Teaching and social sciences: Teaching and social sciences
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Teaching and social sciences: Teaching and social sciences
- Daniela Dunca (UTCN)
Teaching and social sciences
- Claudia Marian (Technical University Cluj Napoca, North Center Baia Mare)
- Barkoczi Nadia
In today’s essay we will talk about loneliness among children because this is one of the most serious issues of the education nowadays.But what does this mean?Loneliness is a state of solitude or being alone but it can also be described as a state of mind.This study will contain topics like how the children see loneliness, this state of children with learning disabilities, teacher...
Perfectibility, perfection, and perfectionism are three distinct concepts in philosophy that are often analyzed in relation to human development, morality and concepts of the good. Perfectibility reflects the ability to progress, perfection is the ideal state free from defect and perfectionism represents the attitude or perspective of rigorously pursuing this perfection. Starting from...
This text explores the implications of Michel Foucault's philosophy of power, focusing on the relationship between power and society and the various forms power can take. Foucault's perspective on power is rooted in the idea that power is not centralized but dispersed throughout society, operating through social and institutional relations. He views power as a neutral force that can have moral...
This article is about the promises you make to yourself and you do not keep them, about the goals you want to accomplish, but you fail to do so, the books you start reading, but you never finish them, about the stress you go through to complete a project at midnight without being able to reach your maximum potential, thus the fear of failure occurs, this way the potential being...
The work proposes an integrative vision regarding people's lifestyle and how the assertive behaviors influences people's relationships, but also their mentality. Helplessness can be learned and produces victims among children of teenagers, adults and animals alike.
In our article we will see how this feeling arises and how others are born, but also how we can learn to help the...
The text proposes a comprehensive analysis of pragmatics, highlighting its concerns regarding the meaning and use of language in the context of human communication. From pioneers like Charles S. Pierce and Charles Morris, who defined pragmatics, to its ongoing development in the face of technological and communication changes, the text covers various aspects of this field. Key contributions of...
The present paper aims to make a foray into the concept of attention. In the first part, the paper will focus on voluntary, involuntary, habitual attention and the importance of these in the student's life. The work continues with techniques for developing attention, benefits, practices for maintaining it, and the influences of internal and external factors on the phenomenon of...
Martin Luther had an impact not only in theology but also in philosophy. His critique of medieval metaphysics paved the way for modern philosophy.
Libertarianismul este o clasă de convingeri în filosofia politică. Libertarienii văd libertatea individuală ca fiind cea mai înaltă valoare politică și înțeleg constrângerea ca fiind opusul acestei libertăți. Liberalismul este adesea văzut în primul rând ca o filozofie a libertății economice și caută să definească și să justifice puterile legitime ale guvernării în termenii anumitor drepturi...
We all know about the communist period, but we barely know about the artists that had to suffer in that time. While the censorship was in full bloom because of the leaders of the country, the artists and the inventors had settled for the peace in France. There, they had the opportunity to develop on a personal plan and on other professional plans.
Buna ziua
Ma numesc Adelina Popovici si va transmit alaturat lucrarea mea cu titlul "Inteligenta artificiala . Libertatea in lumea moderna "
Cu respect
Law and morality, distinct concepts, occasionally find themselves in a complex relationship. Morality often aligns with personal principles, ethics, and individual values, whereas law constitutes a set of rules and norms established by society to maintain order and safety. Yet, clashes between personal values and imposed laws pose a significant challenge.
The relationship between morality,...
The text discusses Neoplatonism, a Greek philosophical movement that emerged in the second century and lasted until 529. Neoplatonism views the world as governed by meaning, requiring elevated thinking to comprehend it. It focuses on finding a unique principle, the One, which explains the nature of the intelligible. Plotinus, influenced by Plato, introduces innovations and fundamental changes...
Viața și opera Monicăi Lovinescu
The text focuses on Luciano Floridi's concept of the 'infosphere', a digital reality that reshapes how we interact with and understand knowledge. It challenges the traditional role of humans as sole knowledge creators, with digitalization and data accumulation becoming central.
This shift requires rethinking the creation, distribution, and access to knowledge since the line between physical...
