20–24 May 2024
Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Study on the pressures of the digital era on the financial and accounting services.

21 May 2024, 13:45
Aula (Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)


Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A
Economic sciences Economic Sciences


Ms Rosia-Beatriz Matei (“Dunărea de Jos” University)Mr Alexandru-Marian Vasile (Facultatea de Economie si Administrarea Afacerilor)Ms Andrada Roxana Ionita (Universitatea Dunărea de jos Galați)


The human civilization has been and still continues to be closely linked to technological evolution. Digitalization is no longer just a concept but has become a reality. This reality is supported by significant opportunities that have accelerated the pace of improving digital skills and knowledge. We aim to highlight the impact of digitalization on the development of financial and accounting services through a set of relevant questions related to the addressed subject. The study also aims to highlight the psychological pressures perceived by professionals.

Primary author

Ms Rosia-Beatriz Matei (“Dunărea de Jos” University)


Mr Alexandru-Marian Vasile (Facultatea de Economie si Administrarea Afacerilor) Ms Andrada Roxana Ionita (Universitatea Dunărea de jos Galați)

Presentation materials

