public postdecembrist şi rolul memoriei colective în crearea şi transmiterea acestor mituri.

        Claudia-Florentina Dobre este doctor în istorie al Universității Laval din Québec din 2007 cu o teză despre memoria persecuțiilor politice comuniste din perspectivă feminină. Câștigătoare a mai multor burse de cercetare dintre care bursa Robert Schuman a Parlamentului european (în 2007), a co-organizat 10 conferințe internaționale, a editat mai multe volume și numere de revistă, a co-realizat filmul documentar „Povestiri din Bărăgan. Amintiri din Siberia românească” (2013) și a publicat 4 lucrări de autor.

        Publicații recente: Fostele deținute politic și Securitatea. Studiu de caz, Târgoviște, Cetatea de Scaun, 2023; Ni víctimas ni heroínas. Las antiguas detenidas políticas y las memorias del comunismo en Rumanía, Bogotá-Colombia, Editorial Aula de Humanidades, 2022; Martore fără voie. Fostele deținute politic și memoria comunismului în România, Târgoviște, Cetatea de Scaun, 2021.

        Speaker: Dr Claudia-Florentina Dobre (`Nicolae Iorga~ Institute of History, Romanian Academy)
      • 2:30 PM
        The impact of protective factors and family support in counteracting the effects of bullying on students 15m

        This paper examines the protective factors in school bullying. In the first section, the theoretical one, the most recent research on the topic of resilience enhancing factors is being surveyed. Next, the factors identified in various studies in the field are presented in detail. These include: the degree of integration of students in the classroom, their relationship with the parents, the feeling of belonging in the class, well-being at school, positive relationship with teachers, empathetic educational style, awareness and different perceptions, communication skills, positive social relationships, awareness of the need for an intervention and preventive measures, the involvement of the stakeholders at the school level. The following section of the paper explores the essential role of the social worker in promoting and developing these resilience factors. The final part of this paper brings in the fore the conclusions and recommendations, offering an ample perspective on the way these factors can contribute to the strengthening of resilience, with a special emphasis on the role of social workers, family and school.

        Speaker: Mrs Adelia Furdui (Florea) (Universitatea de Vest din Timișoara, Facultatea de Sociologie și Psihologie, Departamentul de Asistență Socială/ Centrul Județean de Resurse și Asistență Educațională Timiș,)
      • 3:00 PM
        Models of Parenting Skills Exercised in Institutionalized and Non-Institutionalized Environments 15m

        Patterns of parenting skills exercised in institutionalized and non-institutionalized settings

        This study focuses on several parenting skills: adaptability, communication and conflict resolution skills, family organization and structure, maintaining hierarchies and boundaries, teamwork ability, family leadership, distribution of power and responsibility, rules and routines.
        The primary objective of the research is to identify significant differences between individuals or families who have experienced institutionalization and those who have not. Analysis will focus on how these differences affect parenting skills and long-term family dynamics.
        The methods used in the study will involve the collection of qualitative and/or quantitative data through questionnaires or direct observations. These data will then be analyzed to highlight patterns and relationships between the research variables.
        The working hypothesis is that there are significant differences between institutionalized and non-institutionalized individuals or families in terms of adaptability, communication skills, conflict resolution, organization, and distribution of responsibilities. In addition, we expect to find the impact of these differences on parenting skills and overall family dynamics.
        The implications of this research could provide a deeper understanding of how institutionalization experiences can influence the development of parenting skills and relationships within a family. These results could serve as a foundation for programs and interventions designed to support and improve parenting relationships and skills in communities affected by institutionalization.
        Key words: parenting skills, conflict resolution, maintaining hierarchies, teamwork

        Speaker: Mrs Timea Leleczi (UTCN)
      • 3:15 PM
        The role of life events and their induced stress in distress requiring emergency medical interventions 15m

        Stress is an important factor in triggering many body ailments, such as: heart diseases, neurological diseases, oncological diseases, gastric diseases, autoimmune diseases, etc. They have a clear root in the sufferings with which patients go to the emergency services.
        The present study aims to analyze the existing relationship between the levels of stress given by life events and the types of diseases that require emergency interventions.
        - stress level;
        - life events;
        - diseases.

        Speaker: Filip Nicoleta Oana (UTCN)
    • 1:00 PM 6:30 PM
      Economic Sciences Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
      • 1:00 PM
        Feeling Economy 15m

        Feeling Economy

        Speaker: Prof. Sanaz Nikghadam-Hojjati (UNINOVA)
      • 1:15 PM
        Bibliometric analysis of earnings management 15m

        Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Babeș- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania.
        Author contact: IoanaLavinia Safta(Pleșa), lavinia_s15@yahoo.com
        The bibliometric analysis study explores current research in earnings management using an impressive sample of 14,519 articles indexed in the Web of Science. Using the VOSviewer tool, trends, collaborations and research networks are identified. The results highlight the continuing interest in the topic, with diverse applications and implications in the evaluation of researchers and the quality of scientific journals. Methodological limitations and proper interpretation of data are essential in fully understanding bibliometric analysis.

        Speaker: Ioana Lavinia Safta (Pleșa) (UBB)
      • 1:30 PM

        Author: Alec Adrian


        In this article I presented a research based on real data regarding the population's desire to apply economic reform in the tourism sector.
        In the first part I presented the main tools that create an ideal economy. I applied a questionnaire to a number of 150 people from the territory of Romania aged between 20-56 years.
        The questions focused on discovering the perspectives of the participants regarding the desire for economic reform, the importance of the measures to be applied to reform the economy and the desire to apply economic reform in the tourism branch through the National Unique
        Tourism strategy, under the Perfection Place project.
        Based on the results of the questionnaire, it was found that the motivation and desire for change in this sample is very high. For the research we chose the survey method using the
        questionnaire as a data collection method.
        All great projects can only be realized through the unity of society mobilized towards the greatest ideals.

           Keywords: circular economy, sustenability, leadership, strategic management, progress, well-being
      • 1:45 PM
        Study on the pressures of the digital era on the financial and accounting services. 15m

        The human civilization has been and still continues to be closely linked to technological evolution. Digitalization is no longer just a concept but has become a reality. This reality is supported by significant opportunities that have accelerated the pace of improving digital skills and knowledge. We aim to highlight the impact of digitalization on the development of financial and accounting services through a set of relevant questions related to the addressed subject. The study also aims to highlight the psychological pressures perceived by professionals.

        Speakers: Ms Rosia-Beatriz Matei (“Dunărea de Jos” University), Mr Alexandru-Marian Vasile (Facultatea de Economie si Administrarea Afacerilor), Ms Andrada Roxana Ionita (Universitatea Dunărea de jos Galați)
      • 2:00 PM
        Intelligent Economy: How AI and ML Are Revolutionizing the Way We Think About and Approach Economic Processes 15m

        This paper examines the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the economic environment. The primary objective is to analyze the impact of these technologies on economic performance and efficiency through task automation, cost reduction, and decision-making process improvement.

        In recent years, AI and ML have fundamentally shifted the paradigm in economics area, from data analysis and forecasting to workflow optimization and efficiency enhancement. These technologies have demonstrated enormous potential in boosting productivity and financial performance of the companies.

        The paper explores how AI and ML contribute to these essential aspects of economic processes. It also presents a specific application of a chatbot that enhances employee productivity, thus bringing added value to various tasks and activities. Through concrete examples, the paper highlights how these technologies can be effectively integrated into the economic environment, while countering existing challenges.

        In conclusion, it's foreseen that AI and ML will become increasingly prevalent in the economy, bringing about a significant change in the approach to economic problems. The goal of this paper is to contribute to the development and application of these technologies in the specific context of economic processes, anticipating a future where efficiency and performance will be empowered through artificial intelligence and machine learning.

        Speaker: Ioan-Anton Săvulescu
      • 2:15 PM
        Stress Management Within Organizations 15m

        The aim of this study is to inspect the impact of stress management within organizations and its consequences on employees achievement
        Its well known that in organizations employees are the pivot, however, they are susceptible to various forms of stress : whether physical, emotional, or psychological, simply by virtue of being ordinary individuals. Stress can lead to a decline in their focus and productivity, as their attention goes to personal concerns.
        While a certain level of stress can be advantageous for both employees and organizations, excessive stress can have negative effects on the physical and psychological well-being of employees.

        Speakers: Alessia Faja (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj - Napoca, Centru Universitar Nord Baia Mare), Ms Alina Ilut (Universitatea Tehnica din Cluj - Napoca, Centru Universitar Nord Baia Mare)
      • 2:30 PM
        The NextGen Leaders and their organizational behavior. A case study at Universal Alloy Corporation Europe 15m

        Nowadays, leadership is influenced by constant changes of economic and political uncertainty and technological disruptions. The NextGen leaders must find the key to being successful in most turbulent times and be the masters of change and resilience. Our article focuses on presenting the NextGen leaders of a successful international organization worldwide (UACE).
        The first part of the article presents the theoretical aspects regarding the classification of management styles and types of managers.
        The second part of the article includes a case study on the analysis of management styles of managers within UACE Dumbravita and future perspectives on NextGen leadership within this organization.
        Key words: NextGen leaders, organizational behavior, management styles

        Speaker: PASCA CORINA
      • 2:45 PM
        Asigurarea de pensii pilon II 15m

        The study examines participation trends in private pension funds over five years, noting fluctuations among companies like Metropolitan Life and AZT Viitorul Tău. NN emerges as the most preferred fund, while BRD consistently ranks lowest. Female participation showed a steady increase, with NN maintaining its leadership position. BCR notably improved in attracting participants, while Aripi consistently ranked low.

        Speaker: Hohagyi GABRIELA-PAULA (Universitatea tehnica Cluj-Napoca)
      • 3:00 PM
        AI and Social Media: Marketing's New Frontier 15m

        In today’s era, where technology is omnipresent and most people are active on the social media platforms, we can safely say that artificial intelligence and digital marketing are “a match made in heaven”: social media platforms represent the place that gathers the targeted audience, and artificial intelligence offers the necessary tools that impact the way brands can interact with this audience in a more effective and personalized way. This article emphasizes how we, as a society, are influenced by the digital marketing, in a competitive landscape where businesses must adapt their marketing strategies to stay relevant. As digital spaces are used to connect people, share information and share engagement, those construct the perfect environment where businesses can achieve their goals: shaping trends, opinions, and consumer behavior.

        Speaker: Mrs Ximena Barsan (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca - Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare)
      • 3:15 PM
        Artificial Intelligence in Knowledge Management 15m

        In the knowledge-based economy era, organizations face increasing challenges in capturing, managing, and effectively leveraging knowledge. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a promising solution to overcome these challenges and transform the way organizations manage knowledge. In this context, this article aims to explore the role of artificial intelligence in knowledge management, by analyzing how AI technologies, such as machine learning, can be used to improve knowledge management processes. The paper provides insights into how artificial intelligence can complement knowledge management. Furthermore, practical recommendations for AI solutions and for improving knowledge management practices within organizations are presented.

