22–25 Nov 2023
Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Europe/Bucharest timezone


Teaching and social sciences

23 Nov 2023, 13:00
Aula (Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca)


Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca

Str. Dr. Victor BABEȘ 62A


Teaching and social sciences: Teaching and social sciences

  • There are no conveners in this block

Teaching and social sciences: Teaching and social sciences

  • Daniela Dunca (UTCN)

Teaching and social sciences

  • Claudia Marian (Technical University Cluj Napoca, North Center Baia Mare)
  • Barkoczi Nadia

Presentation materials

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Mr Man Bogdan Alexandru (Doctorand Universitatea Tehnica Din Cluj, Filosofie)
23/11/2023, 13:45
Teaching and social sciences

Martin Luther had an impact not only in theology but also in philosophy. His critique of medieval metaphysics paved the way for modern philosophy.

Maria Loredana Tiplea
23/11/2023, 14:30
Teaching and social sciences

Viața și opera Monicăi Lovinescu

Alina Șandor (Utcn-cunbm), Dr Claudia Marian (UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICĂ DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA CENTRUL UNIVERSITAR NORD - Facultatea de litere), Ms Raluca Irina Hălăștăuan (Pascaniuc) (UNIVERSITATEA TEHNICĂ DIN CLUJ-NAPOCA CENTRUL UNIVERSITAR NORD - Facultatea de litere)
23/11/2023, 15:15
Teaching and social sciences

We are in the year 2023, the third millennium. It already sounds very promising, of great futuristic scope, where technology and people are at a much too high level, where the requirements for personal development as well as expectations are a real challenging force. We admit that the success of a child in school depends on the didactic force, on the effectiveness of the teacher to...

Claudia Marian (Technical University Cluj Napoca, North Center Baia Mare), Mrs Lavinia Manuela Mureșan (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare, Facultatea de Științe, Specializarea Cibernetică, Statistică și Informatică Economică), Mrs Sarah Coroian (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare, Facultatea de Științe, Specializarea Cibernetică, Statistică și Informatică Economică)
23/11/2023, 16:00
Teaching and social sciences

Neuroplasticity of the brain -the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience. Comfort zone - barrier in the process of development. This theme will be debated in the following essay alongside methods of overcoming the barrier imposed by comfort. The brain is in constant change and leaving the comfort zone is seen as a chance to expand neuroplasticity, "Life begins when the comfort...

Building timetable...