May 20 – 24, 2024
Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Green walls and green roofs in urban ecosystems

May 22, 2024, 10:30 AM
A2 (Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)


Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A Baia-Mare
Biology Biology


Ms Bianca Cădar (Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Faculty of sciences)


Green walls are walls covered in greenery, often called vertical gardens. The two main types are living walls and green facades. Green walls can have a strong role in biodiversity, they contribute to reducing the effects of urban heat islands, they increase carbon dioxide intake, overall increasing the quality of life in urban areas.
Green roofs are roofs covered in plants, having similar effects to green walls and often serving as community gardens.
The target of the study was highlighting the role of greenery found on green walls such as green facades and hedges in reducing temperature and humidity in the areas where they are located. Measurements were made on hedges such as Buxus semperviens or Ligustrum ovalifolium and on green facades consisting of common ivy, Hedera helix and Wisteria fluribunda.
The partial results demonstrate the support of the hypothesis. The temperatures measured on the green walls areas were on average lower by 0,6 degrees Celsius than those measured in the atmosphere and the humidity was lower by 2-3%.

Primary authors

Ms Bianca Cădar (Technical University of Cluj Napoca, Faculty of sciences) Prof. Monica Marian (Technical University of Cluj Napoca)

Presentation materials