        Speaker: Marius Copestiuc (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca)
      • 3:30 PM
        The Changing Nature of Money 15m

        Money, a pervasive force of humankind that follows all aspects of our lives. Throughout history it has taken many shapes from natural tokens such as shells to refined metals, such as gold to today’s FIAT and tomorrow’s crypto. Within the paper, a study on this natural evolution of money and its impact on society and economy has been conducted in order to better understand the effects it has had upon the discipline known as Management so that we, as future leaders, may learn enough from the past to better influence the future.
        Keywords: Management, FIAT, Crypto, Gold

        Speaker: Mr Sever Andrei Bedea (Babeş-Bolyai University of Cluj-Napoca)
      • 3:45 PM

        Leadership within an organization entails the ability to guide and inspire the team to achieve common goals. An effective leader not only manages resources and processes but also motivates the team, providing clear direction and a positive, productive work environment. In the context of a coffee shop, leadership is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and coordinating the team in an often hectic environment. The leader must inspire the staff, resolve conflicts, and foster a healthy organizational culture. This paper examines the role of leadership in a coffee shop, highlighting the necessary skills and strategies for success in a competitive and dynamic sector.

        Speakers: Mrs Dărăbuș Naomi (Facultatea de Stiinte), Muresan Anamaria Alina (Facultatea de Științe)
      • 4:00 PM
        Modele de Cash Flow și Aplicabilitatea Acestora 15m

        Acest studiu analizează modelele de cash flow, aplicabilitatea acestora, particularitățile situațilori financiare, pornind de la aspectele teoretice și de reglementare în conformitate cu standardele IFRS și US GAAP și prezentând situația companiilor listate la Bursa de Valori București (BVB), pentru perioada 2018-2023. Pentru a analiza și a ilustra dinamica fluxurilor de trezorerie într-un context economic fluctuant, am selectat ca perioadă de raportare 2018-2022. Această perioadă a fost aleasă strategic pentru a cuprinde și a contrasta condițiile financiare pre-pandemice, cele din timpul pandemiei de COVID-19, precum și etapa de recuperare post-pandemică. Prin această delimitare, studiul își propune să ofere o perspectivă comprehensivă asupra asupra modalităților prin care companiile raportează performanța financiară.
        Rezultatele cercetării indică faptul că modelele de cash flow bazate pe agilitate și flexibilitate operațională au prezentat o performanță superioară. În plus, s-a observat că organizațiile care au implementat modele predictive și au adaptat rapid strategiile de management au reușit să navigheze mai eficient prin provocările financiare ale perioadei analizate. Aceste descoperiri subliniază importanța adaptabilității și anticipării în gestionarea fluxurilor de trezorerie în condiții de incertitudine economică.

        Cuvinte cheie: Cash flow, Bursa de Valori București, Standarde Internaționale de Raportare Financiară, US GAAP, Performanță financiară.

        Speaker: Mr Adrian-Gabriel Petrescu (Academia de Studii Economice Bucureşti)
      • 4:15 PM

        The aim of the paper is to develop an econometric model for studying the decision-making process in order to launch a new product on the market. In the first part of the paper, the theoretical aspects from the specialized literature regarding the decision-making models and the analysis of the economic-financial indicators of the company ARAMIS INVEST S.R.L. were presented. The proposed economic model can be used in the managerial process, and the decision-makers within the company will be able to select the best decision, from a multitude of alternative decisions regarding the launch of a new product on the market.

        Speaker: Diana Ighian (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
      • 4:30 PM
        Analysis of the financial status and predictions for bankruptcy risk through the liquidity and solvency of an entity from the Romanian industry 15m

        In the Romanian industry, liquidity and solvency are crucial aspects for evaluating the financial stability of a company. Liquidity indicates the immediate ability of an economic entity to meet its short-term financial obligations, while solvency reflects its ability to cover its long-term debts. These indicators are particularly relevant in Romania's fluctuating economic context, especially for the period 2019-2022, as they provide vital clues on a company's ability to face all financial challenges, possible market changes and avoid the risk of bankruptcy.

        Speaker: Ionut-Adrian Lazar (Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
      • 4:45 PM
        The relationship between corporate performance and the level of manipulation 15m

        The analysis of the evolution of the financial performance of any economic entity is essential for the optimal understanding of financial health, allowing both the identification of essential trends and the factors influencing the company, as well as the making of strategic and informed decisions for its future. This study aims to evaluate this complex notion, on a specific company from the hotel and restaurant industry, according to the CAEN code, listed on the Bucharest Stock Exchange, having as a starting point the financial statements available for the period 2020-2022. With the help of the analytical-diagnostic methodology, we will finally be able to issue pertinent value judgments and finally we will be able to carry out a parallel analysis of the company's performance with the level of manipulation of the financial statements, applying two models established by the specialized literature.

        Speaker: Andreea Roxana Danci (Babes-Bolyai University, Faculty of Economics and Business Administration, Cluj-Napoca, Romania)
      • 5:00 PM
        Feeding Minds: Exploring Economic Systems Through the Culinary Metaphors 15m

        The edible economy represents the concept of economic development with the help of aliments from all around the world, since the first moment of their discovery ,presenting the process of their development in the culinary world .
        Keywords: economy, globalization, aliments, development , industrialization

        Speaker: Izabela Vlonga (LICEUL BORȘA)
      • 5:15 PM
        The future of banking determined by the digital banking revolution in Romania 15m

        In order to adapt to customer requirements, in the current context of digitization, banks are forced to make changes, even if they currently have a fairly high degree of computerization.The perspectives indicate that in the coming years digital will expand considerably in all social and economic spheres, banking organizations will be in a position to transform into digital banking units.Considering the results of the two studies undertaken in order to determine the contribution of NTIC to increasing the performance of the management system in Dambovița banking units, as well as the changes generated by the "digital banking" revolution in Romania, we consider it necessary to develop a bank model of the future, intended to facilitate the road to digital banking success.

      • 5:30 PM
        An Overview of AI-driven Recommendation Systems: Enhancing Personalization & User Experience (Qualitative Study) 15m

        This study provides a comprehensive examination of AI-driven recommendation systems, acknowledging their multidisciplinary nature and the various academic perspectives that contribute to understanding their complexity. With a focus on the retail sector, the research investigates user attitudes towards the increasingly personalized consumer environment, particularly in regard to privacy concerns, and examines the consequent impact on customer experiences.
        Employing a qualitative research methodology, this study examines existing AI recommendation systems through a comprehensive literature review and in-depth case studies. Prominent online platforms such as Netflix and Amazon, the paper highlights the substantial economic benefits derived from AI personalization. Drawing insights from industry examples, including the infamous Facebook Beacon controversy, the research underscores the fine balance between leveraging personal data for customization and maintaining user privacy. The paper offers a balanced perspective on the advantages of AI in recommendation systems while highlighting the urgent need for ethical frameworks to govern their use.
        The findings indicate that advanced personalization techniques contribute to enhanced user satisfaction and improved business outcomes. However, these systems also pose challenges, especially in the realm of user privacy and data ethics.

        Speaker: Dragos-Catalin Pahontu
      • 5:45 PM
        Why do Romanian students hide from the corporate world? 15m

        Since the overwhelming majority of undergraduate students fail to engage in internships, part-time employment, or apprenticeships during their studies, they are equipped with little to no work experience once they graduate and enter the workforce, which makes it challenging for them to secure high-level positions. Despite it being well-acknowledged that working strengthens professional networking, soft skill development, and managerial abilities, most Romanian students opt to refrain from labor.
        To convey an enhanced comprehension of the labor dynamics among students, this research is intended to shed light on a few of the potential causes of this phenomenon

        Speaker: Alexandra- Gabriela Pop
      • 6:00 PM
        Piața Mondială 15m

        Economia e rezultatul acțiunii a milioane de agenți economici ce lucrează în economia națională și/sau în relație cu exteriorul. Esența relațiilor ce au loc între agenții economici indiferent unde lucrează e schimbul. Totalitatea schimburilor de bunuri economice, capitaluri, valute, tehnologie de vârf ce au loc între agenții economici din toate țările lumii definesc piata modială.
        Piaţa mondială nu este o noţiune geografică, ci una economică. Ea reprezintă ansamblul tranzacţiiilor care au loc între agenţii economici de pe întreg globul.

        Speaker: Rad Anmaria (Colegiul Economic Nicolae Titulescu Baia Mare)
      • 6:15 PM
        Impactul inteligenței artificiale asupra societății 15m

        Inteligența artificială (IA) reprezintă inteligența demonstrată de mașini, în contrast cu cea naturală manifestată de oameni și animale. Acest articol explorează contextul istoric, dezvoltarea și implicatiile societale ale IA. Începând cu munca crucială a lui Alan Turing în timpul celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial la Bletchley Park, acesta urmărește evoluția cercetării în domeniul IA prin contribuțiile pionierilor precum Marvin Minsky și John McCarthy. Textul discută atât beneficiile potențiale, cum ar fi îmbunătățirea eficienței și productivității în diverse domenii, cât și provocările, inclusiv înlocuirea locurilor de muncă și preocupările legate de securitatea datelor, asociate adoptării rapide a IA. În ciuda acestor provocări, articolul subliniază impactul pozitiv semnificativ pe care IA îl poate avea asupra societății, de la îmbunătățirea diagnosticului medical la susținerea dezvoltării durabile și inovației tehnologice. Concluzionează prin pledoaria pentru reglementarea atentă și implementarea etică a IA pentru a maximiza beneficiile sale și a minimiza riscurile asociate.

        Speaker: Andrei Strenger
    • 4:00 PM 6:00 PM
      Communication, public relations and journalism A2


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A Baia-Mare
      • 4:00 PM
        Comunicarea nonverbala – emoticons in social media. Degradarea limbii romane in contextul retelelor sociale 15m

        Odată cu dezvoltarea internetului interacțiunea dintre oameni s-a intensificat, din păcate doar interacțiunea virtuală, interacțiune umană având de suferit. Comunicarea online este mult mai facilă și mai rapidă decât comunicarea face to face. Este mai simplu să trimitem un mesaj pe WhatsApp sau Facebook sau orice altă rețea socială decât să scriem o scrisoare. Cu toate aceste beneficii ale comunicării prin social-media apar și dezavantaje cum ar fi lipsa socializării directe faptul că nu ne putem privi interlocutorul, iar cel mai mare dezavantaj îl constituie degradare limbii române prescurtand cuvintele și folosind emoticoane pentru a transmite stări, emoții și trăiri.

        Speaker: maris maria (UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICA CLUJ NAPOCA, centrul universitar nors baia mare, specializarea- comunicare si relatii publce)
      • 4:15 PM
        Menținerea reputației pozitive în mediul online 15m

        Lucrarea dezvoltă tema reputației în mediul online, concentrându-se și pe comunicarea de criză. Vor fi analizate subiecte precum prezența pe internet, imaginea unei persoane sau organizații, metode de îmbunătățire și prezervare a reputației pozitive și metode de acționare într-o situație de criză care afectează reputația unei organizații, a unei persoane.

        Speaker: Andreea Ianoș
      • 4:30 PM
        Comunicare politică și manipulare prin social media 15m

        Încă de la începuturi, comunicarea politică reprezintă un maraton al persuasiunii aplicate asupra populației cu scopul de a strânge voturi și simpatie în detrimentul politicianului sau al întregului partid. În prezent, lupta politică și-a găsit frontul pe rețelele de socializare unde fără mari eforturi, omul politic își poate forma imaginea, exprima părerea și crea reclama după bunul plac, iar informația are deschidere la cel mai vast public, în așa fel încât fiecare promisiune fără temei și defăimare asupra concurenței să ajungă la cetățeni în acest an electoral.

