Profesor Pop Mihai Cosmin
Inspector Școlar General
Colonel Daniel Mic, șeful Direcției Județene de Telecomunicații Speciale Maramureș
Comisar de poliție Constantin ILEA - Șeful Inspectoratului de Poliție al Județului Maramureș
Inspector de poliție Gabriel Cotețiu - Ofițer de Prevenire a Criminalității
Ariana-Anamaria Cordoș, Vicepreședinte a Societății Române de Informatică Medicală
Conf.univ.dr. Monica MARIAN - Decan
I have chosen to develop a web application that allows users to take three health tests - a vision test, a color blindness test, and a hearing test - from the comfort of their own homes in order to simplify access to crucial information about their health.
The purpose of this project is to provide a convenient and accessible way for people to assess these essential aspects of their health...
The sound numerical solution of a research, high tech engineering, or economics problem involves a four step process: (i) formulation of the underlying mathematical model; (ii) design of an algorithm for solving the mathematical model in a finite number of steps; (iii) a computer code algorithm implementation, enabling floating point computations; (iv) (for expert implementation) optimization...
Se prezinta profilul chimic, utilizari in medicina, metode de autentificare a uleiurilor de lavanda
Ce ar fi fost chimia fără femei?
Marie Curie, Raluca Ripan, Emanuelle Charpentier, Virginia Apgar, Stephanie Kwolek, sunt doar câteva dintre femeile care au marcat istoria chimiei prin cercetările și descoperirile lor.
Sculptify is a web application that simplifies the integration of healthy habits into everyday life. Tailored to a broad spectrum of users, from novices to experienced individuals, it provides customized training programs and meal plans. Whether opting for predefined modules, seeking expert guidance, or crafting a personalized regimen, Sculptify offers a versatile solution to personal...
In this paper, we present some results about
the aproximation of fixed points of enriched strictly
pseudocontractive and enriched nonexpansive op-
erators. There are numerous works in this regard
(for example [9], [10], [11] [14], [16], [35] and ref-
erences to them). Of course, the bibliografical ref-
erences are extensive and they are mentioned at
the end of this paper. In order to...
Dezinfectanții sunt substanțe antimicrobiene care pot distruge toți agenții patogeni de pe suprafețe, materiale sau materii vii. Eficiența dezinfectării/ sterilizării depinde de modul de aplicare, durata de acțiune și concentrația utilizată. Pentru a evalua eficacitatea acestora, substanțele dezinfectante pot fi analizate din punct de vedere fizico-chimic folosind diferite metode....
In this article, we establish a fixed-point theorem in the setting
of complete rectangular b-metric spaces endowed with a
partial order. We note that several consequences can be
obtained from the main result.
"GymEnhancerQR" transforms non-smart fitness equipment into intelligent solutions by employing advanced sensors to monitor athletic performance. This technology enables users to track repetitions, the duration of each repetition, and provides personalized exercise suggestions through the scanning of QR codes associated with each piece of equipment. The user-friendly interface,...
Background: As healthcare increasingly integrates digital technologies, it is crucial to ensure that medical professionals possess robust digital competencies to maximize the benefits of these technologies. Mastering fundamental digital skills is essential before engaging with more complex digital health technologies.
Aim: This study aims to assess the general digital competencies of...
In the course of this research for the development of the paper, hydrogel samples based on raw whey and gelatin were obtained. Plasticization was achieved by adding glycerin, and crosslinking was achieved using copper. To confer antimicrobial properties, metallic copper was generated in situ through a reaction between copper sulfate and ascorbic acid, the latter being used as a reducing agent....
Abstract: - In this paper it is demonstrated that a wind turbine, WT, which is operating at maximum power point, MPP, at significantly varying wind speeds large variations in the power injected into the grid occur. These power variations can be compensated if the wind system has storage facilities for captured wind energy. This experimental data from a 2.5 [MW] WT in operation in the Dobrogea...
Lucrarea va prezenta in mare parte date despre starea naturala a scortisoarei, utilizarea in industria alimentara, metode de obtinere si caracterizare. Partea experimentala s-au identificat prin cromatografia de gaze cuplat cu MS, compusii volatili din componenta scortisoarei, iar in urma documentarii din literatura s-au alocat clasele de compusi si aromele pentru fiecare compus volatil si se...
Mobile technology and artificial intelligence are opening new avenues for improving public health, particularly in the field of dermatology. This work presents the concept of a mobile application designed to assist in detecting potentially cancerous moles, with the aim of promoting early detection of skin cancer and reducing the burden on healthcare systems.
Skin cancer is a growing public...
Abstract: The paper presents some characterizations for two concepts of nonuniform dichotomy with growth rates of discrete-time systems in Banach spaces.
Laboratory test results can be challenging to interpret, which is a big problem for the great majority of the population. In the usual laboratory tests, the patient can find abbreviations of tests performed and a lot of medical terms that are hard to understand. The proposed system's objective is to help patients understand laboratory test results and keep track of their health. To achieve...
The aim of this paper is to give integral characterizations for uniform dichotomy with differentiable growth rates of skew-evolution cocycles in Banach spaces.
Lucrarea urmărește metodele de obținere și sinteză a limonenului, starea naturală a limonenului,sintezele de obținere a limonenului, reacții de obținere a altor compuși pornind de la limonen și utilizările limonenului ca substanță volatilă, ulei esențial, cu aplicații în industria alimentară și medicină.
Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a chronic, progressive neurodegenerative disease characterized by both motor and non-motor features. The primary objective for us is the early diagnosis of patients using Artificial Intelligence (AI). To accomplish that we developed an Artificial Intelligence Model (model) that diagnoses PD using data collected from the patient’s gait. The data is represented by...
Pythagoras said "The world is run by numbers.". How right he was! In the present work, I intend to present you a branch of mathematics that is a little more abstract: astronomy. I will try to capture some classical problems of astronomy in which some relatively simple notions are used. We will walk through "time", discovering sidereal times, apparent solar times and average solar times. We...
Termenul de “cancer” a ajuns să fie din ce în ce mai cunoscut în rândul oamenilor și ajunge să stârnească frică în majoritatea cazurilor. Leucemia reprezintă forma de cancer al sângelui-fundamentul organismului. Oamenii tind să creadă că în momentul în care aceștia suferă de leucemie, pentru ei nu mai există nicio șansă de salvare, ci doar metode care să amelioreze simptomele și efectele...
A dataset is a collection of information, usually structured in a format that can be used in research or training various applications such as machine learning. Datasets are fundamental to many analytical processes because they provide raw data that can be used in different applications. While some datasets are readily available, others must be specially curated. Creating a dataset often...
