22–25 Nov 2023
Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Europe/Bucharest timezone

The impact of video games on the moral behavior of the child

22 Nov 2023, 14:15
A2 (Amphitheater)



Technical University of Cluj-Napoca, North University Centre of Baia Mare Address: Baia Mare, Str. Dr. Victor Babeș 62A


Lupan Ioana-Maria (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centru Universitar Nord din Baia Mare)


Ioana – Maria Lupan
Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj – Napoca, Centrul Universitar Nord din Baia Mare
Facultatea de: Litere
Specializarea: Construcție și inovare curriculară

Over time, the needs and desires of students are in a constant state of change. New generations of children have direct exposure to technologies, growing and developing alongside them. Due to this, it is necessary to adapt our teaching style to their way of assimilating information. The need to adapt to a changing approach to subjects, especially in the nature of gaming, has motivated us to present solutions for the successful implementation of the educational plan in the following work. In the content of this paper, we will explore a set of video games with the aim of observing their impact on the moral behavior of the subjects.

Keywords: Alpha generation, video games, learning through play, education and technology.

Primary author

Lupan Ioana-Maria (Universitatea Tehnică din Cluj-Napoca, Centru Universitar Nord din Baia Mare)

Presentation materials