MI - Pedagogical & Multidisciplinary Insights
- Maier Monica (Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, Department of Teacher Training)
Părintele superprotectiv, anxietatea copilului,
Cuvinte-cheie: părinte, copil,valoare, status
Given the informational age we live in, learning cannot be restricted solely to the accumulation of knowledge and its mechanical application in various situations. To become autonomous and competent individuals, it is crucial to understand our own thinking processes and to be aware of how we learn and adapt our strategies based on requirements, historical context, and diverse challenges.
An important field of research in recent years is metacognition, representing only a big word that actually refers to something that most of us do every day without even noticing: thinking about our own thoughts. However, metacognition means not only „thinking ”, but also monitoring one's learning and, most importantly, changing the approach to performing tasks through monitoring....
The work is based on the 2030 Agenda of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) and mainly aims at Objective 4 - "Ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education and promoting lifelong learning opportunities for all". The objective, at the global level, is to promote inclusive practices, accept diversity, differences, include all students, overcome barriers related to prejudices. In support...
Ioana – Maria Lupan
Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj – Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare
Facultatea de: Litere
Specializarea: Construcție și inovare curriculară
Over time, the needs and desires of students are in a constant state of change. New generations of children have direct exposure to technologies, growing and developing alongside them. Due to this, it is...
Educația incluzivă este o provocare pentru schimbarea atitudinilor, a mentalităților, a politicilor și a practicilor de excludere si segregare.
Şcoala incluzivă este mediul în care se învață acceptarea diversității fizice, psihice, economice, sociale și culturale. Materialul de fațǎ prezinǎ strategii specifice predǎrii atunci cȃnd ȋn colectivul clasei existǎ copii cu Cerințe...
In Gazeta Matematică Series A (2002), I gave explicit formulas of the numerators of the first and second derivative of the ratios of polynomials of any degree in ℝ[X], expressed with/without the help of determinants of coefficients of these polynomials.
New in present article: a generalization of an above formula to derivatives of any order, a divisibility property of the terms of these...
In this paper we want to present an experience of success in our professional activity.
It's about METHOD PROJECTS - one of the main methods of teaching - learning - evaluation of alternative educational STEP BY STEP, we promote with our kindergarten children.
In the first part of the paper I presented a brief history of the method projects, seen as a 'global, integrated with a strong...
Learning differently, teaching differently and thinking differently are important concepts nowdays.
In a digital world people have to think differently.
School success plays an important role in parents’ concerns. To learn means to live with others or to collaborate. To learn means to discover or to do something together. To learn means to solve a problem or to have an adventure. To...
This study aims to explore the importance of reading in the lives of children. In a world dominated by technology, for many children, reading is no longer a priority. During leisure time, children often prefer television, phones, the internet, and social media, but these will never replace the moral, cultural, and educational value of a book. For this reason, educators should...
Literatura pentru copii este și va rămâne un subiect de actualitate, care din păcate nu este pus în valoare. Cititul nu mai reprezintă o activitate dorită de noua generație, care preferă micile ecrane. Educatorii și profesorii trebuie să stăpânească foarte bine diverse mijloace prin care să expună copiilor poveștile, astfel încât să le capteze atenția.