In this paper work I will introduce the dynamical covariant derivative operator on the dual space of a given Finsler space using the idea of Legendre duality between the lagrangian formalism and the hamiltonian formalism. Making use of this new operator introduced I will proof that the solution curve equations and their deviations have an elegant geometrical expression.
Keywords: Tangent...
Lucrarea va prezenta în prima parte metodele de obținere și caracterizarea aspirinei. De asemenea se vor caracteriza și precursorii aspirinei. În ultima parte se vor prezenta utilizările aspirinei.
În zilele noastre, drogurile au ajuns să fie din ce în ce mai cunoscute și mai accesibile. Astfel, am hotărât să vorbesc despre metamfetamină, despre cum se produce aceasta și cum afectează ea corpul,atât în cazul consumatorilor cat și în cazul fătului sau nou-născutului.
Diabetic retinopathy (DR) is a diabetic complication that affects the retina of the eye. Due to the accumulation of sugar in the blood, the blood vessels in the retina can bleed. This condition requires proper monitoring and treatment to prevent vision loss. Using the Spatial Transformer Network (STN) method connected to a convolutional neural network (CNN), retinal images are correctly...
The main purpose of this paper is to extend some fixed point results for single valued $b$-enriched nonexpansive mappings to the case of multivalued mappings.
The proposed application uses facial and facial expression analysis techniques to identify and interpret micro-expressions that indicate sincerity or insincerity. By integrating these advanced technologies, the app can provide or objective assessment of a person's level of honesty in a specific time frame. This innovative approach could be used in various fields, such as security, recruitment,...
This research paper aims to investigate how the eigenvalues of Sturm-Liouville problems behave when the differential equation or coefficients are subjected to perturbations. Specifically, the study seeks to examine the continuity of eigenvalues concerning these perturbations.
The research involves theoretical analysis, numerical simulations using Python and MATLAB programming languages, and...
The main aim of this paper is to give characterizations of Datko type for uniform dichotomy in mean with growth rates concept for reversible stochastic skew-evolution semiflows in Banach spaces. As particular case, we obtain integral characterizations for uniform exponential dichotomy in mean and uniform polynomial dichotomy in mean.
The obtained results are generalizations of well-known...
Lucrarea urmărește prezentarea a cinci sortimente de piper (roz,roșu,negru,alb,verde).Clasele de piper conțin ca substante volatile aromatizante terpene(monoterpene și sesquiterpene).În lucrare sunt prezentate cei mai importanți compuși terpenici.Din punct de vedere ale metodelor de obținere,proprietăți fizico -chimice și utilizări aromatice.În lucrare se încearcă găsirea unor corelări între...
This paper presents a Unity game where hand gestures, detected via webcam and proccesed by Python, control the main character. Designed for players with motor difficulties, it eliminates the need for complex keyboard inputs, enhancing accessibility. By simplifying gameplay mechanics and making the characher move by only pointing like to the camera and letting the AI to do the rest, it offers...
The starting point of this paper is the central results of the article by Al-Dolat and Jaradat, “A refinement of the Cauchy-Schwarz inequality accompanied by new numerical radius upper bounds”. The purpose of this paper was to generalize the results obtained by them and to obtain an improvement of those inequalities. This aspect is concretely presented based on an example. An...
The project's theme selection, focusing on developing a web application dedicated to streamlining food orders for a specific restaurant, arises from the growing demand for digital efficiency in the food industry. Users seek a faster and simplified ordering experience due to their busy lifestyles, while restaurants aim to expand their customer base and improve services, prompting the need for...
Scopul acestui studiu a fost de a evalua influența conținutului de gelatină asupra carcateristicelor filmelor pe bază de alcool polivinilic (PVA), și anume în stabilirea morfologiei acestora prin microscopie optică, structura prin spectroscopie în infraroșu (FTIR), capacitatea de reținere a apei, porozitatea, degradabilitatea în vitro în prezența pepsinei și pancreatinei și...
Scopul acestei lucrări este de a monitoriza efectul conservării thiocianatului de guanidină asupra parametrilor urinari.
Probele de urină au fost colectate și plasate în eprubete, unele conținând agent de conservare, iar altele nu, fiind stocate la temperaturi de 25°C și 4°C pentru a simula diferite condiții de depozitare. Analizele includ examinarea fizică și testarea cu benzi pentru...
Scopul acestui studiu a fost să obțină și să caracterizeze pelicule realizate din alcool polivinilic și amidon, explorând influența conținutului de amidon asupra proprietăților fizico-chimice și morfostructurale ale acestor pelicule. Obiectivele au inclus obținerea peliculelor, caracterizarea morfologiei acestora prin microscopie optică, analiza structurii prin spectroscopie în infraroșu și...
O lucrare în care am prezentat o abordare prin care sa stârnesc curiozitatea elevlui, o metodă care ajută elevul să înțeleagă ce este de fapt în spatele unei rezolvari.
Paracetamolul, cunoscut și sub numele de acetaminofen, este un medicament utilizat frecvent pentru ameliorarea durerii și reducerea febrei. Este unul dintre cele mai comune analgezice și antipiretice, fiind adesea preferat datorită eficacității sale și a profilului de siguranță favorabil atunci când este utilizat corect. Acesta face parte din grupa terapeutică a anilidelor și este disponibil...
The persistent digital divide in higher education is prominently shaped by socioeconomic status, significantly impacting access to Information and Communication Technologies (ICT). This study examines the multi-layered nature of digital inequalities—ranging from basic access and digital literacy to differential benefits derived from technology usage—highlighting how these disparities are...
Vitamina A este esențială pentru vedere, creșterea celulelor și sănătatea sistemului imunitar. Este solubilă în grăsimi și se găsește în alimente ca morcovi și ficat.Retinolul ajută la menținerea unei vederi sănătoase, iar beta-carotenul, un antioxidant, se transformă în vitamina A în corp.
Studiul urmareste extractia si analiza FTIR a uleiului si a apei de salvie. Extractia s-a facut prin antrenare cu vapori de apa. Spectrele FTIR obtinute au fost comparate cu date obtinute din literatura de specialitate.
Fluoride transitional metal ion complexes have several applications in catalysis, material science, due to their unique properties and reactivity. In this work we present the synthesis and structural analysis of two fluoro-manganese (III) complexes obtained with hydrogen difluoride ion, a special fluorinating agent. The compounds show a combination of strong hydrogen bonds (as provided by...
The materials commonly used to package fresh meat are of petroleum origin and contribute significantly to environmental pollution. On the other hand, obtaining biodegradable materials faces many challenges, mainly inferior mechanical properties, but also reduced stability in the presence of meat, as shown in this research study. In the direct interaction between the whey and gelatin-based...
