Background: With the rapid proliferation of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in daily
life, understanding the psychological and demographic determinants of technology acceptance is crucial. Objectives: This research aimed to investigate the mediating role of technology-related anxiety in the relationship between video gaming frequency and the consumption of films featuring humanoid robots, and...
In this paper I propose to argue the following: 1. In the history of philosophy there are several landmarks relevant to the approach and understanding of mental illness. In particular, philosophical orientations dealing with the meaning and role of human consciousness are important in this respect. I have in mind both the specific approaches of phenomenology and philosophy of mind, both of...
În zorii secolului XXI, Uniunea Europeană a căutat să-și redefinească și să-și consolideze structura, aspirând la o integrare mai profundă și mai eficientă a statelor membre. Acest vis a prins contur prin Tratatul de la Lisabona, un document esențial care a remodelat peisajul politic european și a fortificat temelia pe care se construiește Europa de astăzi.
Tratatul de la Lisabona, semnat în...
The present communication aims to analyze how children's fantasy literature is utilized didactically in fourth-grade textbooks. We will be focusing, on one hand, on examining the selection of fantasy texts by textbook authors, and on the other hand, we will pay attention to the types of methods and didactic techniques associated with a good understanding and practice of fantasy literary texts,...
The purpose of this research is to identify the students' perspective on the factors influencing academic resilience, in a context where Romania has the highest dropout rate in the European Union among young people aged 18-24. This study seeks to identify both protective and inhibitory elements of academic resilience by exploring personal, social, and institutional factors. Data were...
Uniunea Europeană este o organizație internațională supranațională compusă din 27 de state membre. Înființarea și funcționarea Uniunii se întemeiază pe transferul de suveranitate operat de state, ce conferă organizației competențele necesare pentru realizarea obiectivelor stabilite prin tratat și, implicit, personalitate juridică proprie.
Atribuirea personalității juridice este atestată prin...
Despite the recognized importance of parental satisfaction in pediatric physical therapy services, Romania currently lacks a standardized measure tailored to this context. This gap in the healthcare assessment framework complicates the ability of healthcare providers to gauge and improve service quality effectively. Understanding parents' satisfaction is crucial as it directly...
This paper aims to talk about unconditional love. We aim to explain what it means, what impact it has on the development and growth of the child. In what ways can we show children this kind of love? For the harmonious development of a child it is crucial to receive the unconditional love of parents, so that self-concept will not be affected. The lack of unconditional love has...
This is the story of Anne Boleyn, the second wife of Henry VIII, a woman who would rise to become the Queen of England taking the throne from Catherine of Aragon, and England down the path of the Protestant Reformation. Before going on to fall from her height of power and meet her untimely end.
We live in an era where the educational pressure is felt more and more, due to the progress in all areas of society. The students are asked a lot and the teachers have the impression that they do not offer enough knowledge! I want to believe that we did not set out to create robots and that we did not forget the emotions and lives of the students. Therefore, the purpose of our work is to...
I’ll talk about parental figures that take advantage of their kids in a way that should never be accepted. The four main forms of abuse are: physical, verbal, sexual and emotional. You’ll observe that I’ll point out one of the most common categories. Unfortunately, not everyone pays enough attention of the signs that can be considered serious mistreat, which later can lead to major...
The present paper aims to make a foray into the concept of rumination. When you repetitively and passively focus on the meaning, causes and consequences of negative emotions or on an unfinished problem you ruminate. Each of us has such repetitive thoughts, but rumination is excessive and has negative implications for mental and physical health. Rumination is a well-established risk factor for...
The purpose of this article is to investigate the relationship between Educational Leadership and Self Determination Theory. Self-determination theory (SDT) is an comprehensive theory of human personality and motivation that focuses on how individuals interact with and rely on the social environment. SDT underscores the idea that people’s relationships and social contexts must involve and...
În acest studiu am introdus modelul sistemelor ecologice elaborat de Urie Bronfenbrenner pentru a analiza contextele de integrare actuale și necesitatea unei echipe integrate.
Principalul obiectiv al acestui studiu a fost analiza statutului de Shadow și necesitatea acestuia în programul de integrare socială a copiilor cu Cerințe Educaționale Speciale. În prezent, în România, această...
This paper explores the "Learning Sphere" platform, a Moodle-based educational platform designed for the Baccalaureate in Computer Science. It details the platform's use of modular structures and interactive methodologies to enhance learning outcomes and accommodate diverse educational needs. The study emphasizes the platform's adaptability and scalability, highlighting its effectiveness in...
The paper addresses modern and interactive didactic methods, specific to the strategic design of the teaching-learning process, by integrating technology, open educational resources and artificial intelligence in the instructive-educational act. The aim of the research is the impact of collaborative learning with the help of technology-based ways and strategies of working for students in the...
This research provides a comprehensive view of scientific empathy among students at UTCN, utilizing the Toronto Empathy Questionnaire, a self-assessment tool with robust psychometric properties, administered to 98 respondents. The initial 8 questions gathered relevant socio-demographic data, while questions 9 to 24 included the TEQ scale.
The study revealed a significant...
Miturile politice postmoderne dependente de imagini mai mult decât de naraţiune joacă totuşi acelaşi rol simplificator şi unificator ca şi cele arhaice încercând să ofere o interpretare consensuală complexităţii lumii. Construcţiile mitologice postcomuniste ne vorbesc mai mult despre imaginarul societăţii româneşti ieşite din comunism decât despre realitatea comunismului. Deşi pleacă de la...
This paper examines the protective factors in school bullying. In the first section, the theoretical one, the most recent research on the topic of resilience enhancing factors is being surveyed. Next, the factors identified in various studies in the field are presented in detail. These include: the degree of integration of students in the classroom, their relationship with the parents, the...
Patterns of parenting skills exercised in institutionalized and non-institutionalized settings
This study focuses on several parenting skills: adaptability, communication and conflict resolution skills, family organization and structure, maintaining hierarchies and boundaries, teamwork ability, family leadership, distribution of power and responsibility, rules and routines.
Stress is an important factor in triggering many body ailments, such as: heart diseases, neurological diseases, oncological diseases, gastric diseases, autoimmune diseases, etc. They have a clear root in the sufferings with which patients go to the emergency services.
The present study aims to analyze the existing relationship between the levels of stress given by life events and...
This study focuses on several parenting skills: adaptability, communication and conflict resolution skills, family organization and structure, maintaining hierarchies and boundaries, teamwork ability, family leadership, distribution of power and responsibility, rules and routines.
The primary objective of the research is to identify significant differences between individuals or...