        Speaker: Răzvan Ionuț Taloș
      • 4:45 PM
        Influencerii și Construirea Brandului pe Social Media 15m

        Lucrarea se va axa atât pe faptul că marketingul pe social media a devenit esențial în era noastră cât și importanța conștientizării riscurilor și situațiilor de criză care pot să apară, împreună cu modalități de gestionare a acestora pentru a proteja reputația influencerilor. Am de gând să adaug exemple, atât din România cât și din străinătate, care să stârnească atenția ascultătorilor și să facă subiectul prezentat unul mai ușor de înțeles.

        Speaker: alexandra-denisa dutca (Facultatea de Litere, CUNBM, UTCN)
      • 5:00 PM
        Public speaking prin social media 15m

        Rețelele sociale sunt una dintre platformele pentru procesul de prelegere pentru vorbirea în public folosită de studenți în perioada pandemiei. Erau folosite diverse platforme pentru a susține activitățile de curs.
        Scopul acestui studiu este de a afla de ce rețele sociale sunt adesea folosite în procesul de prelegeri vorbite. Metoda folosită este o metodă calitativă care are scopul de a explica sau descrie fenomenul platformelor pe scară largă utilizate în timpul pandemiei. Analizând mai multe surse legate de social media descoperim care platforme sunt utilizate mai eficient în procesul de prelegere de vorbire în public. Astfel încât,potrivit mai multor surse, Instagram și Tik Tok sunt platformele utilizate pe scară largă în prelegeri, în
        cursuri de vorbire în public, ca platforme principale în activitățile de vorbire în public.

        Speaker: Oana Barcan (Comunicare și Relații Publice, Științele Comunicării, Facultatea de litere, Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare)
    • 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
      Biology A2


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A Baia-Mare
      • 10:00 AM

        During 2023, we conducted qualitative and quantitative research on the edaphic coleopteran fauna of the Sub Arini Park, located in the city of Sibiu, Romania. The aim of the study was to inventory the diversity and distribution of coleopteran populations in this urban park. The main objectives of the research included the identification of the species of coleoptera present in the park, the investigation of their ecological characteristics, as well as the analysis of preferred habitats and their variation in terms of time and space.
        Between April and October of 2023, we placed a number of 17 soil traps on an area of ​​21.65 hectares, covering the entire area of ​​the park. These traps were checked and lifted weekly to collect relevant data on the beetle populations. In total, we identified 26 species of coleopterans belonging to 8 families, totaling 2118 specimens.
        Based on the data obtained from the faunal samples, we performed ecological analyzes for all investigated habitats, covering the vernal, summer and autumnal seasons. For each individual species, we have calculated ecological indices.

        Speaker: Ms Cosmina Caibăr (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
      • 10:15 AM
        Evaluation of the presence of Trichomonas vaginalis parasite, in the female population attending an Obstetrics and Gynecology office, Baia Mare 15m

        The identification and prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in women was pursued, through the Babeş Papanicolau test collected at a gynecology office, Baia Mare. During the research period (2020-2023), the identification of the etiological agents detected, the prevalence of contamination, the distribution by age groups, residence and level of studies were pursued. The data were centralized in tables, using the percentage calculation method, and the results were plotted. Out of a number of 2,531 investigated patients, 39 positive were diagnosed for parasitosis 2020 (2.76%), 2021 (1.73%), 2022 (1.10%), 2023 (0.65), decrease probably due to the pandemic.

        Speaker: Ms Beatrice Mihalescu (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca - Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare)
      • 10:30 AM
        Green walls and green roofs in urban ecosystems 15m

        Green walls are walls covered in greenery, often called vertical gardens. The two main types are living walls and green facades. Green walls can have a strong role in biodiversity, they contribute to reducing the effects of urban heat islands, they increase carbon dioxide intake, overall increasing the quality of life in urban areas.
        Green roofs are roofs covered in plants, having similar effects to green walls and often serving as community gardens.
        The target of the study was highlighting the role of greenery found on green walls such as green facades and hedges in reducing temperature and humidity in the areas where they are located. Measurements were made on hedges such as Buxus semperviens or Ligustrum ovalifolium and on green facades consisting of common ivy, Hedera helix and Wisteria fluribunda.
        The partial results demonstrate the support of the hypothesis. The temperatures measured on the green walls areas were on average lower by 0,6 degrees Celsius than those measured in the atmosphere and the humidity was lower by 2-3%.

        Speaker: Ms Bianca Cădar (Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Faculty of sciences)
      • 10:45 AM
        Case study regarding the attitude of the population towards the development of the banks of Săsar. 15m

        Development of rivers in cities, sewers and bank constructions, can have a significant impact on local biodiversity. These interventions can lead to the destruction of natural habitats, the decrease of water quality and the isolation of plants and animal populations.
        At the same time, improving water management and reintegrating natural areas into urban planning can contribute to preserving and restoring biodiversity in the urban environment.

        Speaker: Daria Rognean (Facultatea de Științe ,Specializarea Biologie)
      • 11:00 AM
        The dynamics of soil microorganisms - the quantitative and qualitative assessment of the microbiota 15m

        The purpose of the research was to highlight the dynamics of soil microorganisms, in order to assess the microbiota quantitatively and qualitatively, by comparing two different soils in terms of location and origin, as well as by exposure to various factors that have an impact on soil quality.
        Several types of analyzes were performed for the two types of soil. To carry out the microbiological analyzes on the soil samples, the method of the decimal dilution series of 9:1 soil extracts was used. The microbiological analyzes aimed in particular to identify the total number of germs, bacteria and fungi (yeasts and moulds). Physical analyzes of the soil consisted of checking temperature, moisture, pH/Eh and conductivity/Sa.

        Speaker: Ms DANA GEORGIANA PITIC (Universitatea Tehnică Cluj Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord Baia Mare)
      • 11:15 AM
        Efectele extractului apos de Salvia officinalis asupra diabetului zaharat de tip II si a hipertensiunii arteriale 15m

        Efectele extractului apos de Salvia officinalis asupra diabetului zaharat de tip II și a hipertensiunii arteriale

        Diabetul zaharat de tip II reprezintă o afecțiune caracterizată prin creșterea nivelului de glucoză serică, rezistență la insulină și carență de insulină. Apare atunci când glicemia (nivelul glucozei serice) este prea mare, ca urmare a obezității, lipsei de efort sau predispoziției genetice.
        Hipertensiunea arterială este o afecțiune medicală pe termen lung în care tensiunea arterială este crescută în mod persistent. Hipertensiunea arterială, de obicei, nu provoacă simptome în sine, dar este totuși un factor de risc major pentru accident vascular cerebral, boală coronariană, insuficiență cardiacă, fibrilație atrială, boală arterială periferică, pierderea vederii și boală cronică renală.
        Salvia officinalis este o plantă medicinală, folosită din cele mai vechi timpuri pentru tratamentul unor afecțiuni variate și fiind numită ,,iarba sfântă”. Extractele de S. officinalis au efect anti-tumoral și citostatic, anti-inflamator, antiseptic și hipoglicemiant.
        Studiul își propune testarea influenței extractului apos de salvie asupra nivelului glicemiei în diabetul zaharat de tip II. Scopul acestui studiu este de a identifica posibilități de amliorare a stării de sănătate a bolnavilor de diabet prin admistrarea extractului de salvie simultan cu medicația antidiabetică.
        Lotul de persoane monitorizate si testate, deși inițial lărgit (30) s-a stabilizat la 10 bolnavi de diabet zaharat tip II. Lotul de bolnavi a fost selectat în colaborare cu medicul diabetolog, care pe lângă medicația specifică a prescris si utilizarea ritmică a extractului apos de Salvia officinalis timp de 30 de zile. Premergător studiului toate cazurile au fost testate privind următorii parametrii fiziologici: glicemie, hemoglobina glicozilată (HbA1C), colesterol seric total, trigliceride, aspartataminotransferaza (TGO), alaninaminotransferaza (TGP), lipoproteine cu densitate mică (HDL), lipoproteine cu densitate mare (LDL).
        În urma analizei rezultatelor, am concluzionat că extractul apos de Salvia officinalis a redus glicemia la 60% dintre pacienți, iar rezultatele analizelor precum hemoglobina glicozilată (HbA1C), colesterolul seric total și lipoproteinele cu densitate mare (LDL) s-au îmbunătățit semnificativ.

        Speaker: Cristian-Radu Tulici (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare)
      • 11:30 AM
        Essential Oils: Exploring Their Antimicrobial Potential 15m

        Multidrug-resistant bacteria is one of the most concerning health problems all over the world. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics and antifungals drives these phenotypes. Developing new combat strategies is crucial to prevent healthcare and humanitarian crisis. Potential strategies include essential oils, antimicrobial peptides, bacteriophage therapies, and nanoparticles. These strategies could offer an optimized alternative to antibiotics, transforming virulent microorganisms into avirulent ones, without major disruption to the normal microbiota or human body homeostasis.
        In this study we focused on the antimicrobial potential activity of the essential oils, that were tested using different methods against Gram-negative, Gram-positive and fungal microorganisms.
        Keywords: multidrug-resistant bacteria, essential oils, human health protection, antibiotics alternatives

        Speaker: Rareș-Ionuț Dragomir (Departamentul de Botanică și Microbiologie, Facultatea de Biologie, Universitatea din București, București, România)
      • 11:45 AM
        Which locally grown fruits work best for DNA extraction? 15m

        This project explores the efficacy of DNA extraction from locally grown fruits in Romania, aiming to identify optimal candidates for genetic analysis. Seven fruits—plums, apples, pears, peaches, strawberries, grapes, and quince—were selected based on criteria such as diversity, water content, and DNA characteristics. The extraction process involved standardized methods, and the quantity of extracted DNA was evaluated visually due to equipment limitations. Results indicated that strawberries yielded the most DNA, followed closely by grapes, apples, and pears, while peaches, plums, and quince produced lower quantities. These findings align with hypotheses based on fruit characteristics. Suggestions for optimizing extraction protocols include enzyme incorporation and varying lysis buffer concentrations. The study's implications span education, scientific research, and practical applications in agriculture, conservation, and biotechnology. Detailed project timelines and references provide a comprehensive overview of the experimental process and outcomes.

        Speaker: Valentina Stanescu
      • 12:00 PM
        Factorii care afectează ornitofauna din orașul Baia Mare 15m

        Urbanizarea are impact negativ asupra ornitofaunei. În ciuda provocărilor, unele specii se adapteza la mediile urbane dar altele suferă sau chiar dispar.
        Baia Mare este situată în nord-vestul României, în lungul râului Săsar (cca. 228 m. alt.). Orașul beneficiază de un climat blând, fără temperaturi excesive.
        Scopul lucrării este de a oferii o imagine asupra ornitofaunei din Baia Mare. Astfel,am selectat trei spații verzi reprezentative: Parcul Municipal Regina Maria, Parcul Mara și campusul universitar CUNBM.
        Lucrarea inlude observații avifaunistice din perioada: octombrie 2023 -mai 2024, prin metoda puctelor fixe. Rezultatele au demonstrat ca presiunea antropicacum a afectat dversitatea ornitofaunei

        Speaker: Timariu Liviu Gabriel
      • 12:15 PM

        On the surface of food there is always a considerable number of microorganisms, which increases as they find the conditions for development.
        They come from the non-surrounding environment, mostly from the air, spread by dust, insects and animals, but also from the ground or water.