Background: With the rapid proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in daily
life, understanding the psychological and demographic determinants of technology acceptance is crucial. Objectives: This research aimed to investigate the mediating role of technology-related anxiety in the relationship between video gaming frequency and the consumption of films featuring humanoid robots, and...
In this paper I propose to argue the following: 1. In the history of philosophy there are several landmarks relevant to the approach and understanding of mental illness. In particular, philosophical orientations dealing with the meaning and role of human consciousness are important in this respect. I have in mind both the specific approaches of phenomenology and philosophy of mind, both of...
Scopul activității experimentale a fost bazat pe studiul influenței adaosului de pesmet asupra caracteristicilor fizico-chimice și senzoriale ale pâinii albe, realizându-se analize la 1 zi și 3 zile pe 4 tipuri de pâine cu conținuturi diferite de pesmet.
În urma analizelor de laborator efectuate pe pâini, s-a constat că adaosul de pesmet îmbunătățește volumul și timpul de dospire, scade...
În zorii secolului XXI, Uniunea Europeană a căutat să-și redefinească și să-și consolideze structura, aspirând la o integrare mai profundă și mai eficientă a statelor membre. Acest vis a prins contur prin Tratatul de la Lisabona, un document esențial care a remodelat peisajul politic european și a fortificat temelia pe care se construiește Europa de astăzi.
Tratatul de la Lisabona, semnat în...
În prezentarea propusă, intitulată “CERCETĂRI PRIVIND COMPOZIȚIA FIZICO-CHIMICĂ A DISTILATELOR DE CAISE OBȚINUTE ÎN REGIUNEA SATU MARE (SĂUCA)” sunt prezentate analizele efectuate pe 4 tipuri de pălincă de caise din același an, dar de la producători diferiți, incluzând și o mică parte teoretică despre modul de producere a distilatelor de caise.
The present communication aims to analyze how children's fantasy literature is utilized didactically in fourth-grade textbooks. We will be focusing, on one hand, on examining the selection of fantasy texts by textbook authors, and on the other hand, we will pay attention to the types of methods and didactic techniques associated with a good understanding and practice of fantasy literary texts,...
The purpose of this research is to identify the students' perspective on the factors influencing academic resilience, in a context where Romania has the highest dropout rate in the European Union among young people aged 18-24. This study seeks to identify both protective and inhibitory elements of academic resilience by exploring personal, social, and institutional factors. Data were...
Activitatea experimentală a avut ca scop studiul influenței adaosului de gumă xantan asupra caracteristicilor pâinii pe bază de faină de orez.
Au fost pregătite 4 tipuri de pâini, pâinea de control fără gumă xantan și pâinile cu conținuturi variabile de gumă xantan. Pâinile obținute au fost lăsate să se răcească la temperatura camerei și trimise la analiză. Analizele s-au făcut la o zi și la...
Uniunea Europeană este o organizație internațională supranațională compusă din 27 de state membre. Înființarea și funcționarea Uniunii se întemeiază pe transferul de suveranitate operat de state, ce conferă organizației competențele necesare pentru realizarea obiectivelor stabilite prin tratat și, implicit, personalitate juridică proprie.
Atribuirea personalității juridice este atestată prin...
Antioxidanții de origine naturală sunt compuși chimici vegetali care au capacitatea de a inhiba oxidarea altor substanțe. În acest studiu s-a urmărit îmbunătățirea stabilității oxidative a uleiului de floarea soarelui prin adaosul de plante aromatice cu acțiune antioxidantă. În uleiul de floarea-soarelui au fost adăugate frunze uscate și măcinate de pătrunjel și mărar în proporție de 0,5 și...
Despite the recognized importance of parental satisfaction in pediatric physical therapy services, Romania currently lacks a standardized measure tailored to this context. This gap in the healthcare assessment framework complicates the ability of healthcare providers to gauge and improve service quality effectively. Understanding parents' satisfaction is crucial as it directly...
Prunus spinosa L., commonly known as blackthorn, is rich in bioactive compounds such as flavonoids, anthocy-anins, phenolic acids, vitamins, minerals, and organic acids, displaying strong antioxidant and antibacterial properties. This investigation aims to assess bioactive compounds in fresh and lyophilized blackthorn fruits and analyze ethanolic extracts for phenolic content, antioxidant...
This paper aims to talk about unconditional love. We aim to explain what it means, what impact it has on the development and growth of the child. In what ways can we show children this kind of love? For the harmonious development of a child it is crucial to receive the unconditional love of parents, so that self-concept will not be affected. The lack of unconditional love has...
This is the story of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII, a woman who would rise to become the Queen of England taking the throne from Catherine of Aragon, and England down the path of the Protestant Reformation. Before going on to fall from her height of power and meet her untimely end.
Acest studiu urmareste influenta pe care o are adaugarea unor coloranti naturali obtinuti din coji de ceapa rosie, galbena si bicarbonat de sodiu asupra calitatii pateului functional.
Pateurile mixte (obtinute din carne de pui si porc) au fost analizate din punct de vedere organoleptic si fizico-chimic in prima zi de obtinere, precum si la 3 si la 5 zile de la deschidere.
In urma analizelor,...
We live in an era where the educational pressure is felt more and more, due to the progress in all areas of society. The students are asked a lot and the teachers have the impression that they do not offer enough knowledge! I want to believe that we did not set out to create robots and that we did not forget the emotions and lives of the students. Therefore, the purpose of our work is to...
Bentonita asigura eliminarea impuritatilor din vinurile rosii. Vinurile tratate cu bentonita raman limpezi la frig si nu formeaza precipitate in butelii. Pentru un tratament eficace bentonita se asocieaza cu gelatina.
The main objective of this investigative endeavor is to thoroughly identify and analyze potential additives or contaminants within milk products originating from a widely recognized brands. Through meticulous scrutiny and rigorous testing methodologies, the goal is to ensure the milk products uphold stringent quality standards and comply with regulatory mandates. By pinpointing any...
I’ll talk about parental figures that take advantage of their kids in a way that should never be accepted. The four main forms of abuse are: physical, verbal, sexual and emotional. You’ll observe that I’ll point out one of the most common categories. Unfortunately, not everyone pays enough attention of the signs that can be considered serious mistreat, which later can lead to major...
The present paper aims to make a foray into the concept of rumination. When you repetitively and passively focus on the meaning, causes and consequences of negative emotions or on an unfinished problem you ruminate. Each of us has such repetitive thoughts, but rumination is excessive and has negative implications for mental and physical health. Rumination is a well-established risk factor for...
The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between Educational Leadership and Self Determination Theory. Self-determination theory (SDT) is an comprehensive theory of human personality and motivation that focuses on how individuals interact with and rely on the social environment. SDT underscores the idea that people’s relationships and social contexts must involve and...