The basic meaning of the term cabaret is that of a party place or bar. On the other hand, the literary cabaret refers to a space quite similar to a regular cabaret, with differences in the performances presented. A comparison can also be made here between a literary cabaret and a literary café. In a literary cabaret, literary moments are presented, as well as musical and dance performances,...
Singurătatea adolescentului impact negativ pentru societatea de mâine.
Prezentarea unor studii efectuate pe această temă cu diferite abordări a factorilor determinanti și favorizanți.
Cercetare efectuată într-un liceu din România pentru evaluarea unor parametri privind singuratatea adolescentului în școli.Instrumentul de lucru fiind un chestionar on line,varianta 3 din Scala de singurătate.
Boredom has traditionally been associated with a range of negative emotions. However, it has been suggested that boredom can have positive outcomes. Because there are studies proving that boredom might be increasing creativity. This paper is about the relationship between boredom and creativity, about the importance of creativity, how boring tasks can make us to have great performance...
We are in the year 2023, the third millennium. It already sounds very promising, of great futuristic scope, where technology and people are at a much too high level, where the requirements for personal development as well as expectations are a real challenging force. We admit that the success of a child in school depends on the didactic force, on the effectiveness of the teacher to...
This essay explores the experiences of LGBTQ people in educational settings, highlighting the range of their gender identities and sexual orientations. It examines the complex effects of being LGBTQ in schools and the significant impact it can have on children’s mental health and general well-being. Though intended to be supportive places for social and personal growth, schools may sometimes...
Textul ne prezinta diferitele moduri de a privi ezoterismul ca mod de gandire in filosofia occidentala. Ezoterismul are cateva caracteristici recognoscibile si repetabile in istoria umanitatii pentru ca Omul a fost mereu ezoteric.Omul a dorit mereu sa stie modul de raportare la divinitate, de unde vine si incotro se indreapta.Din punct de vedere socio-politic nimic nu este ceea ce pare,...
The work includes a pedagogical approach to an interdisciplinary didactic content, to a technological high school class on the topic of finishing elements and insulation of green buildings. Starting from the content of the Curriculum to the ninth grade, the field of training Construction, installations and public works, Module 1: Components for the construction, installations and public works,...
The project presents one of the modern didactic methods whose name taken from the English language is "Flipped Classroom", which is based on the flexibility and ability of the teacher, who knows how to customize the lessons/activities so that the students work at their own rithm.
In the mathematics discipline for the 7th class, I applied this method to highlight the development of individual...
Catechesis, dealing with the systematic instruction in the faith of believers, benefits from both traditional methods and means of education, as well as modern ones that involve the use of digital platforms. Catechesis cannot be reduced solely to teaching; its purpose is to raise awareness among youth and children that they intellectually understand the fundamental Christian truths and that...
Neuroplasticity of the brain -the brain's ability to change and adapt due to experience. Comfort zone - barrier in the process of development. This theme will be debated in the following essay alongside methods of overcoming the barrier imposed by comfort. The brain is in constant change and leaving the comfort zone is seen as a chance to expand neuroplasticity, "Life begins when the comfort...
This paper aims to present and raise awareness among parents about the type of protection they offer their children. We will discuss the topic of parental overprotection, listing causes, effects, theories and supporting studies. In the second part we will discuss the negative effects that parental overprotection has on children's autonomy. Later, we will present how they...
This paper addresses innovative ways of designing a teaching strategy for a French language lesson in secondary education by integrating artificial intelligence technologies into the teaching activity. The aim of the didactic activity is to stimulate learning, improve teaching, and make the evaluation more efficient, so that students will develop both specific skills of the curriculum and the...
The purpose of the topic titled "The Transdisciplinarity of the Backtracking Method" is to investigate and highlight how this method can be applied in a transdisciplinary manner to solve problems and make contributions in various fields of study and research.
By "the backtracking method," we refer to a problem-solving technique that involves the recursive exploration of possible solutions,...
This study provides a succinct overview of the Self-Determination Theory (SDT), formulated in 1985 by Edward Deci and Richard Ryan. Their empirical inquiries have substantiated that we manifest self-motivation when our three fundamental psychological needs—autonomy, competence, and connection or relatedness—are adequately fulfilled. This study aspired to assess the degree of...