        For this work, 21 types of food products were studied: blueberries, apricots, strawberries, apples, cherries, corn, onions, tomatoes, olives, chickpeas, vegetable pâté, cream cheese, plum jam, cottage cheese, white bread, mozzarella, blueberry jam, nutritional yeast, tomato paste, quince jam.

      • 12:30 PM
        Research on bee products and their use in cosmetics 15m

        In this paper, the antibacterial effect of bee products on skin microflora was investigated in order to prepare api-therapeutic formulations. Bacterial cultures were isolated on culture media and samples of propolis, honey, royal jelly, beeswax, pollen were applied, which proved their inhibitory efficacy, especially propolis, royal jelly and honey. Thus, these products have a biological value through the natural antibiotics they contain, proof that they can be used successfully in cosmetics.

        Speaker: Pop Alessandra (Student)
      • 12:45 PM
        The study of the mobility and speciation of heavy metals in polluted soils from Copșa Mică, Sibiu County 15m

        The Copșa Mică area in Romania is heavily affected by contamination with heavy metals, particularly lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn), due to intense industrialization. This study investigates the impact of this pollution on soil and the mobility of heavy metals. The results highlight significant contamination, surpassing permissible limits, affecting soil fertility and plant development. Additionally, the potential of red mud for remediating contaminated soil is explored. The conclusions emphasize the need for urgent remediation strategies to protect the environment and the health of local residents.

        Speaker: Mr Bogdan Șofariu (Universitatea Lucian Blaga Sibiu)
      • 1:00 PM
        The natural and anthropogenic impact on water quality: a preliminary view on the Sebeș river, Alba county 15m

        The natural and anthropic impact on the water quality of the Sebeș River is analyzed in this study. Using data from previous reports and information about hydrological characteristics, we evaluated the chemical state of the water, identifying potential sources of pollution and concluding that overall, water quality is good. However, concentrations of nutrients in some sections reflect anthropic impact. For efficient water resource management, continuous monitoring, identification, and reduction of pollution sources, and community involvement in decision-making processes are recommended. These actions are essential for protecting and improving the quality of the aquatic environment and local life.

        Speaker: Mrs Daniela Cata (UNIVERSITATEA LUCIAN BLAGA DIN SIBIU)
      • 1:15 PM
        Testing the antimicrobial efficiency of silver nanoparticles and Aloe vera gel 15m

        This paper aims to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of solutions based on silver nanoparticles and Aloe vera gel on some pathogenic and facultative pathogenic strains. In order to highlight the bactericidal properties of these products, measurements of the inhibition zone diameter were performed for each tested strain. The results showed that the most effective antimicrobial effect is in the case of the combination between biosynthesized silver nanoparticles solution and Aloe vera gel, having the diameter of action of 15 mm on the Staphylococcus aureus strain.

        Speaker: Teodora Elena Oprica (Facultatea de Științe, Biologie anul III)
      • 1:30 PM
        Impact of agricultural nutrients on drinking water quality from wells 15m

        This study investigates the impact of chemical fertilizer use in agriculture on drinking water quality from wells in a village in the Mărginimea Sibiului area. By analyzing nitrate concentrations and other relevant parameters in water and soil, the study finds potential contamination of drinking water, with potential negative effects on public health and the local environment. The results highlight the need for sustainable water resource management and agricultural practices to protect the environment and public health in this specific region.

        Speaker: Mr Bogdan Ungureanu (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
      • 1:45 PM
        Ca sarea în bucate: o scurtă introducere în știința gustului 15m

        From drinking some morning coffee to grabbing a muffin on the way home from work, our senses are constantly working on providing us with a full sensorial tasting experience, a “flavour”, an encompassment of physical, chemical and neurophysiological attributes, with a sprinkle of influences coming from the sociological and psychological aspects of eating. But what about this activity compels humans so much that it has become a multi-trillion dollar industry? How do we perceive taste and why did we evolve to discern between different flavours? These are some of the questions that I’m going to be providing an answer for in my project.

        Speaker: Mihaela Chende (Colegiul National ,,Vasile Lucaciu")
    • 10:00 AM 8:00 PM
      Computer Science Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
      Convener: Macelaru Mara (UTCLUJ)
      • 10:00 AM
        Activitatea Serviciului de Telecomunicații Speciale: rețelele administrate, beneficiarii legali, proiectele și activitățile desfășurate, sistemele și aplicațiile informatice dezvoltate 30m

        Colonel dr.ing. Daniel Mic, șeful Direcției Județene de Telecomunicații Speciale Maramureș, va susține o prezentare despre domeniul de activitate al Serviciului de Telecomunicații Speciale: rețelele administrate, beneficiarii legali, proiectele și activitățile desfășurate, sistemele și aplicațiile informatice dezvoltate.

        Speaker: Mr Daniel Mic (Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale)
      • 10:30 AM
        Perspectivele de evoluție a serviciilor de comunicații mobile PPDR 30m

        Colonel ing. Florin Vică, specialist STS în radiocomunicații, va susține o prezentare privind perspectivele de evoluție a serviciilor de comunicații mobile PPDR. Rețelele de comunicații mobile PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) au o importanță vitală pentru societate asigurând servicii de comunicații de tip mission critical pentru instituțiile cu atribuții privind ordinea publică și gestionarea situațiilor de urgență, organizațiile guvernamentale și militare. Aceste rețele au o disponibilitate ridicată și furnizează servicii de comunicații mobile criptate de voce și date cu caracteristici speciale precum apel de grup, funcționalități de dispecer, timp mic de stabilire a comunicațiilor, precum și facilități de continuare a comunicațiilor în mod direct în afara ariei de acoperire asigurată de infrastructura rețelei.

        Speaker: Mr Florin Vică (Serviciul de Telecomunicații Speciale)
      • 11:00 AM
        Invited speaker - Jose Barata 30m
        Speaker: Mr Jose Barata (Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias)
      • 11:30 AM
        Fake news - Hackathon Final Session 1h
        Speaker: Universitas Foundation (Fundația Universitas)
      • 12:30 PM
        Automating a greenhouse using the Arduino platform 10m

        Automation of agricultural processes is an ever-evolving field, seeking to improve efficiency and sustainability in food production. This paper explores the use of the Arduino platform in automating a greenhouse, providing a practical and affordable solution for plant growers. By integrating temperature, humidity, light and soil moisture sensors, the Arduino platform enables constant monitoring of environmental conditions in greenhouses and automatic adjustment of parameters to optimize plant growth. Also, the automatic control of the irrigation system contributes to the efficient management of resources and the provision of an optimal environment for plant development. Implementing this solution offers significant advantages, including increased yield, reduced water, energy consumption and reduced risk of crop loss.

        Speaker: Mr Mihály Konyicska (Universitatea Politehnica Timișoara - Facultatea de Electronică, Telecomunicații și Tehnologii Informaționale)
      • 12:40 PM
        An ensemble unsupervised method for anomaly detection in industrial production data 10m

        Working machines are largely used in industrial environments for production of items and generate lots of data following these processes. The proper operation of machines influence the production output, thus detection of anomalies in machines activities is a crucial thing for avoiding awful outcomes. This paper present an ensemble unsupersived anomaly detection method able to handle aspects such as efficiency and data volume. Proposed method consists of 2 stages: in the first stage, statistical-based methods are used to assign labels to input data, then second stage use feature bagging technique to create and train estimators later used for prediction.

        Speaker: Mr Dacian Goina (Universitatea de Vest din Timisoara - Facultatea de Matematica si Informatica)
      • 12:50 PM
        A Game Engine is all you need 10m

        Reinforcement Learning (RL) stands as a fundamental approach for optimization problems, characterized by an iterative experimentation to maximize the cumulative reward of an agent performing in its environment. This paper highlights how game engines serve as the perfect training environments for intelligent agents, leveraging state-of-the-art RL algorithms.

        Speaker: Mr Radu Ciobanu (West University of Timisoara)
      • 1:00 PM
        Building and Operating a Microservices Architecture for an Online Judgment System 10m

        This paper is authored by Sami Bărbuț-Dică, student at the University of Craiova, under the guidance of Conf. dr. Mirel Coșulschi and presents a comprehensive examination of the development life cycle of Pantheonix, an advanced online judging system (OJS) characterized by its microservices architecture. Leveraging a myriad of cutting-edge technologies, including Docker for containerization, Docker Compose for orchestration, and Dapr for service mesh integration, Pantheonix exemplifies the pinnacle of modern software engineering practices. By exploring the intricacies of domain-driven analysis, microservices design, and operational paradigms, this paper unveils the rich tapestry of technologies underpinning the Pantheonix platform. From MongoDB and PostgreSQL for database persistence, Envoy for API gateway management and Redis for state storage to Rust and .NET for backend and Flutter for frontend, each technology plays a vital role in ensuring the scalability, reliability, and security of the Pantheonix ecosystem.

        Speaker: Sami Barbut-Dica (Universitatea din Craiova, Facultatea de Științe)
      • 1:10 PM
        Reconstruction of the Sântana-Cetatea Veche fortification using virtual reality 10m

        Sântana-Cetatea Veche, Arad, is a Bronze Age fortification that has recently come to the attention of archaeologists due to its dimensions and identified structures. Being first described in the 18th century, research was resumed in 2008 by Florin Gogâltan and Victor Sava, revealing details about the buildings and defense systems discovered.
        This paper presents a 3D reconstruction of the fortification with the help of virtual reality technologies starting from the mentioned research. The purpose of the work is mainly educational and aims to promote the cultural heritage, offering the opportunity to explore the fortification in an immersive way.

        Speaker: Cezar Petreanu
      • 1:20 PM
        Optimizing Language Models for Real-Time Financial Conversations 10m


        This research focuses on building a custom pipeline centered around a financial large language model that runs well on resource-constrained devices. Some of the most important aspects of our implementation are the use of a synthetic dataset and the text organization method. While the reranker has a teacher-student architecture focused on the financial domain, the generative model is finetuned from a baseline model.
        In the subsequent sections of this study, we will thoroughly examine the external services that facilitated the development of our solution, alongside a comprehensive analysis of every significant component within the entire pipeline.


        Language models like ChatGPT and Gemini have advanced, but they are costly and challenging to use in resource-constrained settings. Our custom pipeline prioritizes accessibility and leverages adapted models to provide useful financial information. Techniques such as fine-tuning and quantization enhance performance on mobile devices. Results show a significant improvement in efficiency and accuracy, with potential for further enhancement.

        Speakers: Andrei Ghiurțu (Transilvania University of Brasov), Ms Karina Olaru (Transilvania University of Brasov)
      • 1:30 PM
        Comparative Analysis of Cybersecurity Legislative Frameworks: Ukraine and Russia 10m

        Abstract: The legislative framework pertaining to cybersecurity in Russia lacks comprehensive public documentation, while Ukraine provides transparent access to its strategic plans for cybersecurity development. This article presents a comparative analysis of the Ukrainian cybersecurity roadmap for 2023-2024 and the perspectives of Russian experts on the concept of import substitution in cybersecurity. By examining Ukrainian initiatives and Russian viewpoints, the article aims to shed light on the differing approaches to cybersecurity governance and policy implementation in these neighboring nations.

