22–25 Nov 2023
Baia Mare, Technical University of Cluj-Napoca
Europe/Bucharest timezone

Incursiuni în dimensiunile literare ale visului

23 Nov 2023, 17:45


UFO - Romanian Language and Literature UFO - Romanian Language and Literature


Alexandra-Ioana Nechita (Colegiul Național ,,Vasile Lucaciu" Baia Mare) Antonia Carla Baltarescu (Colegiul National Vasile Lucaciu Baia Mare)


In the complex universe of human thoughts and emotions, the dream takes shape as a subtle bridge between man and divinity, between heart and reason, and between reality and imagination.
One of the oldest and most fascinating dream forms in literature is that of the premonitory dream, a theme rooted in the theocentric dimension of art. For instance, we have the biblical scene of Abraham and Sarah. The dream can also be found in the period of romanticism, in Mihai Eminescu's "Poor Dionis", but also in the current of surrealism, where it takes strange forms, propelling art to another level.

Primary authors

Alexandra-Ioana Nechita (Colegiul Național ,,Vasile Lucaciu" Baia Mare) Antonia Carla Baltarescu (Colegiul National Vasile Lucaciu Baia Mare)

Presentation materials