Faculty of Economics and Business Management, Babeș- Bolyai University, Cluj Napoca, Romania.
Author contact: IoanaLavinia Safta(Pleșa),
The bibliometric analysis study explores current research in earnings management using an impressive sample of 14,519 articles indexed in the Web of Science. Using the VOSviewer tool, trends, collaborations and research networks are...
În acest studiu am introdus modelul sistemelor ecologice elaborat de Urie Bronfenbrenner pentru a analiza contextele de integrare actuale și necesitatea unei echipe integrate.
Principalul obiectiv al acestui studiu a fost analiza statutului de Shadow și necesitatea acestuia în programul de integrare socială a copiilor cu Cerințe Educaționale Speciale. În prezent, în România, această...
This paper explores the "Learning Sphere" platform, a Moodle-based educational platform designed for the Baccalaureate in Computer Science. It details the platform's use of modular structures and interactive methodologies to enhance learning outcomes and accommodate diverse educational needs. The study emphasizes the platform's adaptability and scalability, highlighting its effectiveness in...
Author: Alec Adrian
In this article I presented a research based on real data regarding the population's desire to apply economic reform in the tourism sector.
In the first part I presented the main tools that create an ideal economy. I applied a questionnaire to a number of 150 people from the territory of Romania aged between 20-56 years.
The questions...
The paper addresses modern and interactive didactic methods, specific to the strategic design of the teaching-learning process, by integrating technology, open educational resources and artificial intelligence in the instructive-educational act. The aim of the research is the impact of collaborative learning with the help of technology-based ways and strategies of working for students in the...
The human civilization has been and still continues to be closely linked to technological evolution. Digitalization is no longer just a concept but has become a reality. This reality is supported by significant opportunities that have accelerated the pace of improving digital skills and knowledge. We aim to highlight the impact of digitalization on the development of...
This research provides a comprehensive view of scientific empathy among students at UTCN, utilizing the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire, a self-assessment tool with robust psychometric properties, administered to 98 respondents. The initial 8 questions gathered relevant socio-demographic data, while questions 9 to 24 included the TEQ scale.
The study revealed a significant...
This paper examines the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Machine Learning (ML) in the economic environment. The primary objective is to analyze the impact of these technologies on economic performance and efficiency through task automation, cost reduction, and decision-making process improvement.
In recent years, AI and ML have fundamentally shifted the paradigm...
Miturile politice postmoderne dependente de imagini mai mult decât de naraţiune joacă totuşi acelaşi rol simplificator şi unificator ca şi cele arhaice încercând să ofere o interpretare consensuală complexităţii lumii. Construcţiile mitologice postcomuniste ne vorbesc mai mult despre imaginarul societăţii româneşti ieşite din comunism decât despre realitatea comunismului. Deşi pleacă de la...
The aim of this study is to inspect the impact of stress management within organizations and its consequences on employees achievement
Its well known that in organizations employees are the pivot, however, they are susceptible to various forms of stress : whether physical, emotional, or psychological, simply by virtue of being ordinary individuals. Stress can lead to a decline in their focus...
This paper examines the protective factors in school bullying. In the first section, the theoretical one, the most recent research on the topic of resilience enhancing factors is being surveyed. Next, the factors identified in various studies in the field are presented in detail. These include: the degree of integration of students in the classroom, their relationship with the parents, the...
Nowadays, leadership is influenced by constant changes of economic and political uncertainty and technological disruptions. The NextGen leaders must find the key to being successful in most turbulent times and be the masters of change and resilience. Our article focuses on presenting the NextGen leaders of a successful international organization worldwide (UACE).
The first part of the article...
The study examines participation trends in private pension funds over five years, noting fluctuations among companies like Metropolitan Life and AZT Viitorul Tău. NN emerges as the most preferred fund, while BRD consistently ranks lowest. Female participation showed a steady increase, with NN maintaining its leadership position. BCR notably improved in attracting participants, while Aripi...
In today’s era, where technology is omnipresent and most people are active on the social media platforms, we can safely say that artificial intelligence and digital marketing are “a match made in heaven”: social media platforms represent the place that gathers the targeted audience, and artificial intelligence offers the necessary tools that impact the way brands can interact with this...
Patterns of parenting skills exercised in institutionalized and non-institutionalized settings
This study focuses on several parenting skills: adaptability, communication and conflict resolution skills, family organization and structure, maintaining hierarchies and boundaries, teamwork ability, family leadership, distribution of power and responsibility, rules and routines.
In the knowledge-based economy era, organizations face increasing challenges in capturing, managing, and effectively leveraging knowledge. Artificial intelligence (AI) offers a promising solution to overcome these challenges and transform the way organizations manage knowledge. In this context, this article aims to explore the role of artificial intelligence in knowledge management, by...
Stress is an important factor in triggering many body ailments, such as: heart diseases, neurological diseases, oncological diseases, gastric diseases, autoimmune diseases, etc. They have a clear root in the sufferings with which patients go to the emergency services.
The present study aims to analyze the existing relationship between the levels of stress given by life events and...
Money, a pervasive force of humankind that follows all aspects of our lives. Throughout history it has taken many shapes from natural tokens such as shells to refined metals, such as gold to today’s FIAT and tomorrow’s crypto. Within the paper, a study on this natural evolution of money and its impact on society and economy has been conducted in order to better understand the effects it has...
Leadership within an organization entails the ability to guide and inspire the team to achieve common goals. An effective leader not only manages resources and processes but also motivates the team, providing clear direction and a positive, productive work environment. In the context of a coffee shop, leadership is essential for ensuring customer satisfaction and coordinating the team in an...
Odată cu dezvoltarea internetului interacțiunea dintre oameni s-a intensificat, din păcate doar interacțiunea virtuală, interacțiune umană având de suferit. Comunicarea online este mult mai facilă și mai rapidă decât comunicarea face to face. Este mai simplu să trimitem un mesaj pe WhatsApp sau Facebook sau orice altă rețea socială decât să scriem o scrisoare. Cu toate aceste beneficii ale...
Acest studiu analizează modelele de cash flow, aplicabilitatea acestora, particularitățile situațilori financiare, pornind de la aspectele teoretice și de reglementare în conformitate cu standardele IFRS și US GAAP și prezentând situația companiilor listate la Bursa de Valori București (BVB), pentru perioada 2018-2023. Pentru a analiza și a ilustra dinamica fluxurilor de trezorerie într-un...
The aim of the paper is to develop an econometric model for studying the decision-making process in order to launch a new product on the market. In the first part of the paper, the theoretical aspects from the specialized literature regarding the decision-making models and the analysis of the economic-financial indicators of the company ARAMIS INVEST S.R.L. were presented. The proposed...