        Speaker: Irina GROZA (Department of Informatics UBB)
      • 1:40 PM
        Yoop Platform 10m

        Yoop is a cloud platform for developing serverless functions with a focus on simplicity, security, and low cost. It allows businesses and individuals to pay only for the resources they use, and scales functions based on usage and available processing power. Yoop also offers analytics to deep dive into function performance and usage, while exploring predictive solutions for cost estimation and performance improvements.

        Speaker: Eduard Podolac
      • 1:50 PM
        Librarium- Aplicatie pentru biblioteci 10m

        Experience a seamless and efficient way to access the world of literature with my library application. My app simplifies the process of finding and accessing books with powerful search and filtering options. Easily search and locate your desired books, journals, and digital resources, thanks to intuitive search algorithms and robust filters. Streamline the borrowing process, reserve items, and manage your reading list with just a few taps. Easily access a wide digital library for a more convenient and enjoyable experience

        Passion for reading I express my profound passion for reading and its capacity to offer an escape, knowledge, and diverse perspectives. I will present my dedication to sharing this enthusiasm through the creation of a digital library application.
        Innovation My passion for innovation, particularly in technology, is highlighted. I believe in using technology to revolutionize the way people interact with books and information, making it more accessible and enjoyable.

        Community Impact I emphasize the significance of enhancing our community by ensuring equal access to information, encouraging lifelong learning, and nurturing a love for reading through the application. My aim is also to establish a platform for community interaction and discussions that will strengthen our social bonds.

        In the digital age, libraries are undergoing a profound transformation. The emergence of a cutting-edge digital library application is reshaping the way we access and engage with books and knowledge. This innovative platform prioritizes user-centric experiences, offering advanced search features, personalized book recommendations, and simplified borrowing processes. It also nurtures a literary community through discussions and book clubs, and promotes literary events. Administrators benefit from efficient tools to manage and monitor the user experience. This application is a fusion of traditional library values and digital convenience, representing a transformative force in how we read, learn, and connect. It's not just a library; it's a literary revolution.

        Speaker: Andreea Mariana Marincaș (Computer Science)
      • 2:00 PM
        Piccaso project 10m

        Buna ziua!
        Aici este abstractul lucrarii noastre.

        Speaker: Danaila Andrei-Cristian (Universitatea “Dunarea de Jos” din Galati Facultatea de Automatica Calculatoare Inginerie Electrica si Electronică)
      • 2:10 PM
        Comparing NLP Frameworks: A Chatbot Interface Study 10m

        This project endeavors to address the growing need for comparative analysis and evaluation within the field of natural language processing (NLP) by developing a sophisticated chatbot interface for assessing the performance of two leading NLP frameworks: Spacy and OpenAI. Motivated by the increasing demand for NLP solutions across various domains, ranging from customer service automation to sentiment analysis, the project seeks to provide researchers, developers, and practitioners with a comprehensive understanding of the capabilities and limitations of these frameworks.

        The scope of the project encompasses the development of a user-friendly interface using Django, a high-level Python web framework, alongside Python's extensive libraries for NLP tasks. By integrating Bootstrap and HTML, the interface is designed to ensure seamless user interaction and accessibility. Through this interface, users can input text queries and receive responses generated by both Spacy and OpenAI, with the results meticulously analyzed and compared.

        The project's methodology involves rigorous experimentation and benchmarking to evaluate the performance metrics of each framework, including accuracy, speed, and scalability. By conducting systematic comparisons and in-depth analyses, the project aims to elucidate the strengths and weaknesses inherent in Spacy and OpenAI, thereby aiding decision-makers in selecting the most suitable NLP solution for their specific needs.

        Speaker: Dragoș Andreica (Facultatea de Științe Centrul Universitar Nord UTCluj)
      • 2:20 PM
        AI Satellite Monitoring for Deforestation Analysis 10m

        Satellite imagery combined with artificial intelligence presents an innovative approach to monitoring deforestation levels in specific regions. The motivation behind this project stems from the urgent need to track and understand the impact of deforestation on our ecosystems and climate. Deforestation poses significant threats to biodiversity, soil health, and contributes to climate change by releasing stored carbon into the atmosphere.

        The scope of this project encompasses the development and deployment of machine learning models trained on satellite imagery data. These models are designed to accurately detect and quantify deforested areas over time. By leveraging AI techniques and image segmentation algorithms, the project aims to achieve precise and scalable analysis of deforestation patterns.

        The description of the project involves analyzing satellite images at regular intervals to identify changes in vegetation cover indicative of deforestation activities. The AI model processes large volumes of image data to generate statistical insights, including deforestation rates, affected areas, and trends over time. Visual examples derived from satellite imagery provide compelling evidence of deforestation impact, showcasing the extent of forest loss and its spatial distribution. This project holds promise for conservation efforts, enabling policymakers, researchers, and environmental organizations to make data-driven decisions to mitigate deforestation and preserve vital ecosystems.

        Speaker: Cătălin Coza (UTCLUJ-CUNBM Facultatea de Stiinte)
      • 2:30 PM
        Aqua Magna - water quality monitoring system 10m

        In a world full of pollution and bad management of the overall limited resources we still have at disposal, awareness of the little things that help us live becomes crucial. This journal addresses to one of the crucial elements that keeps life on earth, water. Because of this, huge efforts should be made in order to monitor the quality of water for both aquatic life and dinking posibility, in order to optimise the usage of treatment plants and help the investment in building new ones

        Speaker: Mr Claudiu-Iulian Cercel (West University of Timisoara)
      • 2:40 PM
        Labquest- A glimpse into biology and chemistry Educational soft 10m

        The educational software was designed to be used both during chemistry and biology classes and outside of them by high school students, to assess their knowledge of the material taught by the teachers, as well as their gaming abilities. The game was designed to support and enhance the effectiveness of active and interactive knowledge acquisition, training, and development of various competencies and skills. The information has been structured in a logical manner, corresponding to the designed learning strategy. The language employed aligns with the student's level of understanding and is suitable for the content.

        Speaker: Cozma Dacian Titus (Colegiul National Vasile Lucaciu)
      • 2:50 PM
        DormMate 10m

        The present paper presents the
        motivation, purpose and method of work of my
        project. Entitled „DormMate”, this website is
        dedicated to the management of student dorms
        and to the improvement of the students
        experience during their accommodation.

        Speaker: Denisa Maria Vancea (CUNBM Facultatea de Stiinte - Informatica)
      • 3:00 PM
        3D Urban Traffic Simulator 10m

        The project implements an urban traffic simulator, in a scenario with both vehicles and pedestrians. The user has the ability to place and remove traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, as well as decide the timing of the traffic lights. For simulation scenarios, the number of moving vehicles and pedestrians can be specified. The simulator offers options for saving, reloading, and accelerating the simulation. Each simulation scenario concludes with the generation of statistics (average speed of all vehicles, total time spent in traffic, etc.), based on which the impact of traffic control elements is analyzed. The simulation is conducted on a realistic map obtained from an "open data" file and rendered in Unity. The file contains real coordinates of streets and can represent any region in the world. The simulator can run on Windows 10+ and Linux operating systems.

        The purpose of the simulator is to generate statistics based on which a decision-making algorithm, to be implemented, will generate recommendations for managing traffic lights aimed at reducing traffic congestion.

        During a simulation, statistics are generated for each vehicle, highlighting its current state (moving or waiting), and at the end, the average speed at which it traveled the route is calculated. Also in the statistics section, the user can select road segments, on which the average speed during the simulation and the number of vehicles on that stretch in different time intervals are calculated.

        Speaker: Alexandru Edves
      • 3:10 PM
        Extracting data from mobile devices 10m

        Who knows more about you than your loved one or your mother? Excluding major technology corporations, the answer is likely your smartphone. Whether it is an Android or iOS device, this compact, transistor-dense companion holds a vast repository of personal information that, when meticulously parsed and analyzed, can yield a highly accurate profile of its owner.
        In an era where leading technology companies have increasingly implemented security measures to safeguard data from unauthorized access (except when such data can be harvested and monetized by data vendors), a critical question arises: how can one extract this data from a device fortified with robust security protocols? Be it law enforcement agencies or curious academic minds, the following paper aims to provide an overview of the techniques employed to successfully extract data from a modern Android or iOS device.

        Speaker: Andrei Dinica
      • 3:20 PM
        Automation of the customer communication process 10m

        In today’s digital landscape, effective and rapid communication with clients is crucial for any business. Automated communication steps in as a key solution, facilitating the delivery of personalized messages and emails to numerous clients quickly. This approach fosters a personal connection between the company and its clients.
        The central goal of this initiative is to enhance user experience and streamline communication efficiency. The application is designed to send personalized emails using Python, ensuring a reduced operational cost for the business. This contributes significantly to an improved user experience.
        Leveraging the capabilities of Python, we can effortlessly establish a streamlined workflow tailored to manage email communications, providing a valuable asset for companies across different industries. Using Python with the SendGrid API, employees can design and automate the sending of personalized emails seamlessly. Accessed through a desktop interface, once this email system is constructed, it becomes a versatile solution.
        The application includes a database where information can be imported from a CSV list or added manually. Users can send emails to everyone on the list or selectively choose recipients by using conditional logic or simply clicking on the desired contacts. Pre-defined email templates are available to simplify the email sending process, making it even more user-friendly.
        The core objective of this project is to craft a dynamic workflow specifically designed to handle email communications, dispatch personalized emails to clients, and efficiently store essential data within the framework of SQLite. This integrated approach not only enhances communication processes but also ensures a systematic and organized method for document management.
        Additionally, the application provides comprehensive tracking features, allowing users to see how many emails have been sent and how many were opened. This insight helps in measuring the effectiveness of the email campaigns and enables businesses to refine their communication strategies.
        The versatility of this Python-based solution allows for a customized and user-friendly experience, contributing to increased productivity and efficiency within the company's operations.

        Speaker: Robert Manc (Facultatea de Științe Centrul Universitar Nord UTCLUJ)
      • 3:30 PM
        Web Page Analysis for Email Address Extraction: A Computational Approach 10m

        In the digitally transformed landscape of the 21st century, heightened by the pandemic's restrictions on in-person interactions, online communication and technology have become pivotal. As businesses adapted, they redefined their management approaches to thrive in this new environment. Central to this digital toolkit is an application designed to extract email addresses from specific URLs. This functionality is vital for acquiring information on products, customer opinions, and marketing strategies, and it fuels innovation in product development—key advantages in the competitive private sector. The Email Scraper goes beyond mere extraction; it offers advanced features such as email verification, validation, and sophisticated organizational tools. Users can sort emails according to various criteria, streamlining data management for targeted marketing efforts. The application also allows for the customization of preferences to refine lead generation and supports the export of data in CSV or DB3 format, enabling easy integration and thorough analysis.

        Keywords: Email scraping, Email Scraper, webpage analysis.

        Speaker: Sovago Rares-Andrei
      • 3:40 PM
        Virtual Reception 10m

        This web application transforms hotel booking by integrating technology, user experience, and hotel management requirements.
        Guests can easily book and manage their reservation through an intuitive interface, assisted by an automated virtual receptionist powered by Rasa technology. Virtual reception entails facilitating personalized communication, enabling an effortless booking, and providing 24/7 support for any questions. Hotel managers also benefit from the platform's efficiency. It simplifies hotel management and bookings, optimizing workflow and ultimately leading to improved resource allocation.

