22–25 Nov 2023
Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Formulas for derivatives of multiple order of rational functions, with/without determinants of coefficients

22 Nov 2023, 14:45
A2 (Amphitheater)



Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare Address: Baia Mare, Str. Dr. Victor Babeș 62A


Laurian Colcer (Profesor pensionar Tulcea)


In Gazeta Matematică Series A (2002), I gave explicit formulas of the numerators of the first and second derivative of the ratios of polynomials of any degree in ℝ[X], expressed with/without the help of determinants of coefficients of these polynomials.
New in present article: a generalization of an above formula to derivatives of any order, a divisibility property of the terms of these numerators, extension to the complex framework, a conjecture on the derivative of a ratio of power series and another.
I hope all the information is understandable.
Keywords: rational functions, derivative, determinant, polynomial, numerical coefficients, greatest common divisor.

Primary author

Laurian Colcer (Profesor pensionar Tulcea)

Presentation materials