Lucrarea dezvoltă tema reputației în mediul online, concentrându-se și pe comunicarea de criză. Vor fi analizate subiecte precum prezența pe internet, imaginea unei persoane sau organizații, metode de îmbunătățire și prezervare a reputației pozitive și metode de acționare într-o situație de criză care afectează reputația unei organizații, a unei persoane.
In the Romanian industry, liquidity and solvency are crucial aspects for evaluating the financial stability of a company. Liquidity indicates the immediate ability of an economic entity to meet its short-term financial obligations, while solvency reflects its ability to cover its long-term debts. These indicators are particularly relevant in Romania's fluctuating economic context, especially...
Încă de la începuturi, comunicarea politică reprezintă un maraton al persuasiunii aplicate asupra populației cu scopul de a strânge voturi și simpatie în detrimentul politicianului sau al întregului partid. În prezent, lupta politică și-a găsit frontul pe rețelele de socializare unde fără mari eforturi, omul politic își poate forma imaginea, exprima părerea și crea reclama după bunul plac, iar...
Lucrarea se va axa atât pe faptul că marketingul pe social media a devenit esențial în era noastră cât și importanța conștientizării riscurilor și situațiilor de criză care pot să apară, împreună cu modalități de gestionare a acestora pentru a proteja reputația influencerilor. Am de gând să adaug exemple, atât din România cât și din străinătate, care să stârnească atenția ascultătorilor și să...
The analysis of the evolution of the financial performance of any economic entity is essential for the optimal understanding of financial health, allowing both the identification of essential trends and the factors influencing the company, as well as the making of strategic and informed decisions for its future. This study aims to evaluate this complex notion, on a specific company from the...
The edible economy represents the concept of economic development with the help of aliments from all around the world, since the first moment of their discovery ,presenting the process of their development in the culinary world .
Keywords: economy, globalization, aliments, development , industrialization
Rețelele sociale sunt una dintre platformele pentru procesul de prelegere pentru vorbirea în public folosită de studenți în perioada pandemiei. Erau folosite diverse platforme pentru a susține activitățile de curs.
Scopul acestui studiu este de a afla de ce rețele sociale sunt adesea folosite în procesul de prelegeri vorbite. Metoda folosită este o metodă calitativă care are scopul de a...
In order to adapt to customer requirements, in the current context of digitization, banks are forced to make changes, even if they currently have a fairly high degree of computerization.The perspectives indicate that in the coming years digital will expand considerably in all social and economic spheres, banking organizations will be in a position to transform into digital banking...
This study provides a comprehensive examination of AI-driven recommendation systems, acknowledging their multidisciplinary nature and the various academic perspectives that contribute to understanding their complexity. With a focus on the retail sector, the research investigates user attitudes towards the increasingly personalized consumer environment, particularly in regard to privacy...
Since the overwhelming majority of undergraduate students fail to engage in internships, part-time employment, or apprenticeships during their studies, they are equipped with little to no work experience once they graduate and enter the workforce, which makes it challenging for them to secure high-level positions. Despite it being well-acknowledged that working strengthens professional...
Economia e rezultatul acțiunii a milioane de agenți economici ce lucrează în economia națională și/sau în relație cu exteriorul. Esența relațiilor ce au loc între agenții economici indiferent unde lucrează e schimbul. Totalitatea schimburilor de bunuri economice, capitaluri, valute, tehnologie de vârf ce au loc între agenții economici din toate țările lumii definesc piata modială.
Inteligența artificială (IA) reprezintă inteligența demonstrată de mașini, în contrast cu cea naturală manifestată de oameni și animale. Acest articol explorează contextul istoric, dezvoltarea și implicatiile societale ale IA. Începând cu munca crucială a lui Alan Turing în timpul celui de-Al Doilea Război Mondial la Bletchley Park, acesta urmărește evoluția cercetării în domeniul IA prin...
Colonel Daniel Mic, șeful Direcției Județene de Telecomunicații Speciale Maramureș, va susține o prezentare despre domeniul de activitate al Serviciului de Telecomunicații Speciale: rețelele administrate, beneficiarii legali, proiectele și activitățile desfășurate, sistemele și aplicațiile informatice dezvoltate.
During 2023, we conducted qualitative and quantitative research on the edaphic coleopteran fauna of the Sub Arini Park, located in the city of Sibiu, Romania. The aim of the study was to inventory the diversity and distribution of coleopteran populations in this urban park. The main objectives of the research included the identification of the species of coleoptera present in the park, the...
Using the GIZMO code package for cosmological N-body/Smoothed-particle hydrodynamics (SPH) problems, we worked on growth and evolution simulations for various black hole populations, by initializing several origin scenarios. This analysis aims to use the results of the simulations to compare them with the present black hole mass distribution. In doing this, predictions of the initial...
The continuous training of young university studies graduates, within industrial companies, is an individual as well as a general purpose of organizations. A structure - framework and a series of supporting elements are proposed for the development of websites, structured on professional themes, with open access to all young specialists to follow uni- or multi- directional...
The identification and prevalence of Trichomonas vaginalis infection in women was pursued, through the Babeş Papanicolau test collected at a gynecology office, Baia Mare. During the research period (2020-2023), the identification of the etiological agents detected, the prevalence of contamination, the distribution by age groups, residence and level of studies were pursued. The data were...
Green walls are walls covered in greenery, often called vertical gardens. The two main types are living walls and green facades. Green walls can have a strong role in biodiversity, they contribute to reducing the effects of urban heat islands, they increase carbon dioxide intake, overall increasing the quality of life in urban areas.
Green roofs are roofs covered in plants, having similar...
Colonel ing. Florin Vică, specialist STS în radiocomunicații, va susține o prezentare privind perspectivele de evoluție a serviciilor de comunicații mobile PPDR. Rețelele de comunicații mobile PPDR (Public Protection and Disaster Relief) au o importanță vitală pentru societate asigurând servicii de comunicații de tip mission critical pentru instituțiile cu atribuții privind ordinea publică și...
Development of rivers in cities, sewers and bank constructions, can have a significant impact on local biodiversity. These interventions can lead to the destruction of natural habitats, the decrease of water quality and the isolation of plants and animal populations.
At the same time, improving water management and reintegrating natural areas into urban planning can contribute to preserving...
The climate change made it necessary to develop artificial growth conditions for different type of plants. Using a soil moisture sensor and a pump a circuit can be designed which is able to automatically detect when the soil is too dry, add water and stop when the soil reaches the right moisture level. The Markov Chain models can be implemented in software (e.g.,Matlab and Simulink) to...