        Speaker: Ms Georgiana Alexandra Pop (CUNBM - Facultatea de Științe)
      • 3:50 PM
        Personal Manager 10m

        Personal Manager is a React Native mobile application designed to streamline personal organization and productivity. Leveraging Firebase for authentication, it offers a centralized platform for users to manage tasks, notes, shopping lists, and finances. The application's core features include:
        Task Management: Users can create, prioritize, and track tasks within the Todos section. With options to mark tasks as urgent and track completion status, users stay organized and focused on their most important objectives.
        Note-taking: The Notes section provides a space for users to capture ideas, reminders, and miscellaneous thoughts. Users can categorize notes and mark them as completed, ensuring essential information is easily accessible and organized.
        Shopping Lists: Personal Manager enables users to create custom shopping lists for groceries, household items, or any other needs. Users can add, remove, and check off items as they shop, simplifying the process and reducing the likelihood of forgotten items.
        Financial Tracking: With the Expenses/Incomes section, users can monitor their financial health by inputting expenses and incomes for each month. The application generates visual representations, such as charts, allowing users to analyze their spending habits and make informed financial decisions.
        By providing intuitive tools for task management, note-taking, list creation, and financial tracking, Personal Manager empowers users to increase productivity, maintain organization, and achieve their personal and financial goals effectively.

        Speaker: Erich Sinn (Centru Universitar Nord Baia Mare - Facultatea de Stiinte)
      • 4:00 PM
        Improving Csound music composition with tracker style audio frontend 10m

        In this paper a graphical user interface software for working with Csound is proposed in order to make computer music composition easier and faster in a structured manner, while also enjoying the Csound's strength for having a vast amount of sound synthesis techniques available for generating even complex sounds that are very useful for different genres of music where experimentation is the key for artistical success.

        Speaker: Raul Vasile Drăgan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca CUNBM)
      • 4:10 PM
        Candy Rush Adventure 10m

        Pentru mulți elevi, există materii mai mult sau mai puțin accesibile, acestea fiind dificile din punctul de vedere al înțelegerii conceptelor de bază. Printre aceste subiecte se numără și chimia.

        Din dorința de a crea o modalitate prin care elevii să se familiarizeze cu noțiuni elementare de chimie și nu numai, am decis să combin această pasiune cu informatica, creând astfel un soft educațional care va putea fi folosit drept un instrument util în cadrul orelor de specialitate.

        Astfel, inspirat și din platformere, am realizat un proiect care are la bază energia și dorința de a crea, intitulat Candy Rush Adventure, joc care abordează un aspect esențial din chimie, fără de care viața nu ar fi posibilă: zaharidele.

        Speaker: Mr Emanuel-Cristian Barbu (Student)
      • 4:20 PM
        Serious Games - AI Avatar 10m


        This thesis explores the integration of advanced AI technologies within the Unity game development framework to create an interactive AI avatar for serious gaming applications. By leveraging OpenAI's Whisper model for speech-to-text conversion, the ChatGPT API for natural language processing, and Pipper-TTS for realistic voice synthesis, the project aims to enhance user engagement and interaction in serious games. The motivation stems from the limitations of current AI avatars in real-time interaction and context-aware communication. The primary objective is to develop a Unity module that facilitates lifelike interactions with AI avatars, addressing challenges such as latency, accuracy, and naturalness in dialogues. This integration promises to revolutionize user experiences by providing more responsive and realistic AI-driven characters, significantly contributing to the field of interactive technology. The project also examines the roles and interactions of players and developers within the AI-enhanced application, highlighting the technical and user experience improvements achieved through this AI integration.

        Speaker: Emanuel Bucur
      • 4:30 PM
        Solutions for Game Design Problems 10m

        In a world where a person's attention is the most important currency, finding ways to captivate and engage is the most valuable tool. With the rise of a trend known as "gamification", understanding of game design becomes significantly more important in the creation of software, due to the increased competition for a user's time and attention. This paper focuses on problems and solutions regarding information, replayability, and accessibility in games, and software in general. Most solutions presented can be slightly altered to fit any application that deeply cares about user retention.

        Speaker: Bogdan Bîrseuan
      • 4:40 PM
        Rubik's Cube Solving Using Image Processing 10m

        The project offers a simplified method for solving the Rubik's Cube by allowing users to upload separate images for each face of the cube. The application then guides the user through a series of moves, providing intuitive step-by-step guidance to the solution, thus facilitating the solving process and making the user experience more accessible.

        The main goal of this project is to demonstrate a practical situation in which digital image processing algorithms can be applied. The Rubik's Cube, being a globally popular subject, is the ideal platform to highlight the utility of these algorithms in an engaging context. Therefore, the project aims to showcase to an ever-growing audience the benefits and applicability of these technologies within one of the world's most beloved puzzles.

        The algorithms used in the image processing stage are entirely developed from scratch, without relying on pre-existing solutions.

        Speakers: Alexandru Edves (Universitatea Transilvania din Brasov), Dr Ioana-Cristina Plajer
      • 4:50 PM
        Smart Parking System using IOT 10m

        The project proposes the implementation and development of an intelligent parking system, an advanced data management application that leverages Internet of Things (IoT) technology to significantly enhance the driving experience in the process of finding and utilizing parking spaces. The system integrates cameras and sensors around parking areas to collect data on parking space availability, their numbers, ease of parking, and more. Once in the parking zone, the driver is automatically guided to an available space, streamlining the parking process. Additionally, the system provides assistance in challenging moments, such as backing out of a parking space.

        Speaker: Claudia Iasmina Lazar
      • 5:00 PM
        Grayscale Image Colorization Based on Semantic Segmentation 10m

        Colorizing grayscale images is a prominent challenge in Computer Vision, with numerous deep learning approaches being prevalent in the literature for this task. This paper introduces a multi-head fully convolutional network architecture, taking grayscale images as input and outputting the chromaticity information for colorization and segmentation masks for semantic segmentation. The model is inspired by the one proposed by Iizuka et al. in "Let there be Color!: Joint End-to-end Learning of Global and Local Image Priors for Automatic Image Colorization with Simultaneous Classification" (2016), but goes a step further by transitioning from iconic images to images with a number of different object categories. Preliminary empirical results, measured on both subjective and objective scales, demonstrate convincing colorization, without artifacts or color bleeding.

        Speaker: Viorica Pușcaș (Universitatea Transilvania din Brașov)
      • 5:10 PM
        Predicting car use with Big Data 15m

        The present longitudinal study investigated participants’ car use behavior for a week, by using objective mobility data collected with Google Location through participants’ smartphones. 48 residents of a large Romanian town provided their mobility data, together with their answers on a questionnaire. Several psychological, structural and contextual predictors of car use were investigated in a multilevel model with two levels. Present findings indicate that instrumental motivations such as distance needed to travel, the need to pick-up/drop-off children to/from school and the need to carry heavy objects have the largest influence on car use behavior. Additionally, access to alternative transport infrastructure and the strength of people’s car use habits also significantly influence the number of kilometers travelled by car. Psychological variables such as those described by the theory of planned behavior or norm activation model, together with weather variables such as wind speed, temperature and precipitations, did not directly influence car use behavior. Results contribute to a more comprehensive understanding of car use behavior and are relevant for policymakers and city planners in their attempts to shape a sustainable urban environment that is adapted to one of the greatest challenges of the present.

        Speaker: Alin Semenescu (West University of Timisoara)
      • 5:25 PM
        Impact of cross platform mobile frameworks on end user performance. Flutter vs .NET 6 15m

        The benchmark study examines the
        performance of Flutter and .NET 6 technologies
        in mobile application development, focusing on
        their impact on user experience. Apps for
        managing lost and found animals were created
        and tested on Android and iOS platforms,
        providing relevant data for evaluation. The
        goal is to provide a comparison between cross-
        platform development and development with
        separate code for each platform.
        Keywords: Mobile development, Android &
        iOS platforms, cross-platform technology,
        performance evaluation

        Speaker: Robert-Mihai Ciurea
      • 5:40 PM
        Exploring user behavior in the context of cyber security 10m

        With the increase in the use of the Internet, the risks associated with the security of data and personal information have increased significantly. Cyber-attacks such as phishing, malware, and DoS attacks are becoming more common, posing serious threats to users and having considerable negative consequences. Analyzing user behavior regarding cybersecurity is crucial to combat and prevent these attacks. The research methodology is based on the development and implementation of a questionnaire, used for data collection and analysis. The objective is to understand user behavior regarding cyber security, considering factors such as age, education level, previous experiences, and residence environment.

        Speaker: Alina Fat
    • 10:00 AM 3:30 PM
      Engineering Sciences A3


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A Baia-Mare
      • 10:00 AM
        Growth simulations for the first population of massive black holes 15m

        Using the GIZMO code package for cosmological N-body/Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) problems, we worked on growth and evolution simulations for various black hole populations, by initializing several origin scenarios. This analysis aims to use the results of the simulations to compare them with the present black hole mass distribution. In doing this, predictions of the initial population of black holes, like the mass distribution and the black hole merger rate will directly contribute to future gravitational wave observatories (e.g. the LISA Space Mission).

        Speaker: Dr Răzvan Balașov (Institute of Space Science)
      • 10:15 AM
        Development of websites for the continuous training of young university studies graduates within industrial companies 15m

        The continuous training of young university studies graduates, within industrial companies, is an individual as well as a general purpose of organizations. A structure - framework and a series of supporting elements are proposed for the development of websites, structured on professional themes, with open access to all young specialists to follow uni- or multi- directional professional training programs. Relevant elements of some training programs in industrial companies, applied and of perspective, are presented.

        Speakers: Alexandra-Ioana TATU (UNSTPB), Elena-Andreea ISPAS (UNSTPB), Mălina-Ioana CANORIȚĂ (UNSTPB), Sorin-Cristian Sorin-Cristian (UNSTPB)
      • 10:45 AM
        Smart Irrigation Systems: IoT evaluations based on Markov Chain models 15m

        The climate change made it necessary to develop artificial growth conditions for different type of plants. Using a soil moisture sensor and a pump a circuit can be designed which is able to automatically detect when the soil is too dry, add water and stop when the soil reaches the right moisture level. The Markov Chain models can be implemented in software (e.g.,Matlab and Simulink) to calculate probability of future weather and control when the pump will water based on the neccesity of a variety of plants. The information can be processed on an Arduino Nano 33 and visualed on a Arduino IoT Cloud.

        Speaker: Alex-Ionut Marinescu (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest)
      • 11:00 AM
        Burnout and academic performance: causes, impact and management strategies 15m

        University is an intense and demanding environment where academic pressure and stress can lead to exhaustion and burnout among students and teaching staff. To address this issue, it is essential to develop mental health programs and policies that provide adequate support and resources for managing stress and preventing burnout. Implementing counseling and psychological support services, encouraging a balance between academic and personal life, and facilitating open communication and sharing experiences can significantly reduce the incidence of burnout within the institution.

        Speaker: Ms Ana-Maria MARIN (National University of Science and Technology POLITEHNICA Bucharest)
      • 11:15 AM
        Experimental Model for Simulating the Transformation of Hydraulic Energy into Electrical Power 15m

        The main objective of this paper is to develop an experimental model to simulate a system for converting hydraulic energy into electrical energy. The specific objectives include designing and constructing the experimental setup, measuring the hydraulic parameters and the system's efficiency.
        The obtained results provide the opportunity to analyze the data for evaluating the system's performance and identifying potential improvements.

