22–25 Nov 2023
Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Minimum wage: More than a figure - A deep analysis of the social and economic implications

22 Nov 2023, 16:15
A2 (Amphitheater)



Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Baia Mare, Str. Dr. Victor Babeș 62A
UFO - Economic sciences UFO - Economic sciences


Jassmyna Şteţco (Liceul Borşa)


In this paper, essential aspects of the minimum wage are addressed, both in the context of Romania and globally. We have discussed the advantages, such as employee protection and stimulation of economic growth, as well as the disadvantages, including inflationary pressures and the impact on vulnerable sectors. Myths associated with the minimum wage have been debunked, highlighting misconceptions such as automatic increases in unemployment. The analysis has underscored the need for an informed balance and a careful approach to wage policies to ensure the well-being of employees and economic sustainability in the face of the complexities of the labor market.

Primary author

Jassmyna Şteţco (Liceul Borşa)

Presentation materials