University is an intense and demanding environment where academic pressure and stress can lead to exhaustion and burnout among students and teaching staff. To address this issue, it is essential to develop mental health programs and policies that provide adequate support and resources for managing stress and preventing burnout. Implementing counseling and psychological support services,...
The purpose of the research was to highlight the dynamics of soil microorganisms, in order to assess the microbiota quantitatively and qualitatively, by comparing two different soils in terms of location and origin, as well as by exposure to various factors that have an impact on soil quality.
Several types of analyzes were performed for the two types of soil. To carry out the microbiological...
Efectele extractului apos de Salvia officinalis asupra diabetului zaharat de tip II și a hipertensiunii arteriale
Diabetul zaharat de tip II reprezintă o afecțiune caracterizată prin creșterea nivelului de glucoză serică, rezistență la insulină și carență de insulină. Apare atunci când glicemia (nivelul glucozei serice) este prea mare, ca urmare a obezității, lipsei de efort sau...
The main objective of this paper is to develop an experimental model to simulate a system for converting hydraulic energy into electrical energy. The specific objectives include designing and constructing the experimental setup, measuring the hydraulic parameters and the system's efficiency.
The obtained results provide the opportunity to analyze the data for evaluating the system's...
The project aimed at developing a versatile UAV platform equipped with a remote transport and launch system, object detection, and augmented reality projection on goggles. The outcome consists of a drone capable of executing independently planned missions via GPS, transmitting real-time images, and deploying payloads. With an operational range of up to 1.5 km and a flight autonomy...
Multidrug-resistant bacteria is one of the most concerning health problems all over the world. Uncontrolled use of antibiotics and antifungals drives these phenotypes. Developing new combat strategies is crucial to prevent healthcare and humanitarian crisis. Potential strategies include essential oils, antimicrobial peptides, bacteriophage therapies, and nanoparticles. These strategies could...
Many industries such as the healthcare industry, industrial safety and environmental monitoring require gas detection equipment. The precise and quick detection of various gases, including methane (CH4) is a very important factor in recognizing possible hazards, ensuring workplace safety and managing emissions. [1] Chemiresistive sensors based on conductive polymers such as polyaniline have...
This project explores the efficacy of DNA extraction from locally grown fruits in Romania, aiming to identify optimal candidates for genetic analysis. Seven fruits—plums, apples, pears, peaches, strawberries, grapes, and quince—were selected based on criteria such as diversity, water content, and DNA characteristics. The extraction process involved standardized methods, and the quantity of...
In the automotive industry the communications between existing subsystems is essential for providing the intended functionalities. The logic that enables proper informational interconnection is provided by industry related protocols, one well known and often used being the CAN protocol. This fact enables the spending of relevant design and testing resources for enhancing the performance and...
Urbanizarea are impact negativ asupra ornitofaunei. În ciuda provocărilor, unele specii se adapteza la mediile urbane dar altele suferă sau chiar dispar.
Baia Mare este situată în nord-vestul României, în lungul râului Săsar (cca. 228 m. alt.). Orașul beneficiază de un climat blând, fără temperaturi excesive.
Scopul lucrării este de a oferii o imagine asupra ornitofaunei din Baia Mare....
In contemporary rehabilitation practices, advanced devices furnish therapists with vital insights to monitor patient progress during therapy sessions. This paper aims to design and construct a device for lower limb movement rehabilitation. The system utilizes an accelerometer module and force sensors to capture real-time foot movements. Data is processed via the Arduino IDE platform...
On the surface of food there is always a considerable number of microorganisms, which increases as they find the conditions for development.
They come from the non-surrounding environment, mostly from the air, spread by dust, insects and animals, but also from the ground or water.
For this work, 21 types of food products were studied: blueberries, apricots, strawberries, apples, cherries,...
Automation of agricultural processes is an ever-evolving field, seeking to improve efficiency and sustainability in food production. This paper explores the use of the Arduino platform in automating a greenhouse, providing a practical and affordable solution for plant growers. By integrating temperature, humidity, light and soil moisture sensors, the Arduino platform enables constant...
Through this project, I propose the development of real-time monitoring software for the parameters required for CNC machine production, as well as the information necessary for the CNC machine production process, using concepts from Digital Twin technology. The development of this software has been designed using the SQL programming language for data transmission and the .NET framework for...
In this paper, the antibacterial effect of bee products on skin microflora was investigated in order to prepare api-therapeutic formulations. Bacterial cultures were isolated on culture media and samples of propolis, honey, royal jelly, beeswax, pollen were applied, which proved their inhibitory efficacy, especially propolis, royal jelly and honey. Thus, these products have a biological value...
Working machines are largely used in industrial environments for production of items and generate lots of data following these processes. The proper operation of machines influence the production output, thus detection of anomalies in machines activities is a crucial thing for avoiding awful outcomes. This paper present an ensemble unsupersived anomaly detection method able to handle aspects...
This paper describes the design and the development process of a mobile robot with differential locomotion called CANOE. The main objective of this robot is automated transport in controlled industrial environments, and it is equipped with advanced technologies for navigation and maneuverability.
The robot uses a PID (proportional-integral-derivative) controller to travel a specific route...
The Copșa Mică area in Romania is heavily affected by contamination with heavy metals, particularly lead (Pb), cadmium (Cd), and zinc (Zn), due to intense industrialization. This study investigates the impact of this pollution on soil and the mobility of heavy metals. The results highlight significant contamination, surpassing permissible limits, affecting soil fertility and plant development....
Reinforcement Learning (RL) stands as a fundamental approach for optimization problems, characterized by an iterative experimentation to maximize the cumulative reward of an agent performing in its environment. This paper highlights how game engines serve as the perfect training environments for intelligent agents, leveraging state-of-the-art RL algorithms.
This paper is authored by Sami Bărbuț-Dică, student at the University of Craiova, under the guidance of Conf. dr. Mirel Coșulschi and presents a comprehensive examination of the development life cycle of Pantheonix, an advanced online judging system (OJS) characterized by its microservices architecture. Leveraging a myriad of cutting-edge technologies, including Docker for containerization,...
The natural and anthropic impact on the water quality of the Sebeș River is analyzed in this study. Using data from previous reports and information about hydrological characteristics, we evaluated the chemical state of the water, identifying potential sources of pollution and concluding that overall, water quality is good. However, concentrations of nutrients in some sections reflect...
Sântana-Cetatea Veche, Arad, is a Bronze Age fortification that has recently come to the attention of archaeologists due to its dimensions and identified structures. Being first described in the 18th century, research was resumed in 2008 by Florin Gogâltan and Victor Sava, revealing details about the buildings and defense systems discovered.