        Speakers: Mr Andras Cucu (Transilvania University of Brașov), Mr Silviu Săcuiu (Transilvania University of Brașov)
      • 11:30 AM
        AR enhanced video streaming with object detection capabilities designed for a versatile UAV platform 15m

        The project aimed at developing a versatile UAV platform equipped with a remote transport and launch system, object detection, and augmented reality projection on goggles. The outcome consists of a drone capable of executing independently planned missions via GPS, transmitting real-time images, and deploying payloads. With an operational range of up to 1.5 km and a flight autonomy of up to 30 minutes, it can carry payloads of up to 1.2 kg, including electronic devices and communication equipment for various purposes. This platform provides robust and adaptable solutions for different application domains. Additionally, three live image transmission pathways were identified and implemented, each with distinct advantages, contributing to the versatility and efficiency of the entire solution.
        The images captured by the drone were interpreted by a pre-trained machine learning model for image detection and saving relevant data for subsequent analysis of key information

        Speaker: Mr Teodor-Mihail Giurgică (Academia Forțelor Terestre 'Nicolae Bălcescu' Sibiu)
      • 11:45 AM
        Polyaniline-based room temperature methane gas sensor 15m

        Many industries such as the healthcare industry, industrial safety and environmental monitoring require gas detection equipment. The precise and quick detection of various gases, including methane (CH4) is a very important factor in recognizing possible hazards, ensuring workplace safety and managing emissions. [1] Chemiresistive sensors based on conductive polymers such as polyaniline have shown great sensitivity, quick reaction time and adaptability, making them promising tools for gas detection at room temperature [2,3].
        In this study, polyaniline (PANi) conductive polymer was selected due to its well-known adaptability to a variety of gases, including ammonia, hydrogen, and methane. [4] This polymer was synthesized via chemical polymerization of its monomer directly on the interdigitated gold electrodes and its properties have been further investigated using scanning electron microscopy (SEM) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) to provide morphological and chemical information. Additionally, an in-house gas testing equipment was used to electrically characterize the developed sensor. Using a source-meter, the electrical characteristics of the sensor inside the gas chamber were examined while it was subjected to different CH4 concentrations ranging from 1 to 20 ppm.
        In conclusion, the data acquired showed that the suggested sensor demonstrates a noticeable decrease in electrical resistance upon exposure to the analyte, indicating its high sensitivity to detect small concentrations of the analyte, as low as 1 ppm.


        1. National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics (INFLPR), Atomiştilor Street 409, 077125 Măgurele, Ilfov, Romania
        2. Faculty of Physics, Research and Development Center for Materials and Electronic & Optoelectronic Devices (MDEO), University of Bucharest, Atomiştilor Street 405, 077125 Măgurele, Ilfov, Romania
        3. Academy of Romanian Scientists (AOSR), Ilfov 3, 050044 Bucharest, Romania

        Keywords: polyaniline, conductive polymers, chemiresistive gas sensors, methane sensing


        This research was supported by the National Authority for Research and Innovation in the framework of the Nucleus Programme—LAPLAS VII (grant 30N/2023) and by the “Academy of Romanian Scientists” (AOSR), Ilfov 3, 050044 Bucharest, Romania.


        [1] Leve, Z.D. et al.; The Synergistic Properties and Gas Sensing Performance of Functionalized Graphene-Based Sensors, Materials 15, 2022.
        [2] Bai, H. and Shi, G.; Gas Sensors Based on Conducting Polymers, Sensors 7(3), 267–307, 2007.
        [3] Liu, X. et al.; Conducting Polymer-Based Nanostructures for Gas Sensors, Coordination Chemistry Reviews 462, 214517, 2022.
        [4] Fratoddi, I. et al.; Chemiresistive Polyaniline-Based Gas Sensors: A Mini Review, Sensors and Actuators B-chemical 220, 534–548, 2015.

        Speaker: Ms Ana-Maria Popa (National Institute for Laser, Plasma and Radiation Physics)
      • 12:00 PM
        CAN Communication Solution Design based on Open-source Development Platform 15m

        In the automotive industry the communications between existing subsystems is essential for providing the intended functionalities. The logic that enables proper informational interconnection is provided by industry related protocols, one well known and often used being the CAN protocol. This fact enables the spending of relevant design and testing resources for enhancing the performance and security of this protocol. The main goal of this paper in the given context is to develop a CAN-centered solution by using affordable development hardware platforms. This paper offers a comprehensive insight into the automotive communication protocols, with a specific emphasis on CAN protocola. The proposed solution was assessed by a prototype employing three CAN MCP2515 modules, three Arduino UNO R3 boards, and an array of sensors including temperature, ultrasonic, light, raindrop, and shock sensors. Adopting a master-slave architecture, one of the CAN modules served as the master, overseeing message flow and system actions. Sensor data was collected by microcontrollers and transmitted via CAN to the master module. The master module analyzed the information and then sent messages to the front and back modules. Depending on the message type, these modules executed different actions and transmitted diverse messages using the actuators integrated into the system. A main achievement resulting from this investigation led to a solution able to implement a system with an efficient CAN communication based on master-slave paradigm. The provided prototype also has the feature of simulating the CAN communication in automotive environments.

        Speaker: Flavia Andron (Universitatea de medicina, farmacie, stiinte si tehnologie "George Emil Palade" din Targu-Mures)
      • 12:15 PM
        Interactive Technology for Neuromotor Deficiencies Treatment with Customized Recovery Plans 15m

        In contemporary rehabilitation practices, advanced devices furnish therapists with vital insights to monitor patient progress during therapy sessions. This paper aims to design and construct a device for lower limb movement rehabilitation. The system utilizes an accelerometer module and force sensors to capture real-time foot movements. Data is processed via the Arduino IDE platform and transferred to Processing, where it's integrated into medical recovery applications. Ankle joint movements translate into commands enabling therapeutic gaming. This hardware-software blend ensures personalized experiences, enhancing therapeutic approaches. Its broad applicability and customizable therapy underscore its pivotal role in fostering patient engagement in rehabilitation programs.
        Keywords: Neuromotor rehabilitation, lower limb, wearable system, interactive device, Arduino

        Speakers: Denisa Deaconu (University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” Iasi, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering), Emanuela Buzenche (University of Medicine and Pharmacy “Grigore T. Popa” Iasi, Faculty of Medical Bioengineering)
      • 12:30 PM
        Real-time monitoring software for CNC machine production using Digital Twin concepts 15m

        Through this project, I propose the development of real-time monitoring software for the parameters required for CNC machine production, as well as the information necessary for the CNC machine production process, using concepts from Digital Twin technology. The development of this software has been designed using the SQL programming language for data transmission and the .NET framework for developing the main interface of the software.
        The advantages of this project are continuous data synchronization between virtual and physical systems, monitoring of key performance indicators of productivity and machine operation, and the promotion of Industry 4.0 technologies.

      • 12:45 PM
        Development of a mobile platform with differential locomotion and PID controller 15m

        This paper describes the design and the development process of a mobile robot with differential locomotion called CANOE. The main objective of this robot is automated transport in controlled industrial environments, and it is equipped with advanced technologies for navigation and maneuverability.
        The robot uses a PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controller to travel a specific route according to eliminate errors detected by the control system. The PID controller is an extremely important component of the control loop and especially in automated systems, having the ability to adjust the action of the motors according to the desired values compared to those measured.
        The CANOE architecture includes two powerful brushless motors of 250W each, an advanced suspension system to navigate over minor obstacles, and an efficient propulsion system. The robot is equipped with LiDAR for navigation and obstacle detection and uses a mini-PC with ROS (Robot Operating System) for data processing and control as it travels the route. Furthermore, a Battery Management System (BMS) ensures optimal operation of the robot's battery cells.
        Finally, it can be said that the paper highlights significant advances in the development of automated control systems, demonstrating practical applicability and innovation in mechatronic systems engineering by integrating advanced technologies into a functional mobile system. It also highlights the technical complexity and design challenges that come with creating such automated systems.

        Speaker: Alexandru Maga (Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
    • 4:00 PM 7:00 PM
      Engineering Sciences: Engineering and Civil Engineering A3


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      • 4:00 PM
        Examining the pH variation of Groundwater Using Geostatistical Methods , Example Konya Closed Basin. 15m

        The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of groundwater, which constitutes 30% of surface water, as a vital source of water that can be utilized for various purposes. During the investigation, I explored whether the pH values of groundwater sources comply with the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Additionally, I employed the Inverse Distance Weighting (IDW) and Kriging methods for analysis. Using ArcGIS software, I generated maps depicting the values measured at the end and beginning of the season. It was observed that the values complied with the standards set by WHO and FAO, and it was also understood that these methods could be used for other studies as well.

        Speaker: Prof. elena carmen maftei (Transilvania University Of Brasov)
      • 4:15 PM
        New principles in the restoration and conservation of historical monuments 15m

        In the last period, the European Union, according to the treaty regarding its functioning, wanted to contribute to the development of the culture of the member states while respecting the diversity of each of them, both at the national and regional level, highlighting the cultural heritage. Thus, the responsibility of developing policies in the field of culture belongs to the member states. The European vision is that in the future, culture (heritage) will be seen both as an independent field and as a generator of real value for citizens and society. This vision envisages a perfect collaboration between administrative, local and national structures with specialists to develop a new communication system beyond language barriers, a means to emancipate spirits and favor social cohesion. Engineering science, in the future, will contribute through creation to the promotion of national values, to the development of civilization, to economic progress. At the same time, the digital revolution allows even now, but especially in the future, new, innovative forms of access to knowledge. In this context, the authors of the article develop a new concept for Romania, of restoration, not so much through the measures applied to the monument as through the other aspects aimed at increasing their impact on the progress of civilization - on knowledge. The case studies identified by the authors argue this vision and also represent an opening in promoting the new attitude in the concept of restoration.

        Speaker: Mrs Mădălina Iordache (“Ovidius“ University of Constanța, Romania)
      • 4:30 PM
        Restoration of historical monuments: in search of balance between mission and vision, with the use of 3D scanning 15m

        Abstract. As known, the principles of restoration and conservation have evolved from the past when restorers treated historical monuments as works of imagination, thereby creating new works during the restoration process, showing to the present observer a falsehood, a graft, and misleading the future researchers of the historical monument. Today, the restoration of historical monuments involves a fusion between the discipline of conservation (the mission of the restorer) and the new architecture (the vision of the architect), creating a new synergy that allows the past to be rediscovered in the present, for the future. It adds a new layer to the identity of the historical monument. The weight between conservation and innovation is variable, being determined by a lot of factors, specific to each historical building. The use of 3D scanning technology has revolutionized the way the restoration process is approached, allowing the specialists to capture detailed information about the building and create accurate models for the restoration process. The authors, based on thorough studies and research, develop in this article the relationship between the conservative approach of the restoration, that has the mission of preserving the authenticity and historical significance, and at the same time ensuring that the historical monument remains relevant and useful for contemporary society. This requires a futuristic vision of the architect, who seeks to integrate modern technologies and materials, while also preserving the authenticity of the historical monument. In this article, the authors will explore the use of 3D scanning technology in the restoration of historic buildings, focusing on 3 case studies, of historical buildings in Brăila, Romania.