This paper presents a 3D reconstruction of the...
This paper aims to evaluate the antimicrobial effect of solutions based on silver nanoparticles and Aloe vera gel on some pathogenic and facultative pathogenic strains. In order to highlight the bactericidal properties of these products, measurements of the inhibition zone diameter were performed for each tested strain. The results showed that the most effective antimicrobial effect is in the...
This research focuses on building a custom pipeline centered around a financial large language model that runs well on resource-constrained devices. Some of the most important aspects of our implementation are the use of a synthetic dataset and the text organization method. While the reranker has a teacher-student architecture focused on the financial domain, the generative model...
Abstract: The legislative framework pertaining to cybersecurity in Russia lacks comprehensive public documentation, while Ukraine provides transparent access to its strategic plans for cybersecurity development. This article presents a comparative analysis of the Ukrainian cybersecurity roadmap for 2023-2024 and the perspectives of Russian experts on the concept of import substitution in...
This study investigates the impact of chemical fertilizer use in agriculture on drinking water quality from wells in a village in the Mărginimea Sibiului area. By analyzing nitrate concentrations and other relevant parameters in water and soil, the study finds potential contamination of drinking water, with potential negative effects on public health and the local environment. The results...
Yoop is a cloud platform for developing serverless functions with a focus on simplicity, security, and low cost. It allows businesses and individuals to pay only for the resources they use, and scales functions based on usage and available processing power. Yoop also offers analytics to deep dive into function performance and usage, while exploring predictive solutions for cost estimation and...
From drinking some morning coffee to grabbing a muffin on the way home from work, our senses are constantly working on providing us with a full sensorial tasting experience, a “flavour”, an encompassment of physical, chemical and neurophysiological attributes, with a sprinkle of influences coming from the sociological and psychological aspects of eating. But what about this activity compels...
Experience a seamless and efficient way to access the world of literature with my library application. My app simplifies the process of finding and accessing books with powerful search and filtering options. Easily search and locate your desired books, journals, and digital resources, thanks to intuitive search algorithms and robust filters. Streamline the borrowing process, reserve items, and...
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Aici este abstractul lucrarii noastre.
This project endeavors to address the growing need for comparative analysis and evaluation within the field of natural language processing (NLP) by developing a sophisticated chatbot interface for assessing the performance of two leading NLP frameworks: Spacy and OpenAI. Motivated by the increasing demand for NLP solutions across various domains, ranging from customer service automation to...
Satellite imagery combined with artificial intelligence presents an innovative approach to monitoring deforestation levels in specific regions. The motivation behind this project stems from the urgent need to track and understand the impact of deforestation on our ecosystems and climate. Deforestation poses significant threats to biodiversity, soil health, and contributes to climate change by...
In a world full of pollution and bad management of the overall limited resources we still have at disposal, awareness of the little things that help us live becomes crucial. This journal addresses to one of the crucial elements that keeps life on earth, water. Because of this, huge efforts should be made in order to monitor the quality of water for both aquatic life and dinking posibility, in...
The educational software was designed to be used both during chemistry and biology classes and outside of them by high school students, to assess their knowledge of the material taught by the teachers, as well as their gaming abilities. The game was designed to support and enhance the effectiveness of active and interactive knowledge acquisition, training, and development of various...
The present paper presents the
motivation, purpose and method of work of my
project. Entitled „DormMate”, this website is
dedicated to the management of student dorms
and to the improvement of the students
experience during their accommodation.
The project implements an urban traffic simulator, in a scenario with both vehicles and pedestrians. The user has the ability to place and remove traffic lights and pedestrian crossings, as well as decide the timing of the traffic lights. For simulation scenarios, the number of moving vehicles and pedestrians can be specified. The simulator offers options for saving, reloading, and...
Who knows more about you than your loved one or your mother? Excluding major technology corporations, the answer is likely your smartphone. Whether it is an Android or iOS device, this compact, transistor-dense companion holds a vast repository of personal information that, when meticulously parsed and analyzed, can yield a highly accurate profile of its owner.
In an era where leading...
In today’s digital landscape, effective and rapid communication with clients is crucial for any business. Automated communication steps in as a key solution, facilitating the delivery of personalized messages and emails to numerous clients quickly. This approach fosters a personal connection between the company and its clients.
The central goal of this initiative is to enhance user experience...
In the digitally transformed landscape of the 21st century, heightened by the pandemic's restrictions on in-person interactions, online communication and technology have become pivotal. As businesses adapted, they redefined their management approaches to thrive in this new environment. Central to this digital toolkit is an application designed to extract email addresses from specific URLs....
This web application transforms hotel booking by integrating technology, user experience, and hotel management requirements.
Guests can easily book and manage their reservation through an intuitive interface, assisted by an automated virtual receptionist powered by Rasa technology. Virtual reception entails facilitating personalized communication, enabling an effortless booking, and...
Personal Manager is a React Native mobile application designed to streamline personal organization and productivity. Leveraging Firebase for authentication, it offers a centralized platform for users to manage tasks, notes, shopping lists, and finances. The application's core features include:
Task Management: Users can create, prioritize, and track tasks within the Todos section. With...
The aim of this study is to demonstrate the importance of groundwater, which constitutes 30% of surface water, as a vital source of water that can be utilized for various purposes. During the investigation, I explored whether the pH values of groundwater sources comply with the standards set by the World Health Organization (WHO) and the Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO). Additionally, I...
In this paper a graphical user interface software for working with Csound is proposed in order to make computer music composition easier and faster in a structured manner, while also enjoying the Csound's strength for having a vast amount of sound synthesis techniques available for generating even complex sounds that are very useful for different genres of music where experimentation is the...
Pentru mulți elevi, există materii mai mult sau mai puțin accesibile, acestea fiind dificile din punctul de vedere al înțelegerii conceptelor de bază. Printre aceste subiecte se numără și chimia.
Din dorința de a crea o modalitate prin care elevii să se familiarizeze cu noțiuni elementare de chimie și nu numai, am decis să combin această pasiune cu informatica, creând astfel un soft...
In the last period, the European Union, according to the treaty regarding its functioning, wanted to contribute to the development of the culture of the member states while respecting the diversity of each of them, both at the national and regional level, highlighting the cultural heritage. Thus, the responsibility of developing policies in the field of culture belongs to the member states....
This thesis explores the integration of advanced AI technologies within the Unity game development framework to create an interactive AI avatar for serious gaming applications. By leveraging OpenAI's Whisper model for speech-to-text conversion, the ChatGPT API for natural language processing, and Pipper-TTS for realistic voice synthesis, the project aims to enhance user...