        Speaker: Corina Anghelescu (UNIVERSITATEA ”OVIDIUS” DIN CONSTANȚA)
      • 4:45 PM
        New Concepts in the Design of Quay Walls 15m

        In this article, the authors studied the way of transferring old queuing structures, many of which are historical monuments, in a vision of new concepts based on the maximum application of the 3D concept in calculation and the composition of constructions that respond the current requirements aimed at mechanical resistance and, but also in the concept imposed by the real conditions of climate change. The effects of climate change are increasingly visible in areas adjacent to the marine environment or flowing waters. In this context, such a structure must be calculated and realized based on new assumptions that complement the old traditional concepts. In this situation, the effect of water level variations, the aggressiveness of the marine environment, the increase in wind intensity, the temperature variations that often affect the ecosystem must be considered both in the new concept of these structures and in the rehabilitation solutions of the old ones special constructions. hydrotechnical.

        Speaker: Alexandru Cristian Ionescu (Universitatea Ovidius, Școala doctorală de științe aplicate)
      • 5:00 PM
        Conceptul clădirilor tradiționale într-o viziune modernă 15m

        Criza acută de locuințe coroborată cu cerințele și exigențele care decurg din reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră impune o nouă viziune în concepția și realizarea clădirilor de locuit. În ultima perioadă materialele utilizate s-au caracterizat prin consumuri ridicate de energie, prin tehnologii poluante ale căror efecte sunt tot mai mult observabile prin efectele produse. În viziunea autorilor, reducerea emisiilor de carbon va reprezenta una din cerințele și necesitățile viitoarei generații de constructori. Utilizarea materialelor și tehnicilor tradiționale într-o manieră conceptuală funcțională va putea răspunde la noile politici de mediu dar și de confort locativ. Bazat pe acest concept autorii prezintă o serie de soluții utilizate la edificii remarcabile realizate din materiale locale prin metode și tehnici tradiționale actualizate astfel încât să satisfacă cerințele actuale de rezistență mecanică și stabilitate sau cele de estetic și funcțional.

        Speaker: Seitan Tudorel (Universitatea Ovidius Constanta IOSUD)
      • 5:15 PM
        New Urbanism: Towards an Architecture of the Community 15m

        New Urbanism is an urban planning concept developed in response to the problems caused by rapid urbanization and uncontrolled suburban expansion. It is characterized by an integrated and sustainable approach that addresses current challenges related to climate change, population growth, and limited resources. One of the main trends in contemporary urbanism is sustainable development, which involves designing cities to minimize resource consumption and reduce greenhouse gas emissions. Green buildings, the conversion of old buildings, the use of renewable energy, and efficient public transport are essential components of this model. The integration of green spaces and urban parks also contributes to improving air quality and provides residents with areas for recreation and relaxation. Moreover, technology plays a crucial role in the new generation of urbanism. Smart cities utilize information and communication technology to optimize urban infrastructure and services. Community participation is also a vital component of modern urbanism. Engaging citizens in the urban planning process ensures that their needs and desires are considered, thereby promoting social cohesion, equitable development, and the formulation of urban policies that reflect the community's aspirations. Urban mobility is integrated into urban planning to reduce reliance on automobiles and to create more accessible, healthier cities, offering faster and more reliable public transport services. Authors, based on extensive studies and research, develop the concept of the new generation of urbanism, which focuses on sustainability, technological innovation, and community participation. The goal is to create resilient, efficient, and environmentally friendly cities.

        Speaker: Corina Anghelescu (UNIVERSITATEA ”OVIDIUS” DIN CONSTANȚA)
      • 5:30 PM
        Hemp-based ecological concrete - Calculation method for optimising composition 15m

        The use of hemp-based eco-concrete is now a real option for any beneficiary to consider when choosing materials for new construction or energy retrofitting of existing buildings. Rising energy costs, climate change, pollution and comfort requirements have led to the introduction of legislation to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry. The European Union's Sustainable Development Goals aim to achieve climate neutrality by 2050. Hemp is valuable both as a plant from which seeds and oil can be obtained for food and as a raw material in the form of chopped stalks from which thermal insulating building materials with a negative impact on the CO2 balance can be made. This is why hemp, and in particular hemp concrete, plays an important role in reducing climate change and has been included in the European Commission's recommendations as an effective means of achieving the proposed targets.
        The increasing demand for environmentally friendly materials has led to a wide range of options from which architects and designers can choose to meet the financial constraints of the client and the requirements of design and construction regulations for both residential and socio-cultural buildings. In this paper, the optimisation criteria are established and the calculation method for determining the compositions is presented in order to make the consumption of hemp raw material more efficient, to reduce the consumption of air and hydraulic binders, to reduce the consumption of water and additives for the production of hemp concrete. This is necessary because the raw material has a bulk density that varies between 87 and 139 kg/m3, depending on the diameter of the hemp stalks at the base of the soil. The morphological differences of the plants, as well as the soil and climatic conditions, determine the grain size characteristics, which can influence the thermo-mechanical properties of the reinforced material. The amount of binder required in the mix depends on the particle size distribution.
        The optimisation of the compositions is carried out according to the criteria that determine the maximum limits of the quantities of binding agents used, so that the material obtained at the end has the properties specific to the construction element designed and the consumption of raw materials is ecologically and economically efficient. Although hemp is a renewable resource, it is important that it can be used rationally.

        Speaker: Mr Laurentiu Adam (Gheorghe Asachi Technical University of Iasi)
      • 5:45 PM
        Applications of aerial thermography in archaeology 15m

        This paper is based on a case study conducted at the ancient Kastri-Pandosia site in Greece. The purpose of the study was to use aerial thermal imaging in order to detect differences in composition, density and moisture content, materials on and below the ground surface based on different rates of absorbtion, emition, transmition and reflection thermal infrared radiation. The most impressive result was obtained in the area corresponding to the public Hellenistic building where the lack of vegetation allowed the thermal camera to detect a shallow buried fragment of structure.

        Acknowledgements: This work was supported by the Romanian Ministry of Research, Innovation and Digitalization, under Program, Subprogram 1.2 - SUPECONEX 18PFE, PNCDI 2022-2027 - Core Programme 11N/03.01.2023, project nr. PN 23 05 and PNCDI III, CNCS – UEFISCDI - GoT in Art, project number PN-III-P4-PCE-2021-1605.

        Speaker: Ms Maria - Andreea Pătrașcu (National Institute of Research and Development for Optoelectronics INOE 2000)
      • 6:00 PM
        Civil engineering in the vision of new generations 15m

        The future of civil engineering in the opinion of the authors will be determined by the structural design, by the materials used but also by the scientific concerns of the manufacturing industry materials . In the view of the authors, the structural concept has in mind the realization of some constructions that meet the main requirements stipulated by the legislation in force, requirements aimed at mechanical resistance, safety and function so that they fully respond to the function for which they were designed. Construction materials will be high performance materials with superior mechanical strength, i.e. high-performance concretes, concretes of high durability specific to the built environment. With reference to the manufacturing industry, the authors have in mind the industrial processes aimed at reducing dioxide emissions carbon, processes that will properly ensure the protection requirements the environment. A particularly important aspect in the opinion of the authors is identification energy independent solutions. The work represents case studies, opinion proposals based on scientific research that can initiate new research directions.

        Speaker: Mr Răzvan Dimofte (Universitatea Ovidius din Constanta)
      • 6:15 PM
        Adapting the construction quality system to the requirements and demands of the oil industry 15m

        The constructions related to the oil industry offer a wide range of case studies for civil engineering due to the fact that they entail different types of structures adapted to various products resulting from both the exploitation process and the refining process.
        As known, constructions can house products with considerable density, as well as volatile substances, each presenting specific vulnerabilities related to storage conditions. Even though petroleum is not chemically aggressive, derived oils as well as the condition of bottled products can be sources of risk for explosions and fires.
        In the current conditions generated by climate change, new requirements and demands arise that the civil engineering specialist must take into account. The authors develop the risks generated as well as a series of measures with modern procedures for appropriate operating conditions.
        Keywords: Constructions, Operational Safety, Oil Industry.

        Speaker: Mrs Ana Maria GRAMESCU
      • 6:30 PM
        Bazaars and Caravanserai - possible sources of inspiration for modern buildings in Dobrogea 15m

        Abstract Problematica acestei lucrări se referă la conceptul promovării valorilor istorice arhitecturale în contemporanitatea texturii urbane din Dobrogea prin aplicarea în conceptul clădirilor moderne a unor elemente valoroase care au constituit, la un moment dat, caracteristica arhitecturală a zonei Dobrogei. Replicarea/inspirarea din frumoasele și elegantele forme reprezintă o conservare proactivă a patrimoniului. Construirea unor clădirile noi, cartiere, orașe sau chiar întregi zone poate fi inspirată din formele celor vechi și adaptate modernității și necesităților funcționale din zilele noastre. În vremea Imperiului Otoman existau bazaruri și karavanseraiuri. Un bazar era o clădire sau un complex de clădiri destinate comerțului, adevărate temple ale negoțului, comparabile ca dimensiuni, funcționalitate și concept comercial cu mall-urile actuale. Tot în vremea otomană un karavanserai era un palat pentru caravane, un complex de clădiri medievale alcătuit din camere de odihnă, loc de luat masa, bucătărie, magazii, grajduri, fierărie, potcovărie și alte ateliere, și deosebit de important, surse de apă potabilă. În Dobrogea otomană multe karavanseraiuri aveau dimensiuni mari, uneori chiar și etaj. Bazarurilor și karavanseraiurilor le era caracteristică dezvoltarea pe orizontală și intrările individuale. Acest tip de clădire poate constitui o veritabilă sursă de inspirație pentru organizarea funcțională a unor clădiri moderne. Recenta situație pandemică a arătat eficiența funcțională a spitalelor pavilionare, a unităților locative și de cazare, grădinițelor, școlilor, magazinelor, piețelor, etc. cu intrare individuală. Chiar dacă dezvoltarea pe orizontală nu este proprie clădirilor din orașele moderne, nu trebuie să uităm că oamenii se simt mai confortabil

    • 9:00 AM 11:00 AM
      COSA - Collaborative Framework for Smart Agriculture: Collaborative Framework for Smart Agriculture (COSA) Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
    • 11:00 AM 1:00 PM
      WS - EcoUrb – Biodiversity and Urban Ecology Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
      • 11:00 AM
        Spontaneous species of the Lamiaceae family in symbiosis with invertebrates 15m

        Urban biodiversity is necessary to ensure the good functioning of all the mechanisms of the living world. This presentation has as reference points the highlighting of several species from the Lamiaceae family that could be introduced into urban biodiversity, as well as the invertebrate species that were in symbiosis with them, in order to create an optimal functioning system. We also want to highlight the many medicinal and gastronomic uses of these wonderful plants.

        Speakers: Ms Daria Ghișe (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca), Ms Teodora Tempe (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
      • 11:15 AM
        The utility of Rosaceae in cities 15m

        As the title says, rosaceae can be very useful in cities. Such as shading public places by planting hanging roses. Other types of rosaceae produce fruit which helps the birds with food. Also purifying the air and blocking dust.

        Speaker: Cătălin Lăpușan (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
      • 11:30 AM
        The hidden power of plants 15m

        Plants are generally perceived as things that should be beautiful or exist only for the pleasure of the eye, but in nature there are also plants that help us maintain our health and that improve the taste of food.

        Speaker: Ms Alexandra Roman (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)
    • 2:00 PM 3:00 PM
      Winners awards Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
    • 10:00 AM 3:00 PM
      Social Programme: Social Program Aula


      Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

      Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A