Abstract. As known, the principles of restoration and conservation have evolved from the past when restorers treated historical monuments as works of imagination, thereby creating new works during the restoration process, showing to the present observer a falsehood, a graft, and misleading the future researchers of the historical monument. Today, the restoration of historical monuments...
In a world where a person's attention is the most important currency, finding ways to captivate and engage is the most valuable tool. With the rise of a trend known as "gamification", understanding of game design becomes significantly more important in the creation of software, due to the increased competition for a user's time and attention. This paper focuses on problems and solutions...
The project offers a simplified method for solving the Rubik's Cube by allowing users to upload separate images for each face of the cube. The application then guides the user through a series of moves, providing intuitive step-by-step guidance to the solution, thus facilitating the solving process and making the user experience more accessible.
The main goal of this project is to...
In this article, the authors studied the way of transferring old queuing structures, many of which are historical monuments, in a vision of new concepts based on the maximum application of the 3D concept in calculation and the composition of constructions that respond the current requirements aimed at mechanical resistance and, but also in the concept imposed by the real conditions of climate...
The project proposes the implementation and development of an intelligent parking system, an advanced data management application that leverages Internet of Things (IoT) technology to significantly enhance the driving experience in the process of finding and utilizing parking spaces. The system integrates cameras and sensors around parking areas to collect data on parking space availability,...
Criza acută de locuințe coroborată cu cerințele și exigențele care decurg din reducerea emisiilor de gaze cu efect de seră impune o nouă viziune în concepția și realizarea clădirilor de locuit. În ultima perioadă materialele utilizate s-au caracterizat prin consumuri ridicate de energie, prin tehnologii poluante ale căror efecte sunt tot mai mult observabile prin efectele produse. În viziunea...
Colorizing grayscale images is a prominent challenge in Computer Vision, with numerous deep learning approaches being prevalent in the literature for this task. This paper introduces a multi-head fully convolutional network architecture, taking grayscale images as input and outputting the chromaticity information for colorization and segmentation masks for semantic segmentation. The model is...
The present longitudinal study investigated participants’ car use behavior for a week, by using objective mobility data collected with Google Location through participants’ smartphones. 48 residents of a large Romanian town provided their mobility data, together with their answers on a questionnaire. Several psychological, structural and contextual predictors of car use were investigated in a...
New Urbanism is an urban planning concept developed in response to the problems caused by rapid urbanization and uncontrolled suburban expansion. It is characterized by an integrated and sustainable approach that addresses current challenges related to climate change, population growth, and limited resources. One of the main trends in contemporary urbanism is sustainable development, which...
The benchmark study examines the
performance of Flutter and .NET 6 technologies
in mobile application development, focusing on
their impact on user experience. Apps for
managing lost and found animals were created
and tested on Android and iOS platforms,
providing relevant data for evaluation. The
goal is to provide a comparison between cross-
platform development and development...
The use of hemp-based eco-concrete is now a real option for any beneficiary to consider when choosing materials for new construction or energy retrofitting of existing buildings. Rising energy costs, climate change, pollution and comfort requirements have led to the introduction of legislation to reduce the environmental impact of the construction industry. The European Union's Sustainable...
This paper is based on a case study conducted at the ancient Kastri-Pandosia site in Greece. The purpose of the study was to use aerial thermal imaging in order to detect differences in composition, density and moisture content, materials on and below the ground surface based on different rates of absorbtion, emition, transmition and reflection thermal infrared radiation. The most impressive...
The future of civil engineering in the opinion of the authors will be determined by the structural design, by the materials used but also by the scientific concerns of the manufacturing industry materials . In the view of the authors, the structural concept has in mind the realization of some constructions that meet the main requirements stipulated by the legislation in force, requirements...
The constructions related to the oil industry offer a wide range of case studies for civil engineering due to the fact that they entail different types of structures adapted to various products resulting from both the exploitation process and the refining process.
As known, constructions can house products with considerable density, as well as volatile substances, each presenting specific...
Abstract Problematica acestei lucrări se referă la conceptul promovării valorilor istorice arhitecturale în contemporanitatea texturii urbane din Dobrogea prin aplicarea în conceptul clădirilor moderne a unor elemente valoroase care au constituit, la un moment dat, caracteristica arhitecturală a zonei Dobrogei. Replicarea/inspirarea din frumoasele și elegantele forme reprezintă o conservare...
Urban biodiversity is necessary to ensure the good functioning of all the mechanisms of the living world. This presentation has as reference points the highlighting of several species from the Lamiaceae family that could be introduced into urban biodiversity, as well as the invertebrate species that were in symbiosis with them, in order to create an optimal functioning system. We also want to...
As the title says, rosaceae can be very useful in cities. Such as shading public places by planting hanging roses. Other types of rosaceae produce fruit which helps the birds with food. Also purifying the air and blocking dust.
Plants are generally perceived as things that should be beautiful or exist only for the pleasure of the eye, but in nature there are also plants that help us maintain our health and that improve the taste of food.
In this paper I used a bilinear regression model of profit depending on the turnover and the number of employees with the help of the EXCEL calculation program, and based on the accounting balance I calculated the profitability, solvency and economic efficiency of the company.
Economia e rezultatul acțiunii a milioane de agenți economici ce lucrează în economia națională și/sau în relație cu exteriorul. Esența relațiilor ce au loc între agenții economici indiferent unde lucrează e schimbul. Totalitatea schimburilor de bunuri economice, capitaluri, valute, tehnologie de vârf ce au loc între agenții economici din toate țările lumii definesc piata modială.
Activitatea experimentală a avut ca scop studiul influenței adaosului de gumă xantan asupra caracteristicilor pâinii pe bază de faină de orez.
Au fost pregătite 4 tipuri de pâini, pâinea de control fără gumă xantan și pâinile cu conținuturi variabile de gumă xantan. Pâinile obținute au fost lăsate să se răcească la temperatura camerei și trimise la analiză. Analizele s-au făcut la o zi și la...
This paper examines the protective factors in school bullying. In the first section, the theoretical one, the most recent research on the topic of resilience enhancing factors is being surveyed. Next, the factors identified in various studies in the field are presented in detail. These include: the degree of integration of students in the classroom, their relationship with the...
This study focuses on several parenting skills: adaptability, communication and conflict resolution skills, family organization and structure, maintaining hierarchies and boundaries, teamwork ability, family leadership, distribution of power and responsibility, rules and routines.
The primary objective of the research is to identify significant differences between individuals or...
Since the overwhelming majority of undergraduate students fail to engage in internships, part-time employment, or apprenticeships during their studies, they are equipped with little to no work experience once they graduate and enter the workforce, which makes it challenging for them to secure high-level positions. Despite it being well-acknowledged that working strengthens professional...